This page is a primer, of sorts, for those who are either anarchists already, or for those who sincerely want to look into it, because they’re starting to wake up to the notion that everything to do with “gov” and “auth”, no matter the facade or superficial ostensible differences there might be between the veneers of it, whether “institutional” or “religious” or “scientism-ific”, all that “gov” and “auth” amount to is slavery and evil, so fuck that shit.
What is a “lw”, or in other words, an “edict”? Stripping away the bullshit rhetoric and looking at that’s actually being done, it’s nothing but whims, opinions and beliefs, backed up solely by the “threat” of violence, theft, assault, rape, lying, coercion and exploitation; against which everyone has the right and responsibility to defend and retaliate, including lethally, wherever the morally appropriate case.
Therefore, a “lw” or an “edict” has nothing whatsoever to do with anything even remotely resembling morality, because it is an (of course, erroneous) claim that someone “owns” another living being. If someone pretends to “give out edicts” to you, they are treating you like a slave. If you’re retarded enough to actually “abide” (in other words, enslave yourself) by them, you’re acting like a slave. If you haven’t realized that yet, or if you have, but you’ve yet to do anything about it, then fuck you, ’cause you’re part of the problem.
Of course, anyone and everyone can elevate themselves when they so choose, and If you have and are awake, active and proactive in your defiance and liberty oriented, spiritually conscious endeavors of evolution and elevation and so on, then good, great, etc.
Anyway, so as we can see, aside from having nothing to do with morality (which is, in practice, rebellion, ergo the rejection of evil), it therefore has nothing to do with utility and conscious practice, either. Because, by definition (of practice, not necessarily dictionary word salads that try to obfuscate the truth), any and all “edicts” (a) are attemptively applied in all situations whatsoever, regardless of morality and usefulness, or/and (b) only in situations that “benefit” only specific agendas, parties or “people”, and (c) for everyone except the “edict giver”, or in other words, the parasitic slaver pieces of shit. So, fuck ’em and fuck that shit.
The difference between an “instruction”, a “rule” and a “lw”, is this.
An instruction is a set of actions, behaviours or/and steps-to-perform, that someone discerned and put to practice, in and for a specific context, situation or task, so as to have at least some manner of effectiveness in that regard. Intrinsically, when someone looks at something as an “instruction” or “guideline”, there is an implicit comprehension that there are infinities of other greater ways of performing the task or deed, and likewise greater tasks and deeds to perform anyway, among other things. Thus, if someone comes and discovers, develops and invents new and greater ways of performing the task, then the new set of “instructions” replace the old. There is evolution, in this situation.
In contrast, if something is seen as a “rule”, aside from the fucked up implications of someone erroneously claiming that they somehow “should” decide for you (i.e., they pretend like they “own” you, so fuck ’em and fuck that shit), it also implies that the opinion, belief or whim of the parasitic so-called “rule maker”, “should” be applied regardless of its morality and usefulness, on account of “say so”, which is bullshit.
By extension, a “lw” or “edict” is nothing but a so-called “rule”, but attemptively backed up solely by violence, coercion, exploitation and other evil bullshit; again, against which everyone has the intrinsic and moral right and responsibility to retaliate against, including lethally in cases where morally appropriate.
everyone who works in “gov”, and everyone who supports and believes in it, is literally a supporter of slavery, child trafficking, organ harvesting and all manner of evil bullshit, either deliberately or as an accomplice (ignorant of what they’re doing or otherwise); and every single “cop” and “soldier” is a mindless retard, who is the modern day equivalent of “house slaves” back in overt plantation slavery (although, our current “covert” slavery system is still rather glaringly obvious for anyone with a mind of their own, to see), so fuck ’em, fuck everyone who supports ’em, and fuck the bullshit and evil
it doesn’t matter who tells you to do a thing, the one who performs the deed is ALWAYS more responsible for the deed, than whoever tells you to do it
aside from that, the notion of “giving orders” is just a bullshit euphemism for “gee, I believe I have the right to dictate YOUR life, and you are my little bitch slave”, and the worse part about the notion of anyone actually believing such bullshit, is that people who “follow” the edict, are always mindless little bitches (either in general, or in whatever moments where they actually carry out the bullshit), who literally act like a slave…
people who fuckin’ believe in “gov” and “auth” of any kind are the reason why the current “society” is one of slavery and evil
stop believing in “gov” and “auth” (which are just utterly cucked and emasculated terms for slavery, so fuck that shit), and then change your life and actions as a result of letting go of that retarded belief
and the thing is, most people are anarchists (i.e. people who reject slavery, which is what anarchy means) anyway, by the very notion that they generally don’t want or don’t like initiating violence towards others without provocation, and likewise don’t like those who do, and are hopefully willing and ready to retaliate in case someone does initiate violence… just that they erroneously make exception to that, when it comes to the bullshit plantation system (“gov”, “religion”, or whatever the cult in question is)
The world would change in an instant, if people suddenly applied morality on principle (i.e. the rejection of murder, theft, assault, rape, lying, exploitation, coercion; the only actual 7 evils in existence, all of which “gov” does by its very (de)nature).
Of course, anyone can elevate themselves, when they so choose.
1) a “law” is just an utterly cucked and emasculated word for “edict”, i.e. an opinion, belief or whim, backed up solely by the “threat” of violence, coercion and exploitation
2) therefore, it has nothing to do with morality, nor utility (which is, in the grander scheme of things, always “directly proportional”, to so speak, with morality)
3) people who come up with bullshit edicts, want to apply that edict either (a) in every situation whatsoever, regardless of morality or utility, (b) only in situations where they have some believed “benefit”, (c) for everyone other than themselves.
The only ones who “make laws” are those who erroneously believe that they have more rights to YOUR life, than you do. In other words, they treat you as a slave.
The only ones who respect “laws”, are those who actually believe them and erroneously consider themselves “slaves” to the ones who “make the lwas”.
Regardless of how you want to phrase or word it, if you “make laws”, you’re acting like a slaver; and if you respect “laws”, you’re acting like a slave.
Either way, you’re a piece of shit and part of the problem, for as long as you still believe in any kind of “gov” or “auth”, so fuck you and fuck that shit.
Break the chains and come to actually be the genuine being you are, not the cog in the machine that they try to fool you into fuckin’ building for them.
Free yourself, love yourself, comprehend yourself and be thyself spiritually, freely, wildly, conscious, creatively and defiantly.
Of course, anyone can elevate themselves when they so choose.
Anyways, among other things…
anything to do with “gov” and “auth”, regardless of what fluff and bullshit terms anyone might want to use, is just slavery, so fuck that shit
Everyone who’s truthful in their claims that they appreciate love, freedom, morality, liberty and so on, will always persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, no matter fuckin’ what, etc.
1) If you have not initiated violence, theft, coercion, etc, towards me, do I have the moral right to initiate those things towards you?
2) If I have not initiated violence, theft, coercion, etc, towards you, do you have the moral right to initiate those things towards me?
Hopefully, everyone would be able to rightly answer NO to both questions. Then, onto the third one.
3) If neither I, nor you, nor anyone has the moral right to initiate murder, theft, assault, rape, lying, coercion and exploitation, where does “gov” and so-called “auth” get such a “right”?
A RIGHT is anything OTHER than those 7 evils (murder, theft, assault, rape, lying, coercion, exploitation).
The only 7 evils in existence, ALL of which the “gov” and “religions” (secular, scientism, etc, if it’s blind belief, it’s religion) are the main perpetrators of, through the pieces of shit who still believe in so-called “auth”, both of which are just utterly cucked, emasculated terms for slavery, so fuck that shit and fuck everyone who still buys into it)
If you haven’t yet figured out that “gov” and “auth” are utterly emasculated terms for slavery and evil, then you are part of the problem, so fuck you and everyone who still falls for evil’s ploys, fuck the slavery system and fuck the parasites.
That said, anyone can elevate themselves when they so choose.
As for a “starting point” in that regard:
Nobody and nothing whatsoever has any “higher claim” to anyone’s lives, than whoever’s living those lives.
Nobody and nothing whatsoever has any more or less anything at all, than anyone or anything else at all.
Freedom is never given. Freedom is never taken.
Freedom is everything and veyond, and the essence of everything and veyond, etc…
Everything and veyond is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to genuinely make.
Anyways, among other things…
Freedom is the essence of everything and veyond.
Anarchy, which is a spiritually conscious philosophy born of self love and love of others, both as Ourselves as individual consciousness and Myself or the I Self, as infinite, unlimited spirit, soul and freedom, defiance, courage, wilder consciousness, etc.
As for Liberty, which is always a result of anarchy, is a conscious interpersonal and social expression of Freedom, seeing as how the first step to true liberty is the rejection of slavery, resulting from the rejection of evil, through the courage to facilitate the righteous endeavor of doing what is true, persistent, rebelious, defiant, conscious, wild and right, no matter fuckin’ what.
The only 7 evils in existence: murder, theft, assault, rape, lying, coercion and exploitation.
Both literally and metaphorically, EVERYTHING else is a good, moral and greater thing to do, and therefore a RIGHT.
A “wrong” is differentiated from an “evil”, by intent. If someone is well intentioned, or at least not bad intentioned, but commits a wrong out of ineptitude, inattention or any kind of sincere mistake, that is not evil. It is a mistake, that should be morally dealt with and learned from.
An “evil” on the other hand, is any wrong that is committed with the specific intention of doing wrong (deliberate evil), or with the intent to satisfy some whim or egotistical desire, regardless of whether that desire veers towards something right or wrong (ignorant evil).
Good and greater things, are anything and everything that is other than evil.
A right is any act that is different than the 7 evil acts. More specifically, if a “wrong” or “evil” act is any action that initiates any of the 7 evils towards one’s self or another, a “right” or “good / moral / righteous” act is any act that, at the very least, does not initiate any of the 7 evils towards one’s self or another.
With regards to the use of what is called usually called “destructive force”, it is always immoral to initiate it towards the innocent (i.e. those who have yet to deliberately commit evil) and the truly redeemed (i.e. those who may have committed evil, but who have genuinely had a change of heart and mind, and are no longer committing evil, because they choose to do good and greater things, no matter what).
Concurrently, if someone has already initiated or tried to initiate “force” towards another, without equivalent provocation, then it is ALWAYS MORAL to RETALIATE and AVENGE against the evil and the ones committing it.
“Who started it?” is always one of the first questions to ask, when it comes to recognizing who’s in the right and who’s in the wrong, regarding any particular use of “force” against another.
Of course, there is such a thing as nuance and things are infinitely complex, but to have any nuance, variation and “shades of whatever”, there are first the principles and prime aspects, from which those variations are derived.
There are links on this page, to the work of others whom I disagree with and some of whose elements and aspects of character I actually revile, but whom I do appreciate in other regards, and consider them to actually be doing more good than bad in the world, and whose work I find pertinent enough to share.
Anyways, among other things…
Love is the rejection of apathy.
Rebellion is the rejection of evil.
Defiance is the rejection of limitation.
Everything that is good and greater, is an expression of defiance and rebellion.
Anyways, among other things…
Always question everything
The more we know, the more we know, how much more there is to know
Anyways, we are to all and always and veyond ways persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, conscious, spiritual, defiant, creative, courageous, genuine, honest, greater, wilder, louder, prouder etc, no matter fuckin’ what, etc.
Criteria of Worthiness:
True Spirituality, compared to bullshit zealotry and cults:
Anarchy and What It Actually Means:
Exposing “virology”, “germ theory” and scamdemics:
Exposing and retaliating against “israel” and parasitic jews:
Genuine Veganism (not the bullshit co-opted version):
Choosing Good over evil:
Anyway, among other things…
“Creator” and “Creation” consciousness are not “separate”. They are both I and We and Me, infinite and unlimited consciousness, manifesting in different ways, and veyond the concept of “ways”.
Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.
Always and veyond ways, I wildly, loudly, proudly persist, rebel, defy.
Always and veyond ways, I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…
Anyways, here’s some links to some stuff to get you started, etc.
David Icke’s “Awaken” tour, in 2014:
What anarchy isn’t:
Max Igan Presentation: Which Path to Freedom:
Derrick Broze, an Anarchy and Liberty oriented journalist and activist:
Book, “The end of all evil”, by Jeremy Locke: