
I’m currently looking for worthy partners, whether in my country (Romania) or/and on the internet, with whom to have some kind of worthwhile relationship that would be beneficial for everyone involved, and hopefully for whoever would benefit from the stuff that we would build together.

Worthy, in the context in question, means fulfilling all (or at least most, but preferably all) of the Criteria of Worthiness listed here:

These are in and of themselves, and in terms of what I would consider, some of the most “entry-level” criteria for any living being who would have any truth to the claim that they’ve earnestly begun their journey of growth and elevation in consciousness. There are, of course, living beings who have already begun this journey, but without yet having actually reached this “entry level” criteria, who are still of course doing more good than bad in the world, and whom I very much appreciate for all the actual good things that they’re doing. However, for as long as they still have something through which they currently still keep themselves from evolving to and past these “entry level” criteria, that’s what I would consider a “partial” or “half assed” evolution, hence they’ve yet to start their journey in consciousness in earnest, at that personal level, yet.

Thus, while I’d definitely still have patience with and of course try to help those people and such, as well, and still act like a genuine friend towards ‘em (as I do towards everyone, except parasites), I still would personally consider them “acquaintances”; whereas someone who has earnestly begun their journey in consciousness, is whom I’d personally consider an actual friend.

Of course, this isn’t to say that you or anyone should revolve your life around my or anyone else’s preferences, just on account of them being MY preferences (truth is independent of things like belief, opinion, popularity, etc), but it is a communication of what these preferences (which I consider in harmony with truth, etc) are.

Thus, if you fulfill those criteria, here is a list of various things that I enjoy, like or find some manner of pleasure or/and relief in doing, and likewise some of the skills that I currently have and express, which I definitely would be willing to use in contribution to whatever endeavors, projects and so on that we might facilitate, in addition to whatever else I’m already doing, among other things…

Art. Everything to do with art, in and of itself, is profoundly beautiful, for art is everything that is done for the sake itself of doing it, because we feel a spiritual knowing and comprehension that it is the right thing to do, and thus express the things in question, no matter fuckin’ what.

Thus, true art is more related to the approach and motivation and wisdom that one has towards things, and the honesty, courage and wild, furious and flowing passion that one has for the things they do, than it is to the result of “art piece production”, which is more like a translative process of trying to transcribe at least some aspects of what we seek to communicate, so that others would benefit from it.

For example, no matter the technical skill one expresses at any moment of their life, a painter is not an artist, if their motivation isn’t primarily because they love what they do, for the sake itself of doing it. If they engage in the creative and divine endeavor of true art, then one is a genuine and true artist, and so on, among other things…

Thus, in that sense, I consider myself a true and genuine artist, and I would love to actually find others who share that drive and passion, and so on, and so forth.

With regards to some of the things I like, it’s anything through which we might remind ourselves of what’s truly fuckin’ important, to love ourselves and love each other for the sake itself of doing so, and likewise to persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, no matter fuckin’ what.

As for the spiritual, philosophical, magickal, psychological and other aspects of this kind, do go ahead and read whatever articles you feel like, to get a gist of my ULTRA DIVINE WISDOM!!!



In addition to this kind of stuff, as for things to do with building some kind of project through personal and interpersonal means, among others, here are some of the skills that I’d like to contribute to the endeavor:

Writing. I’ve written however many zillions of articles, both on my sites and others, songs, poems, stage plays and skits, over twenty something books; none of the latter published as yet, because going the “publishing house” route sucks, and self publishing in the current “landscape” seemingly involves a whole bunch of “social” engagement that I have no patience for, especially with how shit most “people” have demonstrated themselves to fuckin’ be, during and after 2020.

Everyone can of course evolve, when they so choose.

Anyways, among other things…

Voice performance and performance in general. Whether it be narration, characters, stage play, cinematography, podcasting, singing, public speaking, presenting, etc.

Drawing, painting and design.

Game design.

Some experience with modeling and sculpting.

Video, Audio and Photo editing.

Energy play and work, reiki type stuff, body massage, etc, both therapeutic and erotic.

Among other things…


As for some of my other interests:

Good and conscious stories and music that communicate inspiring messages of liberation and growth in consciousness, etcetera; whether it be any kind of anime, cartoons, shows, games, music or/and any other means, so long as it’s worthy, it’s worthy.

Written roleplay, whether story oriented, erotic or both.

Permaculture and off-grid stuff.


Anyways, among other things…

Always question everything.

The more we know, the more we know, how much more there is to know.

Anyways, we are to all and always and veyond ways persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, conscious, spiritual, defiant, creative, courageous, genuine, honest, greater, wilder, louder, prouder etc, no matter fuckin’ what, etc.



Anyway, among other things…

“Creator” and “Creation” consciousness are not “separate”. They are both I and We and Me, infinite and unlimited consciousness, manifesting in different ways, and veyond the concept of “ways”.

Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.

Always and veyond ways, I wildly, loudly, proudly persist, rebel, defy.

Always and veyond ways, I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…