So… for a while now, I’ve been having some of the people around me starting to seem like they were becoming anarchists, saying that “yeah, the state is evil not just as an institution, but in concept, so fuck it”, or “we’ll never vote again”… yet, when the new selections for which parasitic puppet gets to sit on the “throne” for the next four years arrived, pretty much all of them went back into “state cultist mode”, as if we haven’t even had those conversations on however many occasions, prior.
So, yet again, I’ll look to dismantle the common so-called “arguments” of “statism”, why they’re bullshit and the blatant contradictions and retardation of them, and likewise, why it is such that anarchy, both as a spiritual philosophy and in terms of application regarding things like behaviour, is always not only the better of the two options (liberty vs slavery), but why it’s the only good option of the two.
To note, in this article, I won’t be debating which particular method of social organization, to which most people seem to cling to nowadays, is more or less effective at facilitating some kind of social cohesion. That’s another topic, which I’ve discussed in other articles.
What this article is going to elaborate on, is partially why “statism” and “religion” have nothing whatsoever to do with any methodology of social organization, all of which would either be swiftly overcome if conceptually faulty, or improved and elevated upon, if conceptually conscious and pertinent, etc, and likewise on why “statism” and “religion” are not only counter productive to anything that’s actually good, when applied in any kind of context, but are also evil and degrading, by design.
First, some definitions. Perhaps you use these terms differently than I do, but for the sake of clarity, I want to define how I use these terms, on account of what the things in question are either conceptually, or/and how they’re utilized in practice.
What is “evil”, conceptually? It is the limited aspect (thus, easy to define) of divine consciousness, and thus always tends towards limitation, degradation, ignorance and scarcity.
What is “good”, conceptually? It is the infinite, unlimited and unbound aspect (thus harder to define, and eventually, veyond the concept of description and definition) of divine, divinity and veyond, etc. Thus, it always tends towards growth, evolution, elevation, infinite, unlimited and good and greater things, etc, among other things…
Cool. Anyone can use these words, either to speak truth, express themselves consciously, know and comprehend what the fuck they’re talking about, and do good and greater things, and so on and so forth; or alternatively, use them as “buzzwords” and “flowery language”, while doing the opposite of what they claim.
How to distinguish which is which?
There are many ways, including divine awareness and veyond, etc, among other things…
Anyways, one of them is to also look at the implications of what someone is saying, and if it actually matches what they’re doing in practice.
So, in that sense, what is “evil” in practice and in terms of things like behaviours and performed acts?
The only 7 evils in existence: murder (killing without equivalent provocation; using lethal force in retaliation against equivalent provocation, is always moral), theft, assault, rape, lying, coercion and exploitation.
What is good, in terms of things like behaviours and performed acts?
Both literally and metaphorically, fuckin’ everything that is other than evil.
In other words, if it’s not part of the 7 evils, then it’s a good and greater, moral and right, conscious and wilder, honest and so on, thing to do.
So, what does the slavery system of “gov” and the belief in “auth” of any kind do? In and of themselves as notions, outside the context of whatever skills or the people who perform those skills might do? Literally nothing other than the 7 evils.
If you kill someone, to defend yourself or your family against violence, especially if it’s against a piece of shit house slave (“cop/soldier/tax collector”), “no, that’s bad”, they erroneosly say.
If they try to actually murder, kidnap or imprison someone, for having performed a “crime” (literally anything that is against the whims of a political parasites, who scribbles some ink on a piece of paper), then “nah, that’s totally fine”, they would erroneously and pathetically vomit out of their mouth.
If you try to steal from someone, “no, that’s bad” (technically it is, but that’s beside the point).
If they try to steal from everyone, “no, that’s totally fine”, they would once again spew forth from their frothing and decrepit mouths.
It’s the same bullshit fuckin’ pattern: “I have more rights than you do, and morality is different for me… because… reasons! Yes, reasons! I believe so! That’s “reason” enough!”
Which is bullshit, but which bullshit is either openly admitted, or alternatively, cloaked in a façade of “eloquence” and “care” and “compassion”, when it comes to the gullible masses who still want to fuckin’ make excuses for their support of slavery and evil, so fuck ‘em all and fuck that shit.
Anyway, onto dismantling such veneers of so-called “eloquence” and “argumentation”…
“B-b-but, without “gov”, there would be mayhem and violence everywhere, aaah!”
Bullshit. I challenge you to find a single instance or situation where “gov” is involved, and it doesn’t imply either any one, any combination, or all of the 7 evils (murder, theft, assault, rape, lying, coercion and exploitation). I guarantee you, there is none, because the 7 evils is what “gov” is fundamentally based on, in both inception and practice.
Here’s a list of things that would not exist, and why they wouldn’t exist, without the belief in “gov” and so-called “auth”:
If people recognized the truth of, and applied the idea of “Live and let live. Do no harm, but take no shit.”; i.e. non-violence (don’t initiate destructive force on those who have either not done that yet, or who have redeemed themselves and aren’t doing it anymore) and righteous defense (of self and others, against those who do actually try to initiate destructive force, without equivalent provocation, thus making it violence).
Even if there would still be localized violence and skirmishes, because there might still be some evil pieces of shit somewhere, it would never actually reach the scale of an outright war, because people wouldn’t consider the evil and the pieces of shit who perform it as “justified”, and thus would swiftly rush to defend themselves and each other from the violent shitsacks.
Wars, by definition, require that there be some parasitic “figureheads”, who then point their fat and slobby finger in a direction, to send others to go initiate violence on people they’ve never met, to rape, pillage and plunder and all sorts of evil bullshit.
In actuality, it’s worse than that, because it’s not even a primitive tribal mentality at fault here (which would be bad enough), because in the context of our current “society”, wars are actually just a blood sport and depopulation / genocide “tactic”, where the “figureheads” of seemingly “opposing” sides of countries, actually get together behind closed doors, and come up with deals, proposals and methods of how to dupe the masses into supporting the mass murder of both themselves and their alleged “opponents”.
Why is it that, in every war whatsoever, it’s always the people that go through hardship, famine, suffering and so on, while the alleged “opposing figureheads” always get richer (only in terms of “material wealth” though; in every other regards, they’re devoid of any actually meaningful qualities, let alone “wealth” of such)?
War would not exist without “statism” or “religion” in general, for many reasons, including that people would not initiate violence against others, and would rightly retaliate against those who do, and do it effectively.
Theft would likewise go nowhere, because even if there might be local thieves every now and again, if people in general rightly recognized that there nobody has the “right” to steal, because no such “right” exists, because it is a “wrong”, they would, again, retaliate against the thieves, regardless of who they were, what they did or what costumes they wore.
Likewise with all the other evils, which would go nowhere, because nobody would recognize them as “right” or “justified”, and would see them for the bullshit they actually fuckin’ are.
Those who aren’t practical psychopaths, would no longer make up excuses for evil being carried out, while those who are actually practicing psychopaths, would eventually realize that “Hey, we’re only interested in our own pleasures, fuck everyone else. However, stealing and violating others doesn’t seem to work… how do I satisfy my urges and egotistical pleasures, if violence and theft doesn’t work?”
And, sooner or later, they’ll realize that if they’ll have to find other means of pleasure and satisfaction than violence, ‘cause that doesn’t work, and will eventually either outgrow their psychopathy or/and find some other moral way to satisfy their compulsive desires for egotistical pleasure, even if they remain egotistical, narcissistic assholes for the remainder of that life.
Even those who are, say, “primary” psychopaths and just do not express any capacity, on that personal level yet, to actually derive pleasure or relief from anything other than trying to initiate violence, pain and suffering towards others… well, again, they’ll be swiftly dealt with and killed, way earlier than they would be in a situation of “gov” and so-called “auth”, because people will actually and consciously fuckin’ assume responsibility for their own choices, lives, actions and so on.
Which they have anyway, but in that they’ll now consciously and discerningly choose to assume it, and thus express greater things in every moment, than all moments prior, etc, among other things…
Of course, everyone can elevate themselves, when they so choose, etc.
Onto the topic of responsibility…
“We have a responsibility to actually make society and the world a better place.” Is what some statists with an inkling of a tendency towards morality would say.
“True.” I would reply.
Then, the statist does an unironic 180, without even realizing it: “So, we have to “vote” to have someone… bring about what we want… in our stead.”
Aside from the notion that “gov” and “auth” are just utterly cucked and emasculated words for slavery, and aside from the notion that it’s never been the case that any political parasite actually kept their “promises to the people”… think about the cognitive dissonance and infantility of that affirmation.
“I have the responsibility… to have someone else… do things in my stead.”
That’s not an “assumption of responsibility”. That’s an irresponsible little bitch saying “mommy, daddy, pwease beat up that nasty kid who doesn’t do things my way.”
Some statists would gawk at this and say: “Oh, but we are against violence!”
To which the question would be: “Do you think that anything that those in “gov”, who erroneously and pathetically claim to have “auth” (which they don’t, ‘cause it doesn’t exist as anything other than a delusion), do is in any way a suggestion? An advice? A recommendation? It is just opinions, whims and beliefs, backed up solely by the “threat” of violence, theft, assault and murder.”
Anyone with any figment of a spine, would recognize it for what it is, and not only reject the bullshit, but outright retaliate against it, through speaking out, and of course, actual combat of whatever kind, whenever they “come knockin’” and try to “talk” through their guns.
Reject and retaliate against the bullshit, and always persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, no matter fuckin’ what.
Anyways, when it comes to other arguments from “statists”…
“B-b-but, although anarchy may be good in “theory”, practically it’s not an effective means of social organization.”
Anarchy is NOT a fuckin’ method of “social organizing”.
Anarchy, or in other words rebellion, or in other words MORALITY, is the rejection of evil. In practice and “social interactions”, it comes in the form of rejecting the 7 evils (murder, theft, assault, rape, lying, coercion and exploitation).
It is a spiritual principle and a moral philosophy, through which all interactions between living beings should be facilitated, if there is to actually be growth in consciousness and socially organized cohesion.
It doesn’t fuckin’ matter what the “system” or “means” or “method” of social organization is. If it’s carried out with MORALITY (i.e. rejection of the 7 evils), then it’s ALWAYS going to actually be far more effective, than if done in an evil manner.
Why is that? For both exoteric, esoteric and veyond esoteric reasons, which I’ve explained and will continue to explain in other articles, and through other means and in other ways and veyond ways, etc…
As for this article…
Let’s look at things from the perspective of a slaver, operating a plantation.
What do you think a slaver would want, if they want to keep the plantation operational, and those they erroneously consider “slaves” to keep “working” for them?
Would they want conscious, creative, intelligent and moral individuals, who stand up for themselves, and come up with conscious ways to organize themselves effectively?
Or would they want gullible, infantile and retarded “people”, who only express enough “technical aptitude” to perform the given tasks?
Would they want independent individuals, organizing amongst themselves and coming up with better ways of doing things, than the “tasks” presented by the slaver and the plantation’s “policies”?
Or, would they want retarded “people” operating like a hive mind or a herd?
Would they want people to converse, debate and interact in such ways that they use their similarities to come together, and their differences to learn from and about themselves and each other?
Or would they want petty golems and retards, bickering among themselves, while continuing to work and to the slaver’s bidding?
Would they want to give or remind them of effective means and ways to evolve and elevate, or move around more aptly, and explore more things more consciously?
Or, would they want to keep have them be in a state of ignorance, apathy and infantility?
Would they want to have them armed, with knowledge, comprehension, wisdom and mysticism, magick, spells and weapons, to use for various purposes, including righteous retaliation?
Or would they want the “cattle” weak, pathetic and disarmed?
It should be very obvious, that slavery relies on the weakness, ignorance, apathy and infantility of its “target audience”.
Therefore, a “society” that revolves around slavery, is going to express those same traits, because the “people” who support such a “society” express those traits, and therefore would be utterly inept in terms of making any decisions that are actually apt and conscious.
In contrast, in a situation of anarchy and an anarchic society (which, by the way, is not an “utopia” by any means, but rather barely even the starting point of any worthwhile species or society), everyone will want to actually become greater, more courageous, creative, defiant, knowing, comprehending, expressive, honest and so on, for the sake itself of doing so, in principle and so on, among other things…
“B-b-but, people aren’t there yet. Most people in our current society are shit, let alone actually being at a higher level of consciousness.”
No shit. Therefore, do you not see the blatantly obvious solution?!
“Sure I do… we should vote and hope it gets better.”
This is the point where statists pretty much show how retarded they are, on that level of their personality and cognitive dissonance.
It’s like saying: “Gee, people do bad things, and these “candidates” also do way worse things and we know they’re lying through their teeth. I want things to actually be better… so I should keep doing bad things, and trust the liars, thieves and murderers, and enable to continue doing the bad stuff… and hope it’s gonna get better.”
You don’t fuckin’ solve a problem, by continuing to propagate the fuckin’ cause of it!
You solve a problem, by recognizing what the problem is, why it’s there, what’s better and then raise your consciousness to have a greater vantage point and perspective, and then come up with greater solutions from that higher awareness, knowing, comprehension, expression, etc. Which things should be done for their own sake and intrinsic beauty, not just for problem solving, but you get the ideas, etc.
“B-b-but, we’re choosing the lesser of two evils. That’s good, right?”
NO, it fuckin’ ISN’T!
“Gee, should I drink cyanide or arsenic? What do you think?”
Do you want to fuck yourself up, then?
“No, I want to not drink poison.”
Then, don’t drink the poison.
“Whaaaaaat?! I have to drink the poison. Just, the less poisonous one.”
So, you do want to poison yourself.
“No, I want to not drink poison.”
*face palms so hard, humanity awakens from its slumber… hopefully
Then, again… choose something other than the poison!
“No, I gotta drink the poison, and hope that I don’t poison myself.”
*apparently, didn’t face palm hard enough
Again, you won’t solve a problem, through the same level of conscience and consciousness that spawned the problem, in the first place. And you’re definitely not “helping” to improve any situation, by feeding and enabling what’s wrong with it.
And, the part of the problem is, most people in our current “society” don’t want to do what is right. They just want to pretend like they’re “good people”, so that they feel superficially “good” about themselves, and the evils they’re condoning, supporting or committing.
Even worse, is that most don’t yet even recognize this. Even worse, is that they’re not even willing to consider that they’re wrong, ironically, even if they do recognize that they’re wrong and inconsistent. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch, to those who fall for it.
It is usually at this point, that when statists realize they’re morally in the wrong, they’ll glaze over that topic and try to talk about “effectiveness” regarding “social organization”, and ask about “well, how would we solve this, and this, and this and that other very specific problem?!”
“What would someone else… err, I mean, what would we do about DA ROAAAAADZ!?!”
Or, alternatively, if they don’t want to bother with the details concerning their own responsibility, or the things actually involved in the endeavors in question, they’ll generalize and say: “But, what about DA ROAAAAADZ!?!”
The arguments given here apply to both “DA ROAAAAADZ” and any other endeavor, where people come together to collaborate on a project of mutual benefit, and it should become clearly evident, why “gov” always tries to “impede” progress, and never tries to improve any situation or endeavor, whatsoever.
Who do you think is more apt to endeavor on a particular task? Say, building a road from point A to point B?
People with the designs (architects), skills (the builders) and the resources (the funders and contributors) to do the thing? Who then work together, voluntarily, to build the road from point A to point B? In such a way that does not initiate evil towards others? And in such ways that are open to improvement, innovation, creativity and elevation?
Like, for example, let’s say in the process of building a road, you come across me, and I have developed some kind of means of teleportation or/and other things more advanced, for example. Or/and, I have some designs for a flying vehicle that’s cheap and easy to produce, taps into the ether and operates on free energy, and which everyone can make in their backyard.
Or, any other means and things that would make the notion of “roaaaadz” utterly obsolete.
Do you think there should be someone “in charge”, with a greedy and manipulative attitude, who wants to profit off of the workers and everyone who uses the roads, by making the production last artificially long, be specifically ineffective and frought with design or build issues (for later “repair deals” and more money laundering; well, all “money” is fake and bullshit, but that’s another topic)? Or who would want to try and obscure knowledge from the public about other more advanced means of transportation, that would make roads obsolete?
This is a longer topic, regarding ancient history and secret tech and magick, etc, concerning stuff that’s mostly not available to the “general public”, through “official” means anyway, and while that’s another topic in an of itself, as for how it pertains to this particular article and the topic in question…
If there was no “gov”, nor the belief in so-called “auth”… in other words, if there was no slavery, roads would have been obsolete for ages, by now.
Besides, let’s look at two scenarios.
Here we have the people with skills, know how and actual fuckin’ expertise, without “gov”.
In the other corner, we have “gov” and so-called “auth”, without any of the people with skills and aptitudes to actually build anything.
It should be pretty fuckin’ obvious, who wins. Hint: it’s never “gov” and “auth”, which always loses by design, ‘cause it’s evil and utterly relies on the weakness and gullibility of another, which it tries to trick to carry out its ploys.
If your “success” relies on someone else’s weakness, what does that say about you? That you’re weaker than weak.
In contrast…
Truly conscious, independent and elevating beings (everything other than evil), thrive on their own, regardless of what abundance or adversity they face, and we always persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, no matter the “death, pain and torture” and no matter the “pleasure, joy and happiness” we’d experience, and no matter fuckin’ what.
“B-b-but, how will we defend ourselves against invading armies?”
Arm yourselves, organize among yourselves and retaliate against the invading armies, and refuse whatever bullshit they try to proliferate.
Which do you think is, aside from the moral choice, more effective for defense in the context of an invasion? An army that’s a small portion of the population, lead by psychopathic pieces of shit (who, let’s say in this context, aren’t in cahoots with the “invading” party), who tries to operate the “homeland” like a slave plantation, and who might very well sell out the nation, if the “invading” party offers a partnership they deem “profitable”?
Or, a courageous, armed, ready and willing population, who are wild and defiant and will always stand up in freedom, truth and principles, etc, and who will fight anyone who tries to infringe on their liberty?
The latter is always going to actually be more effective, aside from it being the actual moral choice.
“B-b-but, what if the people don’t know how to defend themselves and organize.”
Well, if they’re not a cohesive society, but are still individually conscious people, they can defend locally and, of course, reject the occupation and come up with other ways of retaliation, than “social cohesion”. Of which there are infinities, but again, that’s another topic that I have and will express in other articles.
“B-b-but, what if people won’t do that, either.”
Well, then I guess they deserve to fuckin’ be trampled.
“B-b-but, what if we “need gov”, to defend us against invasions?”
Have you not fuckin’ heard anything I said!?
Let’s look at it another way… you don’t want the “other nation” to invade, because you want to live your life as you want to live it, not how someone else wants you to live it, correct? In other words, you don’t want to have someone use violence, as a means of trying to get you to do stuff you don’t want; or not do stuff you do want; correct?
“Fuck yeah! That’s why we “need gov”!”
What does “gov” do, other than try to use violence, as a means of trying to get you to do stuff you don’t want; or don’t do stuff you do want?
At this point, most “statists” almost black out and glaze over the question.
“B-b-but… we “need” gov to protecus! Protecuuuus!”
So, you’re literally fuckin’ saying: “Gee, we should let some people harass, steal from and kill us… so that they can protect us from… people who try to… harass, steal from and kill us.”
“B-b-but, what if that guy is going to attack first?!”
Have they attacked, or do you know for sure that they’re seriously planning to, or that they’re on the verge of attacking?
“No, b-b-but… they could! We should attack ‘em first!”
“Ow! Why’d you smack me?”
Gee, well, I assumed you might have potentially attacked me. So, I attacked you first… in “self defense”, of course. Fuck! What if… you could try to kill me!
“Well, I don’t want to, and I also don’t plan to, ‘cause that’d be wrong.”
Yeah, but you see, you could still potentially try to kill me! I HAVE TO KILL YOU NAOW!
“You’d be the evil attacker, then.”
PRECISELY! And you would have the RIGHT to RETALIATE! As I would, if you’d be the evil attacker! Do you see why your so-called “logic” is bullshit?!
“Well, between the two of us, sure. B-b-but, it’s different, when billions of people are involved!”
Because FREEDOM and TRUTH and such, MORALITY and PRINCIPLES and so on, do not change with context!
FREEDOM, TRUTH and PRINCIPLES, and such, are as they are, by virtue of themselves, regardless of opinion, belief, popularity, etc.
“B-b-but… for the good of the country!
“Like, we know the system has “some issues”, but if we believe hard enough and hope that it’ll change, or that the “right type” of slaver sits on the throne, and whips us slightly less than the previous one… for the good of the countreeeeh! Mother nation and muh roadz! MUH ROADZ! Roadz, roadz, roadz! Muh roadz!”
So, on account of there potentially being someone, from way over there, who might want to initiate some violence against you, perhaps, maybe… your “solution” is to certainly have someone closer to you enact that same violence? Just so long as it’s slightly different, in terms of façade? That’s fuckin’ bullshit! Go fuck yourself.
Again, regardless of which is the more “strict” or “lenient” form of slavery, it’s still fuckin’ slavery and evil, and thus to actually be abolished and destroyed and rejected.
If you want a world that’s good, choose good.
If you want a world of liberty, choose liberty.
If you want a world of whatever you want, choose whatever you want.
And, let’s say that, in the aggregate of the human species, during your lifespan, you’ve chosen the right things, but humanity still sucks.
However, you will have not contributed to the evil, and instead you will have contributed to humanity eventually rising up, because through your right choices and right actions and so on, will have elevated yourself in consciousness, and thus brought the rest of humanity closer to its eventual conscious liberation.
Every individual is responsible for his or her own choices. There is no such thing as “social responsibility”, which is just a euphemism for “duty”, which itself is a euphemism for “obligation”, which is a euphemism for “blindly doing what someone else said”, which means trying to abdicate your personal responsibility and expression of conscience; therefore, if you do that, not only are you animalic in your fuckin’ behaviour, but even worse, you are literally trying to act like an automaton or inanimate object.
But, you have not come into the world like a fuckin’ chair or a cum rag, so stop acting like one.
You have come here as a conscious expression of divinity, and as divinity “roleplaying” as your current character and being, so express your intrinsic beauty and express the greater aspects of divine divinity and veyond, which is the essence and everything and veyond, etc, among other things…
Don’t congratulate yourself, for other people’s successes. Likewise, don’t congratulate others, for your own successes.
Concurrently, don’t blame yourself for other people’s bullshit. Likewise, don’t blame others for your own.
Everyone’s choices are their own and their own responsibility to actually decide. That’s personal responsibility.
However, seeing as how there’s not “separation”, and everything is spiritual, divine, divinity and veyond, etc… well, everyone and veyond, is essentially responsible for everything and veyond, etc, among other things…
Anyways, continuing with the topic, among other things…
Anyway, thing is, true anarchy is not what people refer to as “mayhem and violence”, which is what the slavery system of “gov” and any form of the belief in “auth” peddles by definition, except in a vaguely organized form.
Wars do not exist without “gov” or the belief in so-called “auth”; there may still be localized violence, but without the erroneous belief that some have “more rights” than others, and without the erroneous belief that “if you kill people without equivalent provocation, that’s murder! if we do the same, that’s justice!”, there wouldn’t be wars.
slavery (which is what “gov” and “auth” are emasculated terms for) does not exist without the erroneous belief that morality somehow applies “differently” to others
Regardless of what “rights” are defined as “officially” (which means “by the office of”, thus having no bearing on whether or not something is true), or what anyone believes, a TRUE RIGHT is “any action that does NOT initiate murder, theft, assault, rape, lying, coercion and exploitation” (which are literally the only 7 evils in existence; everything else is a good and greater and RIGHT thing to do).
Think of ANY situation, where the slavery system of “gov” doesn’t commit evil. There is none.
The “useful” stuff that’s done by THE PEOPLE who, unfortunately, still work for the slavery system (like the road builders, for those retards who bring up the “b-b-but what about dah roadz” excuse), has nothing to do with the institution of “gov”, but with the skills and know-how regarding the task in question.
Remove “gov” from the equation, along with the belief in “auth”, and suddenly you’ll find that everything starts flourishing and evolving much more swiftly and quickly, because there is no artificial and erroneous bullshit through which people would stunt their growth and evolution.
So, “gov” and the erroneous belief in so-called “auth” has been around for ages, in our society, correct? How has that worked out? Is the current iteration of “human society” any “bastion of enlightment” or wisdom of any kind? It isn’t. It’s a slave farm,so fuck that shit and whoever supports it.
Each and every person in this “society” is personally responsible for where “humanity” in the aggregate is going, by virtue of what choices they actually make on their own. Whether you recognize it or not, everyone impacts and contributes to change, both through what they do and what they don’t do.
If you’re not yet doing anything to help humanity evolve, you’re “helping” it degrade.
If you’re doing more good than bad, you’re helping humanity evolve and elevate itself, etc.
For both exoteric (plane of effects), esoteric (causal realms) and veyond esoteric (veyond “form”) reasons, everything that everyone does has IMPACT, PURPOSE and MEANING.
Everything has purpose. Otherwise, it wouldn’t exist.
Because, among other things…
Everyone and everything is intrinsically divine, divinity and veyond, etc, among other things…
Recognizing and integrating this divine wisdom and such is infinitely important, etc.
Among other things…
That, in addition with overcoming the proxy “mommy” and “daddy”, infantile attitude of so-called “adults” who are still statists (i.e., who support slavery, ’cause they’re brainwashed retards, at that point in their lives), would mean that people would actually express their inner child and add true maturity and conscious spirituality (not religion) into it, and would thus consciously choose to assume responsibility way more readily, for everything; including arming, readying and preparing themselves for self defense and mutual defense, against whoever and whatever would try to commit evil.
And, of course, anyone can elevate themselves when they so choose.
Nobody who’s a parasite and manipulator is ever a “genius”, by any means; they only have an extremely low level “cleverness”, that I guess might pass as “smart”, compared to how utterly retarded most people in our current “society” seem to be.
But, anyway, thing is, anything to do with genuine “genius”… which is a relative term, because if everyone in a particular context or group is a genius, nobody in that group would be considered as such, relative to each other; therefore, a “genius” is something that expresses a significantly higher aptitude in whatever regard, in this case cognition and other such things to do with knowing, comprehending and expressing, etc, compared to what you’re making the comparison.
Anyway, if we’re talking about the QUALITY of GENIUS, and not the comparative “genial” of quantitative comparison, then it’s something to do with independent and evolving, elevating aptitude, in whatever regard we’re talking about. Therefore, as an independent aptitude, those of us who actually fuckin’ express these trait, THRIVE in expressing these traits, regardless of adversity or abundance.
In other words, if your “success” relies on other people’s weakness (gullibility and other such bullshit, in the case of propaganda), then what does that say about you? It definitely isn’t a display of “smartz” by any means, because instead of using whatever would be your actual intelligence to evolve and elevate yourself, and help provide a catalyst for others to do as such as well, you’re using your ego driven, basic and rudimentary “cleverness”, to exploit someone else’s idiocy.
If a truly intelligent individual challenges themselves, both by surrounding themselves with others who are personally either as or smarter than they currently are, and of course through looking to actually be better and greater in every moment, than who they were the moment prior… what does that say about those who seek to exploit the gullible and wretched, and who rub shoulders with retards, morons, the “dead” and the depraved? It certainly says that they’re either as, or more depraved than those with whom they find “solace” in hanging around.
Truly elevating individuals intrinsically desire and seek to elevate themselves in every regard, and in so doing, would prefer to see others grow, as well; and if or when we come across some retards, then we either try to help them, or leave them be. But a true genius and elevating individual will NEVER seek to live at the expense of others, nor to fuck up those who’ve done them no wrong.
So, if I’ve built a road, a bridge or anything else, of my own resources and energy… why wouldn’t I want to share it freely with others? Of course, that is so long as they’re not evil pieces of shit, and are not trying to take advantage of my kindness.
Sure, I could put a “price” on it, for those who haven’t contributed to the endeavor, but still want to use it for their benefit; and it, technically, wouldn’t be an immoral thing to do.
But, see, morality has to do with rejecting evil. That is the “base line” or “starting point” of morality.
However, there are infinitely more advanced and greater things to do, than that.
You can voluntarily build your bridge or road, and bicker about how to “price” your fees for using it, while sneering at those who haven’t “contributed”, but who now want to utilize it, and I wouldn’t call you an “immoral piece of shit” for doing that, for you wouldn’t be as such.
However, it would be a sign of greater growth in consciousness, to share freely with everyone, out of the kindness of your heart, while of course having the sharpness of mind and grit of vigilance, to reject and retaliate against evil.
And of course, have all elements and aspects in harmony spiritual wisdom and so on, etc, among other things…
What one does towards others, is a reflection of what one does towards one’s self, and vice versa.
Love thyselves, and love each other. Live and let live. Do no (unjust or unprovoked) harm, but take no shit. Non-violence, in addition to self-defense / defense of others.
Of course individuals are ABOVE “society”. Society is a… well, social construct. It does not exist, as an actual thing, in itself.
You have no people, you have no “society”. Period. “Society” fuckin’ means “a bunch of individuals who coexist in an at least somewhat cohesive fashion”.
It you want a strong and liberty oriented society, then one of the pillars of that endeavor, is the individual. The stronger and wiser every individual, the stronger and wiser the society as a whole becomes.
Do note that all individuals, in the sense of rights and morality, are EQUALS, regardless of the differences in manifested aptitudes, skills, knowledge, etc.
Thus, when you put the individual above society, you are putting individuals rightly above a social construct that does not actually exist as its own thing.
When you put priority on “society” more than individuals, you are literally putting priority on the whims of SOME individuals, and twisting your expression of morality, so as to excuse the bullshit of said individuals, while trying to oppress the other individuals who are not part of “the club”, so to speak.
Hopefully, you’re able to see why that’s bullshit, and why putting individuals above “society”, which they intrinsically fuckin’ are anyway, is how you facilitate a genuinely strong, conscious and liberty oriented society, etc.
everyone who works in “gov”, and everyone who supports and believes in it, is literally a supporter of slavery, child trafficking, organ harvesting and all manner of evil bullshit, either deliberately or as an accomplice (ignorant of what they’re doing or otherwise); and every single “cop” and “soldier” is a mindless retard, who is the modern day equivalent of “house slaves” back in overt plantation slavery (although, our current “covert” slavery system is still rather glaringly obvious for anyone with a mind of their own, to see), so fuck ’em, fuck everyone who supports ’em, and fuck the bullshit and evil
It doesn’t matter who tells you to do a thing, the one who performs the deed is ALWAYS more responsible for the deed, than whoever tells you to do it
aside from that, the notion of “giving orders” is just a bullshit euphemism for “gee, I believe I have the right to dictate YOUR life, and you are my little bitch slave”, and the worse part about the notion of anyone actually believing such bullshit, is that people who “follow” the edict, are always mindless little bitches (either in general, or in whatever moments where they actually carry out the bullshit), who literally act like a slave…
people who fuckin’ believe in “gov” and “auth” of any kind are the reason why the current “society” is one of slavery and evil
Stop believing in “gov” and “auth” (which are just utterly cucked and emasculated terms for slavery, so fuck that shit), and then change your life and actions as a result of letting go of that retarded belief.
And the thing is, most people are anarchists (i.e. people who reject slavery, which is what anarchy means) anyway, by the very notion that they generally don’t want or don’t like initiating violence towards others without provocation, and likewise don’t like those who do, and are hopefully willing and ready to retaliate in case someone does initiate violence… just that they erroneously make exception to that, when it comes to the bullshit plantation system (“gov”, “religion”, or whatever the cult in question is)
The world would change in an instant, if people suddenly applied morality on principle (i.e. the rejection of murder, theft, assault, rape, lying, exploitation, coercion; the only actual 7 evils in existence, all of which “gov” does by its very (de)nature).
Of course, anyone can elevate themselves, when they so choose.
1) a “law” is just an utterly cucked and emasculated word for “edict”, i.e. an opinion, belief or whim, backed up solely by the “threat” of violence, coercion and exploitation
2) therefore, it has nothing to do with morality, nor utility (which is, in the grander scheme of things, always “directly proportional”, to so speak, with morality)
3) people who come up with bullshit edicts, want to apply that edict either (a) in every situation whatsoever, regardless of morality or utility, (b) only in situations where they have some believed “benefit”, (c) for everyone other than themselves.
The only ones who “make laws” are those who erroneously believe that they have more rights to YOUR life, than you do. In other words, they treat you as a slave.
The only ones who respect “laws”, are those who actually believe them and erroneously consider themselves “slaves” to the ones who “make the lwas”.
Regardless of how you want to phrase or word it, if you “make laws”, you’re acting like a slaver; and if you respect “laws”, you’re acting like a slave.
Either way, you’re a piece of shit and part of the problem, for as long as you still believe in any kind of “gov” or “auth”, so fuck you and fuck that shit.
Break the chains and come to actually be the genuine being you are, not the cog in the machine that they try to fool you into fuckin’ building for them.
Free yourself, love yourself, comprehend yourself and be thyself spiritually, freely, wildly, conscious, creatively and defiantly.
Of course, anyone can elevate themselves when they so choose.
Anyways, among other things…
anything to do with “gov” and “auth”, regardless of what fluff and bullshit terms anyone might want to use, is just slavery, so fuck that shit
Everyone who’s truthful in their claims that they appreciate love, freedom, morality, liberty and so on, will always persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, no matter fuckin’ what, etc.
So, here are some questions and such, among other things…
1) If you have not initiated violence, theft, coercion, etc, towards me, do I have the moral right to initiate those things towards you?
2) If I have not initiated violence, theft, coercion, etc, towards you, do you have the moral right to initiate those things towards me?
Hopefully, everyone would be able to rightly answer NO to both questions. Then, onto the third one.
3) If neither I, nor you, nor anyone has the moral right to initiate murder, theft, assault, rape, lying, coercion and exploitation, where does “gov” and so-called “auth” get such a “right”?
A RIGHT is anything OTHER than those 7 evils (murder, theft, assault, rape, lying, coercion, exploitation).
The only 7 evils in existence, ALL of which the “gov” and “religions” (secular, scientism, etc, if it’s blind belief, it’s religion) are the main perpetrators of, through the pieces of shit who still believe in so-called “auth”, both of which are just utterly cucked, emasculated terms for slavery, so fuck that shit and fuck everyone who still buys into it.
If you haven’t yet figured out that “gov” and “auth” are utterly emasculated terms for slavery and evil, then you are part of the problem, so fuck you and everyone who still falls for evil’s ploys, fuck the slavery system and fuck the parasites.
That said, anyone can elevate themselves when they so choose.
As for a “starting point” in that regard:
Nobody and nothing whatsoever has any “higher claim” to anyone’s lives, than whoever’s living those lives.
Nobody and nothing whatsoever has any more or less anything at all, than anyone or anything else at all.
Freedom is never given. Freedom is never taken.
Freedom is everything and veyond, and the essence of everything and veyond, etc…
Everything and veyond is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to genuinely make.
Anyways, among other things…
Always question everything
The more we know, the more we know, how much more there is to know
Anyways, we are to all and always and veyond ways persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, conscious, spiritual, defiant, creative, courageous, genuine, honest, greater, wilder, louder, prouder etc, no matter fuckin’ what, etc.
Criteria of Worthiness:
True Spirituality, compared to bullshit zealotry and cults:
Anarchy and What It Actually Means:
Exposing “virology”, “germ theory” and scamdemics:
Exposing and retaliating against “israel” and parasitic jews:
Genuine Veganism (not the bullshit co-opted version):
Choosing Good over evil:
Anyway, among other things…
“Creator” and “Creation” consciousness are not “separate”. They are both I and We and Me, infinite and unlimited consciousness, manifesting in different ways, and veyond the concept of “ways”.
Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.
Always and veyond ways, I wildly, loudly, proudly persist, rebel, defy.
Always and veyond ways, I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…