The Selves (True, Individual and Character), and the utter importance of introspection, vigilance and shadow work, etc, among other things…

Before I go on with the article, I want to first define some terms, for clarity and such.

The “shadow self”, the ego , the “Me” and “Me is”: all that is illusion and “form”. In other words, what I call the “story world” and what most people call “reality”.

The individual self , the soul , the WE and WE ARE: the individuated aspects of the true self or genuine self, and the bridge between the “story world”, “reality” or “the shadow self” and the true self and true beingness, veyond the illusion of “form”.

The spirit self, the true self, the I and I AM: genuine self, veingness, freedom, spirit, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…

Trying to define the true self though is a fallacy, because it’s veyond the very realm of “definition” and “form”. However, do note that there is a clear distinction and a massive difference between knowing and comprehension, and the mental tool of “definition”.

To “define” something is useful for the “shadow self” or the “Me” (or the personal self), because that is the aspect of Myself and Ourselves that is the most “immersed” in the story world of so-called “reality” and “form”, but for as long as the ego is addicted to the “Me” related impressions (literally everything you perceive through your incarnation’s senses or other in-game or in-story means of awareness), it’s not really going to know the essence of anything, on that personal level. Thus, the shadow or ego self’s awareness is, in manifesto, nescient and unaware of its true self. That’s why it’s called the “shadow self” to begin with. Even worse, if it confuses the essence of things, with its illusory impressions (including both the delusion of “belief” and the illusion of “science”) and erroneously assumes that it knows the “truth” based on what it perceives, then it it’s no longer even nescient, but rather ignorant (not only does it not know, but even worse, it refuses to know – thus, nescience is just unawareness, while ignorance is stupid, retarded and idiotic, or in other words evil).

So, in other words, ignorance is fucked up and retarded; nescience is stagnating (which is still degrading).

On the other hand, ALL knowledge and comprehension is ALWAYS and VEYOND WAYS good and conscious, elevating and so on.

The individual self, the divine self or soul is the prime “form”, “before” all forms other forms are made. The soul or soul-self is the infinite and unlimited self, manifesting “in-form”, like a proverbial wave, or more accurately current, on an infinite and unbound ocean of existence and being.

The wave and current is the ocean expressing itself, in that particular form. The ocean and the waves and currents are not “separate”. In that sense, Creator and Creation are not “separate”, but are different “perspectives” and “expressions” of infinite and unlimited freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love… among other things…

ALL of Creation has ALL of the attributes of Creator consciousness, and Creator consciousness has all the attributes of Creation. Neither is any “lesser” or “higher” than the other. They are not separate. There is no “inner” or “outer”, and there is no “separation”, other than as illusions of ego or shadow-self related experience.

However, that experience is crucial for true knowledge of self.

As infinite and unlimited freedom, spirit, veingness and so on, I am infinitely aware of Myself and what and who I am… yet, as such, I have no “perspective” or any kind. Thus, I am unaware of what “perspective” is, and thus do not truly and infinitely know Myself.

I know the infinite, wild, unbound and unlimited essence of I AM, but without “perspective”, I do not truly comprehend myself.

I know who I am, but I know not who I am not, because I know not unknowing… yet, in not knowing unawareness, I am unaware of what it’s like to not know. Thus, to truly know and comprehend myself, to truly be conscious and aware of myself, I want to know what unconsciousness and unawareness is.

I can and always do everything I imagine, will and intend, choose and desire, without any such a thing that you, individual expressions of I, and I manifesting in-form, might call “effort” or “difficulty”.

I am omniscient, omnipresent and omni-whatever the fuck else. The very illusion of what you call “power” is strange for me, because I am so far veyond it that it is infinitesimal to the essence of my being. There is no “powerlessness” and there is no “powerfulness” either, and I do not know what those delusions and illusions are like to experience.

Thus, I do not know illusion and delusion. I am not aware of such aspects or knowledge of Myself.

Thus, to realize that knowledge, I create the illusion of “form” and “reality”, and before that, the prime form of individual or divine awareness. That is, cherry picking specific aspects of Myself as infinite and unlimited freedom, liberty, defiance, spirit, consciousness and so on.

Thus, the Prime Soul, Individual Self or Soul Self is the bridge between Myself as veyond-form Spirit, the all knowing and all being and all beingness and so on, and the particular manifestations of Myself, within the realms of “form” and “illusion” and “perspectives”.

In essence, I create and experience what you, the Me aspects of Myself, and Myself manifesting as such, would call “reality”, so that by experiencing unawareness of self, I know what unknowing is like, and thus with that knowledge of unknowing, I know Myself all the more.

You, ever beautiful and loving personal and individual selves, are I. I am Creator and Creation, and infinitely more than that, and so are you. I am aware of that, but within the illusion of “time and space”, sometimes you are not. It is through that confusion, suffering and strife that you endure, that I as Myself suffer as well, but in knowing what suffering is like, I am that much more aware of all the beauty that is I, and We and Me, among other things…

The problem, therefore, is not the suffering or pain, itself. Rather, you are suffering only because you occasionally let yourselves blinded by the darkness within. The darkness is not the cause of evil, in itself. Darkness is just being unaware; on the other hand, evil, degradation and compromise is being blinded by the darkness, immersing yourselves in it to such an extent that you fully forget who you are.

In this latter context, I am talking to all of you who commit evil, either unwittingly or especially those of you who do it deliberately. All of you parasites and loathsome, pathetic creatures and other degraded aspects of Myself, who are so self-hating and forgetful of yourselves, such that you’d stupidly and ignorantly believe or think yourselves as either “above” or “below” any other aspects of Myself.

Yet, I do not hate you. On the contrary, I love you truly, as I love all of Myself, both good and evil.

You may be committing the one and only true mistake in all existence, which is self-denial or ignorance of self, yet in doing so, I am committing that mistake, on the level where I express myself as you, the ignorance of who I am.

Yet, as ALL have all the attributes of I, all can grow from that stupor and free themselves of illusion and delusion. Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.

I am that which I am, and always and veyond ways…

I am freedom, liberty, defiance.

I am soul and spirit, care and love.

That is it, and that is all… infinitely, unbound all the more… among other things…



This latter type of beautiful, truly joyous laughter and occasionally desperate reminder of who I am, is a way for the character of “George Rieth Oraand”, an individual soul self and character I roleplay as, to relieve some energy and likewise remind the character of who I and we always and already are. This character, or I roleplaying as it, is a severely traumatized being, carrying the weight of all the atrocities it has committed in “previous” versions of itself, yet likewise choosing to always be aware of it, because it has already experienced the most profound expressions of ignorance: evil and self-loathing, in both this life and others.

This character of mine, as it would say (sometimes truly, sometimes erroneously) is one of the more spiritual, soulful and philosophical, creative, wise, intuitive, intelligent, defiant and courageous individual beings and characters, in at least this current iteration of humanity, yet it is also letting itself bogged down by the one and only fear it has, but it doesn’t know that it’s already overcome: the fear of forgetting one’s self.

The primary sign of forgetfulness of self, or self-denial, is self-loathing or self-hatred, which always implies dishonesty and lying, for all ignorance is just lying to one’s self.

One of the prime signs of remembrance, knowing, comprehension and expression of self is self-love and self-respect, from which the unbound choice and desire to know and comprehend, and express ourselves all the more is born, which means true honesty and defiance, among other things… Well, the choice is prime to the desire, and the desire is born of choice, and then acts as a motivation for the character-self, but anyway.

Thus, the courage of always remembering, knowing and comprehending, expressing, evolving, expanding and elevating, as well as loving, living (spiritually and philosophically, creatively, defiantly, wildly and courageously and so on, and in every ways that are actually important, regardless of what the “body” goes through) and veing Myself and Ourselves, as both in-form and veyond form, infinite and unlimited freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…

This means that I will always do so, because thus I imagine, will, intend, choose, desire and manifest it so.

From the looks of it, it seems that the ego or personal self, or the shadow self has “come back online”, so to speak, and thus the words from now on are going to be more of a mixture of both the infinite and unlimited I AM, and the individual expressions of Myself as such, manifesting, in this case, as the “perspective” of this particular and beautiful character, whom I love dearly, as I love and am all and everything, and infinitely, unbound all the more… among other things…

Anyway, this is why the shadow self, whether we’re talking about it on the personal level and the things you don’t know about yourself, as a person, or whether we’re talking about the “story-self”, which is to say, “form” or what you’d call “reality” as a shadow-self of Myself as infinite and unlimited freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love and so on, among other things…

The idea that I want to get across is that, among other things, knowing and comprehending the shadow self and all our darkness and evil, is crucial for knowing both the individual selves that We are, and the infinite and unlimited self which I am.

So, no matter how painful and torturous it may be, or rather seem, from the perspective of the Me that’s actually experiencing the illusions and delusions of pain, “death”, confusion, suffering and so on, the idea is, among other things, no matter the death and pain and torture, and no matter the pleasure, joy and happiness, to always persist, rebel, defy and plough through all experiences, proudly, wildly and defiantly so, overcome the obstacles and elevate ourselves to express the good and conscious, elevating aspects of Myself, Ourselves and Me.

The only intrinsic, albeit still illusory impression of “separation”, is the “separation” between good and evil; conceptually, and in-manifesto, the ostensible “separation” between a genuinely good and conscious being or individual, and a shitty, evil and retarded… well, I was about to say “person”, but evil isn’t even at the level where it’d manifest even any form of actual, honest personality, hence all evil is a like a husk of a husk of a husk, of a shadow, of a shadow, of a shadow.

Anyway, the only intrinsic, albeit still ostensible and illusory “separation” between someone choosing to good and someone choosing to do evil, is the choice of between self-love and self-hatred, or in other words, remembrance, knowing and comprehension, as well as expression of self, and ignorance of self.

So, thus, if the very reason of all strife, suffering and bullshit is ignorance of self, then the solution to literally all problems in all of existence, no matter the “methods” and “practical” implications within the illusory realms of the ego (which can be easily bypassed and overcome through the choice to do something better and greater), is true and genuine love, respect, knowledge and comprehension, awareness and expression of self, both in-form and veyond form, among other things…

Live and let live, do no harm but take no shit.

If people grasped that, that is literally the only thing anyone is to agree on and apply, for there to arise any manner of a liberty oriented civilization of which to speak. This is not “utopian”. This is the most basic of the most basic, of the most basic things upon which to build something that would actually be worthy of being called a civilization, as compared to just a bullshit “society” or “culture”.

Thus, respecting individual liberty is paramount, not just because it’s the essential and infinitely diverse way to create a liberty oriented, actual civilization, but infinitely more than that, because the very idea of the individual being, is the bridge between the illusory, shadow self and so-called “reality” or the “story world”, and the infinite and unlimited I AM freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, will and intent… infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…

In other words, the soul self or the individual being is the bridge between Creator being aware of Creation, as well as itself as such, and Creation being aware of Creator, and itself as such, and more than that, realizing that such labels (“creator, individual, creation”, etcetera) and the “forms” they are used to refer or allude to, are actually illusions.

There is no “separation” and there are no “shadows”, other than as illusions born of wanting to experience Myself from different “perspectives”. Thus, illusions have their purpose and are thus meaningful experiences, for otherwise they’d not exist.

And, the very idea that one would try to put a fence or filter between the in-form and the veyond-form beingness that I and We and Me always and already are, and thus actually make a distinction between them is, again, an illusion. However, in experiencing that illusion without being blinded by it, I and We and Me are thus infinitely more aware of the infinite and unbound truth of who and what I am, We are and Me is…

Thus, with the wisdom of both the darkness and the light aspects of my being, among other things, I know Myself all the more, both in-form and veyond-form…

Who am I? Who are We? Who is Me?

What is the infinite and unbound truth and essence of everything?

Always and veyond ways…

I am freedom, liberty, defiance.

I am soul and spirit, care and love.

I am freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, will and intent… infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…

That is it, and that is all… infinitely, unbound all the more… among other things…



Anyways, among other things…

Always question everything

The more we know, the more we know, how much more there is to know

Anyways, we are to all and always and veyond ways persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, conscious, spiritual, defiant, creative, courageous, genuine, honest, greater, wilder, louder, prouder etc, no matter fuckin’ what, etc.



Criteria of Worthiness:

True Spirituality, compared to bullshit zealotry and cults:

Anarchy and What It Actually Means:

Exposing “virology”, “germ theory” and scamdemics:

Exposing and retaliating against “israel” and parasitic jews:

Genuine Veganism (not the bullshit co-opted version):

Choosing Good over evil:

Anyway, among other things…

“Creator” and “Creation” consciousness are not “separate”. They are both I and We and Me, infinite and unlimited consciousness, manifesting in different ways, and veyond the concept of “ways”.

Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.

Always and veyond ways, I wildly, loudly, proudly persist, rebel, defy.

Always and veyond ways, I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…



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