Category: Care, Cognition and Action

the addiction to relationships, and how to overcome it… etc, among other things…

There are two kinds of people, when it comes how they deal with relationships: people who cling to their relationships and who thus revolve their lives around others, and those who are active and proactive, and who thus seek out their own paths in life and veyond, no matter what anyone says or does. There […]

Art is a spiritual language, active passion is divine motivation, and both are a bridge between spirit, soul and ego, etc, among other things…

All spiritually conscious entities and beings feel a profound love, desire for or attraction towards art, yet in our current and pathetic excuse for “society”, few are those who genuinely know and comprehend what true art actually is. See, art is not just about the wit and panache with which you write, nor just about […]

Curiosity, Adventure and Manifesting Our Dreams, etc, among other things…

What does it actually mean to genuinely be adventurous? What is curiosity? And I mean genuine and true curiosity, as well as a truly adventurous sense and feeling of existence, a lust to wander, feel and ponder. Curiosity is the genuine desire to know and comprehend, for the sake of doing so. Knowledge and comprehension, […]

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