As a comment on the thumbnail pic, there is no “greatest” anything (outside of a specific set of comparative parameters), because there are always greater and wilder, more courageous and defiant, evolving and elevating things to do, what with everything being divine, divinity and veyond, and therefore infinite, unlimited, unbound, etc…
On another note, levels of existence where suffering, pain and hardship seem to occur are very few and far between (anything to do with duality, such as “hardship” and “easeship” are illusions; not that they don’t matter, for if they exist they have purpose, but they are still within the realms of “form”, whereas we are infinitely and essentially veyond “form”, and veyond all notions and concepts of all notions and concepts, etc), and there is always infinitely more good than evil in everything, and therefore there are infinities of realms and existences where we don’t experience any of those “painful” illusions, because we’re at such greater levels of expression that the notion of “pain” or “ineptitude” of any kind no longer exist, because we’ve utterly outgrown them.
Anyways, among other things…
I’m curious, among other things, about how many people are going to misinterpret the title of this article.
Anyway, to clarify, I’m not suggesting that “conflict” is the utmost advanced way of elevating one’s self in consciousness. There are infinities of infinitely greater ways.
However, for as long as you still experience “conflict” of any kind, it means that there is still something to learn from the experience, until you outgrow and overcome it.
People generally tend to have two general approaches to conflict. The weak-ass little bitch attitude, which is the attempt to “avoid” conflict; which includes both the passive, pacifist retard mentality, as well as the reactive, warmonger retard mentality (whether we’re talking about actual warmongers, or people who like to bark and wrongly engage in fights, without provocation).
Whether you’re a passive or reactive bitch, either way, you’re a bitch. Whether you are scared shitless of “conflict A”, and you try to avoid it like a little coward, or whether you constantly engage in “conflict A” and maybe seem “tough” whilst doing it, but actually you’re trying to avoid “conflict B”, which is the actual object of your fear… again, either way, you’re a weak-ass “avoidance addict”.
You’re scared shitless of confronting your fears, and the stuff that you perceive as a “source” of it. Guess what? The things that you fear are not at fault, for your cowardice. That’s entirely on you.
And, guess what? The things that you think are going to “get you out” of that fear? They’re not going to get you out of it. That is, again, entirely on you.
You are responsible for your life and your choices.
You are the one responsible for overcoming your fears, and YES, YOU CAN DO IT, when you TRULY CHOOSE TO.
In other words, when you muster the courage, self-love and self-respect to CONFRONT the challenges you go through, HEAD ON, and thus develop the knowledge and comprehension, and then the expression of such, to see the actual causes of that fear, and why it is that you’ve let it influence your behaviour for so long.
If you’re seeking to “escape” your fear, then guess what? There is no such thing as “escape”. Escapism is only a delusion, clung onto desperately by those who are too scared to face the “discomfort” or “pain” of overcoming the things they either fear, or are attached to.
There is no “escape” from anything. There is, however, OVERCOMING, OUTGROWING and ELEVATION.
In other words, GROWING and RISING IN CONSCIOUSNESS, and thus BREAKING all the chains, shattering the veils and eviscerating the shackles, blasting through the walls of all that through which we hold ourselves from progress; and, well, breaking all the chains and shackles, in general… among other things…
If you are afraid of “consequences”, of “pain” or “death”, then you still have the mentality of a slave. Whether you pathetically cling to the ego of another, or are engulfed in your own ego, you are still a slave; humility is slavery to the ego of another, whilst vanity is slavery to one’s own ego. Either way, both are results of ignorance and cowardice.
Courage means rejecting all fear, and it means, therefore, overcoming all ignorance, slavery and evil.
If you are still attached to the “survival” of your “body”, it means you still have no clue regarding who and what you actually are, veyond it. If you portray yourself as having any kind of spiritual inclinations, but you still fear “death”, then your “inclinations” are just that… you are “inclined” towards stuff that has to do with spirituality, but you currently don’t give enough of a shit to actually dig deep and see what it truly means.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not about being constantly in pain and suffering. Whether you blindly try to avoid pain, or whether you are addicted to it, you’re blind to its teachings either way.
Learn to live life with ambition and active involvement, but without attachment to “outcome”.
Whether your body lives another billion years, or whether it “dies” in the next moment… what’s the difference?
We came here to experience whatever we came here to experience, and that’s exactly what we will experience. We always choose our birth and our so-called “death” (personal “departure” from this world, would be a more apt description for it; well, in as much as words would manage), as well as everything in both general, and in detail.
When you write a story, or make and play a video game, you don’t worry about whether or not the characters are going to “die”. Because you know that they are expressions of yourself, in that world, and regardless of what the “in-story” or “in-game” personifications of yourself might go through, the characters themselves, will always exist within yourself.
Being “worried” about “consequences”, is like being worried about “ooh, what if I won’t have enough mana?” or “what if my character’s going to go through some pain, and lose some HP?”
Acknowledging those possibilities, as experiences you’ve chosen to go through, is a good thing. Worrying about them, is like glueing your face to the screen or to the pages of the book, and instead of flipping the page or hitting “next”, you’re afraid of moving on, because you’ve erroneously identified with the character self, in such ways that you’ve momentarily lost sight of your true self.
Stand up, raise your chest and head up high, and remember… it’s a story, a game, a play.
Enjoy it, loathe it, laugh with excitement, cry in sorrow, blaze the stage with flames of fury, and likewise cry and laugh again, with joy… but remember that it’s a roleplaying game. It’s an act. A game. A story, among other infinities of stories, that I and We and Me always and already and veyond ways write and paint, create and play, so as to experience ourselves, through ourselves and with ourselves… among other things…
Never fear, and never be feared.
Don’t be a coward. Don’t let fear influence you.
Express yourself freely and courageously, spiritually, creatively, wildly, loudly, proudly and defiantly… among other things…
You see, cowardice means letting fear influence you.
Bravery, on the other hand, means rejecting the influence of fear.
Courage is the process and endeavor of overcoming fear.
Fearlessness is having risen above all fear.
Always be truly courageous, valiant, creative, spiritual, defiant and adventurous, wild, loud and proud… among other things…
Do good towards yourself, and towards each other, and always persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, for the sake of doing so, no matter fuckin’ what… among other things…
Anyway, among other things…
Why good always wins and evil always loses: https://www.philoliasophos.com/why-good-always-wins-and-evil-always-loses/
How to overcome the “pain and suffering” aspect of life: https://www.philoliasophos.com/how-to-plough-through-and-overcome-the-pain-aspect-of-life/
Always persist, rebel, defy, no matter fuckin’ what: https://www.philoliasophos.com/genuine-courage-fearlessness-and-the-meaning-of-everything/
Freedom and principles come first: https://www.philoliasophos.com/freedom-and-principles-come-first/
Everything is infinitely meaningful, unbound and more, among other things…: https://www.philoliasophos.com/everything-is-infinitely-meaningful-unbound-and-more-among-other-things/
Everything is divine and divinity: https://www.philoliasophos.com/everything-is-divine-and-divinity/
Never fear, and never be feared.
Always more and more and more creative, intuitive, intelligent, philosophical, soulful and spiritual, proud, strong and defiant. Courageous, curious, volatile, adventurous. Wild and loud and proud. Playful, teasing and mysterious. Conscious, confident and fearless.
Always question, remember, know and comprehend, among other things…
Nobody and nothing has a “higher claim” (nor any claim whatsoever) to our lives than we do.
There can be no “chosen” ones, and there are no “chosen” ones. Only I and we can save ourselves, and only I and we are responsible for doing so. All pain and suffering are always self-inflicted, and all evolutions and elevations are always self-facilitated, by us, form us, with ourselves; individually, infinitely and unlimitedly, as well as in every way whatsoever, and veyond the very notion and concept of “ways”.
Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.
Freedom is never given. Freedom is never taken.
I and we are all and always and veyond ways, free and freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, will and intent… infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…
That is it and that is all… infinitely, unbound all the more… among other things…
Anyways, among other things…
Always question everything
The more we know, the more we know, how much more there is to know
Anyways, we are to all and always and veyond ways persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, conscious, spiritual, defiant, creative, courageous, genuine, honest, greater, wilder, louder, prouder etc, no matter fuckin’ what, etc.
Criteria of Worthiness: https://philoliasfidareos.com/criteria-of-worthiness/
Anarchy and What It Actually Means: https://philoliasfidareos.com/anarchy-and-liberty-and-the-rejection-of-evil-and-slavery/
Exposing “virology”, “germ theory” and scamdemics: https://philoliasfidareos.com/exposing-virology-germ-theory-and-alopathic-so-called-medicine/
Exposing and retaliating against “israel” and parasitic jews:
Genuine Veganism (not the bullshit co-opted version): https://philoliasfidareos.com/2882-2/
Choosing Good over evil: https://philoliasfidareos.com/freedom-spirit-liberty-courage-defiance-honesty-and-essence-also-exposing-the-scamdemic-the-slavery-system-the-zionist-talmudic-parasitic-jewry-holocaust-lies-the-most-widespread-cult-bel/
Anyway, among other things…
“Creator” and “Creation” consciousness are not “separate”. They are both I and We and Me, infinite and unlimited consciousness, manifesting in different ways, and veyond the concept of “ways”.
Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.
Always and veyond ways, I wildly, loudly, proudly persist, rebel, defy.
Always and veyond ways, I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…