Category: Romance and Sex Life

Challenges are opportunities for growth and learning, among other things…

Pain and suffering, and likewise pleasure and happiness, can concurrently be both a hindrance and a catalyst for growth, in relation to how we view it, know why it’s there, comprehend it and then decide how we want to see and use the experience, either to our detriment or to our evolution. When faced with […]

the addiction to relationships, and how to overcome it… etc, among other things…

There are two kinds of people, when it comes how they deal with relationships: people who cling to their relationships and who thus revolve their lives around others, and those who are active and proactive, and who thus seek out their own paths in life and veyond, no matter what anyone says or does. There […]

Curiosity, Adventure and Manifesting Our Dreams, etc, among other things…

What does it actually mean to genuinely be adventurous? What is curiosity? And I mean genuine and true curiosity, as well as a truly adventurous sense and feeling of existence, a lust to wander, feel and ponder. Curiosity is the genuine desire to know and comprehend, for the sake of doing so. Knowledge and comprehension, […]

We are to always consciously be our true selves, and live our elevating dreams, among other things…

We live in a profoundly sick and retarded society. One in which most people are so utterly broken and self-loathing, that not only do they not know themselves, nor their own dreams, passions and desires, but even worse, they moan and bitch about their own self-hatred, pretending to give “professional advice” that actually translates to […]

Freedom is the essence of everything, among other things…

There is an ongoing delusion of the ego-mind. An illusion of the mind that has become addicted to what I call the “in-story” persona, like a creator and player of a video-game becoming addicted to the images on the screen, forgetting who they are and becoming so blinded by the game-world, to the extent that […]

why ‘straight’ is the greater sexuality, etc, among other things…

Well, well, what an “interesting” era we live in nowadays; one in which, apparently, articles such as this even “require” being put to paper in the first place, for it seems that a particular section of the population, as much buzz that they erroneously make around their beliefs, still fail to recognize that opinions, whims […]

conscious relationships, and why marriage is bullshit; also, among other things…

Another title for this article could’ve been “why marriage is pointless and irrelevant”, but I felt that the current one is more appropriate, because something being pointless just means it has no weight in terms of changing things for better, nor worse. In other words, it’s irrelevant because it doesn’t actually produce any change. It’s […]

The Parable of Two Travelers, among other things…

There was once an old and wise adventurer, who gazed into the realms veyond, wondering and pondering infinities of things. “I feel as though I’ve done everything I wanted to do, in this world. Yet, how am I still here, if that is so?” “I dunno. How about we find out?” The voice of a […]

“What the fuck” versus “what the hell”; and the honesty of expression, among other things…

Intelligence has nothing to do with the words you use. It has to do with comprehending things veyond the lens of things like bias, opinion, belief, etc. Intelligence also has to do with, among other things, how well one discerns things about themselves, both in-form and veyond form, what they do and why they’re doing […]

The Utter Importance of Clarity and Honesty, as well as Depth and Profoundness… among other things…

It is profoundly sickening, infuriating to the so-called “high heavens” and disgusting to the “lowest of hells”, how shallow and superficial most people in this pathetic excuse for a so-called “society” are. How deeply addicted they are to their “comfort” and “convenience”, and how they shy away from anything to do with true and meaningful […]

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