The parable of the opposing twins

Once upon a time, a pair of twins had been born into the world; both of them beautiful and prodigious, ready to face themselves and the world with glee and vigor in their hearts and minds, conscience in soul and consciousness in spirit.

Over time, however, the twins began to show various differences in their behaviour and approach. As time went on, it became apparent that one was becoming a strong and conscious, wise and confident, caring and passionate young man, while the other was degrading into more and more intense states of depravity and apathy.

One day, while they were trekking across the woods, they came upon a river coursing through the sunlit meadows. Pathos, the ambitious brother, immediately took off his clothes and started running towards the river, while his brother Taapa went into a frenzied panic.

“Come into the river brother, and rejoice!” Shouted Pathos from the river, having already dove in the water with a loud and boisterous splash.

“No, no, no! I might get a cold! There might be fish who will gnaw at my flesh! How can you be so careless, brother?!”

“I’m already in the river! And even if there were, I’d have still gone in, if I felt like it! Or if there was whatever other good reason to! But, anyway, the water’s fine. Come join me, brother!”

“No, no, no, you’ll catch a cold! You’ll see. You’ll hurt yourself, for sure. Maybe drown. Well, don’t count on me to come and save you. I’m after my own skin.”

Pathos was saddened by his brother’s words, tears moistening his eyes, before he shook his head and stood up proud and strong, pushing out his chest. “Well, I’ll be sure to come back from the dead, then! More alive than ever, woo!!!”

Thus, they spent their time when playing, with Pathos enjoying life to the fullest, while Tapaa mulled about his misery.

As time went on, Pathos started learning more and more about himself, while Taapa kept on trodding and complaining.

One day, as they both set out to leave their town – with Taapa kind of reluctantly coming along as well – the twins once more found themselves facing the river, which had since grown in size since they were kids.

“Pfft, we came all this way for nothing. Look how big the river has become. It’s impossible to cross it! Let’s turn back right now!”

“Nope.” Pathos said quite casually, but firmly. “No fuckin’ way, man! I didn’t come this far to only come this far. I’m gonna cross it, no matter what.” Thus, Pathos started looking around for wood and other stuff, with which to build a raft, annoyed at his brother’s incessant complaining, but continuing his endeavor regardless. Eventually, the young man built a raft for themselves, and they both then crossed the river to the other side.

“Pfft, We could’ve died several times, in these currents! This was by far not the smoothest ride I’ve ever been on!” Mulled Tapaa, crossing his arms furiously.

“Heh. Have you been on any, though?” Teased Pathos, as the two made their way into the world. “Besides, we don’t actually die before doing whatever it is we came here to do.”

As the years went on, Pathos was growing every day, in every way. Sometimes, he would feel depressed with how things were in the world, and other times he would be furious and enraged, but every time he ploughed right through, keeping his head and chest up high, and facing every day with a defiant, sassy smile on his lips, and fire in his eyes and spirit.

At the same time, Taapa was gradually becoming more livid and decrepit by the day, which Pathos was extremely furious about.

“How can you destroy yourself like this, brother?! What the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you have this many addictions? Why are you slitting your wrists? Why are you constantly mutilating yourself like this? What ails you brother?!”

“What ails me? You help people without asking anything in return! You offer your knowledge without trying to even slightly exploit those who are ignorant of it! Look how poor we are?! We are barely scraping to get by!”

“Riches of the world bear no intrinsic meaning, brother; except perhaps as a means to help ourselves and others grow in consciousness. Through everything we have experienced, we have grown in knowledge and comprehension, which we now express in greater ways, in every moment, than all moments prior. Through every breath we breathe we change ourselves and the world. Through every person we help out of sheer kindness, we help another soul remember who they are!”

“I’m tired of slitting these wrists, brother!” Cried Taapa, holding out his bloodied arms in front of him, dried up blood staining them whole, while fresh crimson streams coursed down his forearms, to his elbows and then to the ground.

“Well, stop fuckin’ slitting them, then!” Yelled Pathos.

“But, what will I do without the pain?! What the fuck am I going to replace the pain and suffering with?! What is your solution to my suffering?!”

“Motherfuckin’ WHAT?!” Shouted Pathos all red in the face and fuming, his whole body seeming like it was about to burst into a myriad pieces from all the rage. “Stop slitting your wrists! That’s the solution. To do that, you are to first develop the self-love and self-respect to actually want to know why it is that you are suffering, and why it is that you’re the one creating that suffering for yourself. We are always, each and every one of us, in-form and veyond form, the cause of our own growth and our suffering! What we choose at any moment is entirely up to us!”

“But, how do I overcome this, with this frail body of mine?”

“The problem is in your mind, brother, which your ‘reality’ and body then reflect.”

“But, how do I solve this problem?”

Pathos was delighted at the question, hugging his brother dearly for the curiosity and ostensible intention to better himself, before going on to propose many different ways to know himself and grow. However, it soon became apparent that Taapa only made excuses and rejected every proposition, while still incessantly posing the same question “Well, what’s the solution?”, regardless of how many were presented or how clearly and profoundly they were elaborated upon.

“You are not interested in learning, brother. If you ever want my help, then come and find me. Until then, I bid you farewell.” With that, Pathos stood up and turned his back on Taapa, leaving the latter utterly confused as to why his brother would seemingly abandon him like that.

Over time, while Pathos grew all the more and eventually came to have his own healthy, conscious, loving family, Taapa degraded even more, wallowing in one addiction after another, while having learned to exploit others, and thus becoming exploited in turn. Every once in a while, Pathos would give his brother a warm meal and invite him to stay the night, but all his brother “saw”, quote on quote, was a way to goad and mock him for his frailty.

Resentment soon bred between them, as their lives went on, Taapa started trying to thwart each of Pathos’ endeavors. However, whenever he tried to do so, Pathos found a way to use this to his advantage, and regardless of whatever pain he went through, he always overcame the hurdle and came out stronger and wiser than before.

One day, in a fit of desperation and depravity, Taapa concocted a plan. A plan to kill his brother. He would invite Pathos on a walk in the woods, and Taapa would pretend to have “seen the light” as it were, then to invite his brother over for a meal he would provide on his own, which he would so deviously poison. To make it more likely that Pathos would accept the invitation, Taapa decided to go missing for a while, then to come back and pretend like he went on a soul-searching journey, eager to share his revelations with his dearest brother. Many a time, he rehearsed exactly what he’d say to rub it in his brother dearest’s face.

After a couple years or so of absence, Taapa soon re-emerged into the world, jovially meeting his brother and inviting him for the thoroughly planned walk.

“Aah! Greetings, brother dear! I see you’re faring well.”

“Indeed, I am.” Pathos replied, the now grey haired twin’s smile seeming as energized as Taapa remembered, and more so, while still somewhat oddly serene, even for Pathos himself. The now evil twin brushed this detail to the side, though.

“I have come to profess the appreciation I never really expressed towards you, brother! I want to thank you everything you’ve done, for the bullies you helped me defend against as a child, and for all the support you’ve shown me, despite our many, many differences. Would you care to go on a walk with me, tonight?”

“Why not now?” Pathos replied with a smile, looking calmly and firmly in his brother’s eyes.

“Uh…” Taapa flinched, looking flustered for a few moments. “Well, I want to prepare things. Actually, I was planning this to be a surprise, but I was going to throw a feast in the name of our brotherhood, which I intended to reveal right after the walk.”

“Heh. I see.” Pathos turned his head, squinting curiously as he raised his eyebrow at his brother, as if knowingly. This caught Taapa offguard, but he maintained his composure, despite his racing pulse. “See ya tonight, then.”

With that, the two parted ways before then reuniting, as the skies went dark. Their conversation was very vivid as they walked, sharing stories about one another and reminiscing about the times when they were children. For Taapa, this was the most fun he’d had in years, and he found himself to actually be enjoying himself more than he had in ages. Not long afterwards, the two arrived at Taapa’s mansion, which he had acquired through guile and ill gotten means of many sorts, some slight and others vile and murderous.

However, in spite of his initial urge to gloat about how rich he’d become, and how Pathos never experienced this kind of luxury before, Taapa now found himself to actually be enjoying himself; the twins laughing heartily and wildly together, like they did when they were children. The memories came rushing in, with Taapa even shedding a few tears every now and again, something he hadn’t done in years.

His tears of joy would turn to cries of sorrow, his breath stuttering as he saw the glass of wine from which Pathos was drinking. His eyes immediately shot open, the man desperately reaching out to grab the glass, stretching himself all across the table and not caring, nor even realizing that he’d smeared himself in all the food.

Pathos, however, laid the empty mug on the table, smiling warmly as he looked into his brother’s eyes.

A wave of pure sorrow and calm rage washed all across Taapa, as he slowly got up to his feet, struggling to stand as the words he’d so often rehearsed came out of his mouth, yet oh-so-vastly different to how he’d envisioned it throughout the years.

“Ha… ha ha haha ha…” He laughed, in utter desperation. Gone was the veneer. Gone was the façade. “What say you now… brother dearest…?” His face was twitching, his entire body shaking erratically, as he cried out. “What say you, now…? You always said that we choose our own destiny, yet here you are now! You stand now in front of me, having tasted of the poison I have laid for you! You always said that things go exactly the way we choose…” He loudly slammed his fist into the table, causing his own drink to spill. “You always said that our choices are our own! Yet, here you are now, with poison running through your veins, awaiting death by… by…” He winced, looking away and shuddering profusely, when he thought he’d gloat all over his twin. “… by my own hand! What say you now… my… dearest brother? What say you now, in the face of your own death?!” Painfully, but with the determination to at least look his brother in the eye in his last moments in this world, Taapa raised his glance and gazed onto his twin, the salty taste of his own tears overflowing in his mouth, in place of the wine he had so often thought about.

“Hah, ha… muaaah, ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!” A profoundly joyous laugh emerged – no, burst forth from Pathos, as he stood up and embraced his brother. “I love you.”

“What…?!” Taapa was floored, not having the faintest idea what to do, except hug his brother with all his might and let it all out. “I’m sorry, Parhos! I am so, so sorry for everything! I have wronged you so! Not just now, but all our lives! I’ve tried to pull you down into my misery! In truth, I was jealous of your talents! I was jealous of your joy! I was afraid! Of what, I do not know, but I was so fuckin’ afraid! Forgive me, brother, for I have wronged you so!”

“You fool!” Before Taapa realized it, Pathos punched him straight in the jaw, enough to throw him into the marble column behind him. “Don’t you apologize! Neither to me, nor to anyone! All your life, you’ve been blaming your sorrows and pains on someone else, when you yourself were the one who manifested them!”

“Pathos… how is it that even now you proclaim that we create our own reality? All this while, I planned this night so carefully, only to enjoy myself and realize that wasn’t what I truly wanted – only to then see you sip the poison I had laid before you. Tell me, brother… tell me how exactly is it that we get what we really, truly wish in life?!”

“We don’t!” Pathos shouted, and the answer shock his brother to the core. “We never get what we desire in life! We never “attract” what we wish!” Taapa was speechless to hear this coming from his brother, of all people. Then, came the revelation: “What we do, is WE CREATE AND ATRACT WHAT WE ARE!!! ALWAYS BY OUR SPIRITUAL, FREE WILL CHOICE!!!

With that, Pathos let go of his brother’s shirt, firmly looking in his eyes, before shaking his head and then smiling at his brother, with compassion. “If you think you “can’t”, you won’t. If you think you’re “sort of” going to do something, you’re only “sort of” going to do it. However, when I and we always and already and veyond ways know, comprehend and express that I and we always and already and veyond ways CAN and ARE and WILL, then I and we always and already and veyond wayss CAN and ARE and WILL. There is no such thing as “can” and “can’t”. There is always will and will not. What we choose to bring about and what we choose to break apart or refuse. Come with me, brother dear. I have another story to share with you. Outside. In the moonlight, starlit sky.”\

Soon enough, the two found themselves laying on the grass, gazing at the beautiful celestial tableau, the wind gently brushing and caressing their faces, as their hair swayed in its embrace.

“This morning, I woke up with a realization. You see, I had long been seeing veyond the world and always will, and now that my wife is dead and my children have moved on to have their own adventures, I realized that I have nothing to left keep me here anymore. I mean, I can obviously still do stuff, but for various reasons, it at least felt that I was going to die today; or something of the sort, anyway. Point is, I felt utterly prepared to die; well, there is no such thing as “death”, and life itself is a dream, but you get the ideas. Funnily enough, I had resolved to not die a decrepit old man, and also wanted to see you at least one last time before I die, with a distinct feeling or impression that I’d see you tonight. So, here we are.”

“Hah, ha… ha ha ha ha ha… haaaah, ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!” Taapa laughed and cried all of a sudden, feeling more rejuvenated than he’d ever felt throughout his entire life, realizing that all the strife and misery he’d gone through, all his pain and suffering had always been by his own hand. More so, he realized his own responsibility, and thus was now determined to change himself and become a more conscious, genuine being.

“MUAAAH, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!” Pathos laughed, he often did whenever he felt like it.

Eventually, the two drifted off to sleep, side by side after all these years, and for the first time in mutual harmony with one another.

Come morn, Taapa woke up, opening his eyes to see the sun, but then immediately closing them and scowling in remorse, steeling and preparing himself to face the corpse of his sibling beside him. However as he opened his gaze to the side, he found not the cadaver he was expecting, but rather the grass and puffball flowers waving in the breeze.

Back at the mansion, Pathos was curiously examining the mugs of wine and remnants of the feast, before turning his head to look at Taapa rushing into the house, opening the door so hard it loudly crashed against the wall.

“Ah, you’re awake, finally. Heh. In more ways than one.” Pathos teased, seeing the “what the fuck?!” expression on his sibling’s face, as well as the renewed vigor both within and veyond his gaze.

“What the fuckin’ shit?!” Taapa vocalized his confusion, a profound joy evident in his tone and voice, as he smiled from ear to ear.

As it turns out, in their joyous reunion the night before, Taapa had mistaken the bottle he had poisoned with another one, with the two then realizing that the toxin laced one was actually that from which he’d poured himself the very drink he planned to savour, as he would’ve gloated – and which he spilled in the process of realizing his mistake. One, along with many others, that he resolved to make right.

Thus, the two of them continued their journeys, adventuring both on their own as well as together, growing and becoming more and more conscious with every moment and choice they made.

Nobody and nothing has a “higher claim”, nor any claim whatsoever, to our lives than we do.

There can be no “chosen” ones, and there are no “chosen” ones. Only I and we can save ourselves, and only I and we are responsible for doing so. All pain and suffering are always self-inflicted, and all evolution and elevation are always self-facilitated; by us, from us with ourselves, individually, infinitely and unlimitedly, in every way, as well as veyond the very notion and concept of “ways”.

Freedom is never given. Freedom is never taken.

I and we are all and always free and freedom, imagination, will and intent… infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…

Anyways, among other things…

always question everything

the more we know, the more we know, how much more there is to know

Anyways, we are to all and always and veyond ways persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, conscious, spiritual, defiant, creative, courageous, genuine, honest, greater, wilder, louder, prouder etc, no matter fuckin’ what, etc.



Anyway, among other things… 

“Creator” and “Creation” consciousness are not “separate”. They are both I and We and Me, infinite and unlimited consciousness, manifesting in different ways, and veyond the concept of “ways”.

Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.

Always and veyond ways, I wildly, loudly, proudly persist, rebel, defy.

Always and veyond ways, I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…



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