trust, honesty and criticism, versus prejudice, contracts and erroneous assumptions

Imagine a world where everyone genuinely loves and respects themselves, and from which appreciation of themselves, they are thus ready and willing to know and comprehend more and more, about both themselves and each other; expressing and doing what they want without compromise, and likewise appreciating others’ natural and unalienable right to do so, as well.

Even though there’s no such thing as “helping” and “hindering” anyone, ’cause there is no “separation” between anything, and thus there are no “internal” or “external” factors to anything (other than as experiential illusions), but that’s another conversation. Everything is self created and such, among other things…

Anyways, among other things, imagine worlds where genuine creativity, diversity (true diversity, not the “diversitaah” that woke fuck ups use as a buzzphrase for stuff that has nothing to do with actual variety and diversity… anyway…), freedom, liberty, defiance and everything that is good, excellent, elevating and so on, is actually appreciated and lovingly nurtured.

Such a world is very easy to create and evolve, as good is the expression of everything that is infinite and unlimited about I and We and Me, as infinite and unlimited consciousness, while evil is the retarded expression of ourselves as such. By the very nature of what good and evil are, and thus good always tending towards evolution and abundance, and evil always tending towards limitation and scarcity, is it therefore obvious that, aside from good always winning and evil always losing, there is also infinitely more good than evil in everything.

In all of existence, there are extremely few civilizations or societies that actually harbor evil, such as ours currently does, and those where evil seems to be a common occurrence, only make it appear in that way, because there are still enough good people or entities, or at least non-parasitic ones, but who are unfortunately gullible enough to channel their focus and energies towards the agendas of evil. See, evil has no expression of creative ability; not virtually or almost none, but literally none, for as long as it remains evil. It is only through the manifested ability of good to consciously, actively and proactively create its own reality, that evil manages to manifest itself – or rather deceive non-evil, but ignorant entities into channeling their energies into either an external or internal proxy, which then acts as an avatar for evil.

In our current world, at this moment in human history, those avatars are all the behaviours that are derived from fear and ignorance. In other words, if there were no cowardice, there would be no evil in existence. Even fear alone, while utterly stupid and limited in and of itself, is still not as retarded as evil itself is. No, evil only ever manifests itself through the cowardice of those who are not as cowardly as evil itself.

 Fear itself can also be viewed as a challenge to overcome, if one is brave and thus refuses to fuckin’ be influenced by their fears. Fear is an obstacle, as is all limitation. However, when one is brave and courageous, while the fear itself is still a hindrance, it does not become an outright crutch. Still an obstacle to be surpassed and overcome, of course, but fear only ever becomes a crutch when in the proximity of cowardice.

Why is that?

Because cowardice means letting yourself influenced by your fears.

Bravery, on the other hand, is the utter refusal to fuckin’ be influenced by your fears.

Courage is something more than that, in the sense that courage is the process and endeavor of overcoming fear. A brave individual is not influenced by his or her fears, but they still have them. A courageous individual does something more than that, and actually overcomes their fears. The main purpose of courage is to overcome fear, and when one has become genuinely fearless, one is above courage and manifests levels of awareness and discernment that are thus veyond all fear. When fear does not factor in at all in anything that one does, one then genuinely, actively and proactively integrates the infinite and unlimited awareness of I and We and Me, as infinite and unlimited freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, among other things…

Therefore, one realizes that the solution for all problems in all of existence is love. To make myself clear, I am not referring to any form of attachment, pleasure, romantic involvement, happiness, joy, nor anything that may very well be a conscious expression of love and a good thing on its own, but which only expresses a facet of love. I’m talking about infinite and unbound love, which is veyond all manner of “reason” or “description”, and is a wild font of all conscious creativity, intuition, intelligence, spirituality, philosophy, defiance and essentially everything that is good.

When one recognizes such love, one realizes that, among other things, for there to be no evil in the world, or anywhere else, there is only one thing that people in general are to agree on, and apply: Live and let live. Do no harm, but take no shit.

In other words, do what ya like, so long as you appreciate and respect everyone else’s right to do what they want, as well. Said differently, consciously applying the principles of non-aggression and self-defence. While there’s infinitely more to talk about it philosophically, spiritually and such, in terms of practice and behaviour, that’s kinda it.

There are only 7 manifestations of evil in existence: murder, theft, assault, rape, lying/dishonesty, coercion and exploitation.

Both literally and metaphorically, everything else is a good and moral thing to do. It’s much more elevating and easy to do good, than to do evil. The artificial difficulty of our bullshit “society” and the indoctrination, programming and so on, is that the most people are addicted to some form of evil or another.

Doing good and greater things is easy and effortless. The hard thing, for most people in this so-called “society”, is to outgrow their attachment and addiction to some form or another of evil.

Most people aren’t murderers or rapists outright, but in lying to themselves and failing to recognize the difference between good and evil, they come up with bullshit excuses for evil, and thus enable and facilitate the actual manifestation of evil deeds, behaviours and ideologies, such as anything to do with “gov”, “auth”, “carnism”, “religion / cults (i.e. blind belief)”, and “money”, etc.

An example of the addiction to evil, is the notion of a “contract”. A contract, unlike many would erroneously claim, is not a friendly and voluntary agreement between two or more people, who make the decision to collaborate with informed personal consent. A contract is a form of attempted duress and coercion, because it always carries with it the illusion of either a direct or indirect “threat” of some kind, typically involving a third party who wants to siphon off of whatever gains the parties who actually do stuff manifest.

Aside from the evil this implies, which should always be met with DEFIANCE, the very idea of a contract inherently implies an erroneous and immediate assumption or suspicion that the person you’re interacting with is untrustworthy, before they’ve even shown anything to demonstrate that they are.

This is one of the main issues with our current society’s “model” of alleged “thinking”, which doesn’t even come remotely close to even marginally resembling anything to do with actual spirituality, creativity, intuition, intelligence and discernment – all things that people claim to appreciate, but few in our current and pathetic so-called “society” actually do appreciate. No matter though, because doing what is right is to actually be done, no matter what. Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing is. Right is right, even if nobody is doing it. Likewise, a lie is still a lie, even if everyone believes it. Truth is truth, even if nobody believes it.

Truth stands on its own, regardless of opinion, belief, popularity, etc.

That is part why, instead of immediately assuming that someone is either trustworthy or untrustworthy, or if something is true or false (to whatever extent), based on prejudice, it is far better to question everything. However, it is also fair to note that all individuals have both good and evil within them, as I and We and Me, as infinite and unlimited freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, wilder, care, courage and love, imagination, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things… simultaneously include all limitation, and infinitely more than that, all that is good, infinite and unlimited, greater, etc.

What, how and why we choose to manifest, as with anything and everything, is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to genuinely make.

Another thing to note, is that when individuals have yet to develop their own awareness of who and what they genuinely are, they generally mold their behaviour in relation to a combination of nature, nurture and how they’re treated by others. Thus, if you treat someone like shit, they might develop trauma, and unless they overcome that trauma, they become a piece of shit. Likewise, if you treat people with honesty, trust and conscious criticism (rather than trying to be violent or coercive towards them), they are naturally more “likely” to make the choice to express the goodness within them. It is an utterly and abundantly true and accurate affirmation, to say that kindness goes a long way.

However, those of us who have principles do not sway with how they we’re being treated. We do what we do, grow as we want and consciously do as we imagine, will and intend, choose and desire (well, everyone does, but I mean we do it knowingly, discerningly, actively and proactively, etcetera), regardless of how we’re treated, and regardless of any context, no matter what.

So, imagine a world of principled individuals who question everything and treat themselves and each other with kindness, while concurrently being ready and willing to retaliate against evil.

In such a world, people would naturally interact with each other with an attitude of “innocent, until proven guilty”, but concurrently with the consideration that we should of course question everything and everyone, etc; which is far better than the current attitude of most people in our current “society”, which is virtually the opposite.

A majority of people nowadays treat themselves and each other, on account of all the wrongs that they believe (often erroneously) they might do, instead of looking at what’s actually being done.

You have a gangrenous, evil and parasitic group of thugs and vile, parasitic creatures, and their ignorant supporters and accomplices (basically everyone in “gov”, or any other facet of the cult of “auth”), who pretend that they’re “the good guys”, by attempting to initiate violence, theft, coercion, deceit, rape, plunder, torture, war and so on, on account of the alleged “evils” or minor wrong-doings that people might do.

Extortion tickets for “speeding” or passing a red light, or for any other bullshit excuse. You haven’t run anyone over, but on the assumption that you might have or might do it, perhaps, probably, kinda, maybe, at some point… someone is going to try and make the deliberate attempt to either extort you for some of your resources, kidnap you, put you in a cage or murder you. In other words, someone is certainly committing an evil act, on account of a comparatively minor evil or just an honest mistake that someone might do; often times, it’s not even any of that, but rather just breaking some arbitrary and retarded “demand / edict” of a parasite (be they a person, institution, human or non-human, etc).

That’s not even scratching the surface, but the point is that literally everything that is done on the premise of the belief in “gov” or “auth”, is always evil. Thus, rebellion and defiance is the just and good type of approach and behaviour towards evil, both in self-defence (including using lethal “force”, when contextually apt and morally appropriate to do so), and likewise the sense of withdrawing one’s support of said systems, by means of looking into self-sustainability, decentralization, counter-economies, non-fiat economies and preferably non-monetary forms of organization as well, refusing to pay so-called “taxes” (which is just an emasculated term for slavery, because aside from fuckin’ being theft, it is also the erroneous claim of ownership over the products of your labour, and thus a retarded and false claim of ownership of people – living beings are not “property”; nobody “owns” anyone else; nobody has any more or less rights than anyone else), practicing your craft without any manner of a bullshit “official paper” (of course, assuming you actually have the knowledge, skills and wherewithal to actually practice it without causing harm due to ineptitude or negligence; making honest mistakes is one thing, but being shit at what you do is another; be good, genuine, honest and defiant, etc, among other things, both with regards to yourself, in general, and likewise with regards to what you do, both for the sake of it, as well as because you’d want to actually “help” other people effectively; or, more accurately, provide a catalyst, in response to which people might more readily decide to help themselves), etcetera.

People who believe in “gov” and “auth” are so blinded and indoctrinated, and often just plain retarded, that they literally believe in the so-called “certainty” of a bigger wrongdoing being performed, as a means of allegedly thwarting a “probable”, often much less fucked up wrongdoing. It’s like claiming that cutting off someone’s arms and legs is a “solution”, because if they’re crippled for life, they won’t ever trip on the sidewalk again. Or like saying that injecting poisonous shit into your body, that provokes all sorts of illnesses, that could very well provoke your body to collapse and die, or to handicap itself for life in one way or another, is somehow a “solution” for preventing a comparatively minor “disease” (besides, “disease” is a misnomer for what’s practically a detoxification process, but that’s another conversation); AIDS, alzheimers, virtually all auto-immune “diseases”, chronic illnesses, potential death and life-long handicaps, paralysis and all that shit is stuff that’s listed as “side-effects” of most pharmaceutical drugs, especially “vaccines” (if “viruses” don’t exist as “pathogens”, there are no “vaccines” as “officially defined” either; it’s poisonous slop and bullshit propaganda) and now mRNA injections (or, in other words, GMO human serum)… and those who are zealots at the church of “scientism” and “modern medicine”, believe that all those things are somehow “acceptable”, so long as a tiny flu, allegedly caused by an inexistent “pathogen” or misinterpreted germ, is prevented. That is, if the vaccines actually worked in terms of their claimed purpose, which they never do. The actual agenda of vaccines, all pharmaceutical cartels and literally everyone who claims to be an “auth” of whatever sort, is to try and deceive, dupe and poison people.

The problem is, again, partially derived from people being far too trusting of those they’ve never met, so long as they have a plastered, fake ass smile on their face that they show at regular intervals, even if they’ve shown to be outright malicious, yet far too, and far too artificially at that, suspicious of those they actually meet and talk with, and who’ve rarely, if ever shown themselves to actually do them any wrong (other than supporting the slavery system as accomplices, in case of those who are retarded enough to do so).

While it is of course of utter importance and pertinence to contemplate and speculate, both for its own sake, for spiritual, creative, philosophical, intuitive and intelligent evolution and fun, and likewise for practical purposes, treating yourself and other people on account of what you or they might do, can be a good thing, if you’re considering the potential to do good things and are interested in nurturing that; but looking towards one’s self or others with disdain, based on all the bad stuff that they might do, and then trying to enact some manner of revenge or aggression towards them before you actually know if they committed said evil, is an utter fallacy.

In other words, don’t go and try to beat the shit out of someone who’s shown no intention of fuckin’ being violent towards you, on account that they might do it, even if you have no discernment that they’re actually intending to do so. Even if they do actually intend to commit some evil, until they’ve actually committed it, they’ve done no wrong.

Likewise with good; if someone intends or claims they want to do a good thing, but aren’t actually doing it or doing something towards enabling themselves to do it, then they’re not actually doing said good.

It is true that our imagination and intent are part of that from which manifestation and action are born, but it is through our care and will  that we manifest the things that we imagine and intend, all through the imagination, will and intent, choice and desire aspects of Myself and Ourselves, etc, among other things…

I and we are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, will and intent… infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…

Never fear, and never be feared.

Always proud, strong and defiant. Playful, teasing and mysterious. Conscious, confident and fearless.

Always question, remember, know and comprehend, among other things…

Nobody and nothing has a “higher claim” (nor any claim whatsoever) to our lives than we do.

There can be no “chosen” ones, and there are no “chosen” ones. Only I and we can save ourselves, and only I and we are responsible for doing so. All pain and suffering are always self-inflicted, and all evolutions and elevations are always self-facilitated, by us, form us, with ourselves; individually, infinitely and unlimitedly, as well as in every way whatsoever, and veyond the very notion and concept of “ways”.

Freedom is never given. Freedom is never taken.

I and we are all and always and veyond ways, free and freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, will and intent… infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…

That is it and that is all… infinitely, unbound all the more… among other things…

Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.

Always and veyond ways, I persist, rebel, defy.

Always and veyond ways, I am freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love… imagination, will and intent… infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…



Anyways, among other things…

Always question everything

The more we know, the more we know, how much more there is to know

Anyways, we are to all and always and veyond ways persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, conscious, spiritual, defiant, creative, courageous, genuine, honest, greater, wilder, louder, prouder etc, no matter fuckin’ what, etc.



Criteria of Worthiness:

Anarchy and What It Actually Means:

Exposing “virology”, “germ theory” and scamdemics:

Exposing and retaliating against “israel” and parasitic jews:

Genuine Veganism (not the bullshit co-opted version):

Choosing Good over evil:

Anyway, among other things…

“Creator” and “Creation” consciousness are not “separate”. They are both I and We and Me, infinite and unlimited consciousness, manifesting in different ways, and veyond the concept of “ways”.

Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.

Always and veyond ways, I wildly, loudly, proudly persist, rebel, defy.

Always and veyond ways, I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…



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