Complexity versus complication

There is a massive, yet generally unknown-by-most-current-iteration-earth-humans method of deception in our world. Or, at the very least, it’s an error that people make, that – with or without being exploited (even though it pretty much is, at this moment in human history – early 21st century, gregorian calendar) – is still something that most people are actually letting hamper their growth, for as long as they’re not aware of it.

There are many issues with the pathetic and retarded excuse for what people call “society” nowadays, but the mistake in question, that we’re going to tackle in this article, is that most people don’t manage to differentiate between complexity and complication, and between ostensible “simplicity” and actual “simplex-ity”.

I’ll start by defining terms, in general and in detail, so that there’s less confusion.

Complexity – intricacy and vastness of qualities that are good, greater, conscious and elevating.

Example of complexity: A painting that is very intricate, filled with symbolism about spirituality and philosophy, which can have many interpretations and likewise varying messages, many layers of paint and canvas, that are made in such a way that they both conceal stuff from those who don’t know how to read it, yet is very obvious for those who do know how to read and interpret it; and which is also a schematic for some sort of magick or technology, and likewise a map for some obscure location, while also expressing many journeys, both personal and infinite, while also alluding to, or directly expressing something of philophical, spiritually proactive conscience, consciousness and so on.

Ostensible “simplicity” – ease or effortlessness in expressing or doing something (which is always brought about by complexity).

Example of such: When someone who knows their shit very well, and always grows and so on, and thus does whatever they do more and more easily and effortlessly, as a result of ever elevating self-love, self-respect, knowledge, comprehension, expression, conscience, consciousness, and likewise ever increasing skill, aptitude, ability and so on. Or, when someone knows the essence and the details of something, and manages to convey that essence and detail, into a few paragraphs or, say, a proverb.

Complication – artificial difficulty, brought about by lethargy, ineptitude, self-loathing and whatever else that is degrading.

Example of complication: “The dark haired woman, to whom we shall heretofore refer to as “Annie”, spelled A N N I E, has, in the past up to approximately 240 minutes from the moment of using a keyboard to annotate the event at this moment, heretofore referred to as “this moment”, been witnessed or acknowledged to have used the function of her limbs, specifically her legs, to facilitate motion and movement of her body, so as to travel across the ligneous and many leaved ensemble of flora species generally known as “trees”, heretofore called a “forest”, in which there are likewise varying ensembles of other species of flora, heretofore called “plants”, before making her arrival back to the abode in which she carries a number of daily activities, heretofore called “her house” or “her home”.”

The same idea would’ve far more easily been expressed by saying: “Annie took a stroll through the woods, and arrived back home a couple of hours ago.”

Using many words, when there’s a lot to say and explain, is good, but if the same idea can be more easily conveyed through fewer words, without any of the meaning or detail being lost, then what’s the point of writing an essay about something that can be expressed in a single sentence, if everyone “gets it” without the “need” for repeating what people already know?

It is most often the case that people who know their shit about something, will want to express what they actually mean more swiftly, rather than in an artificially complicated fashion, both because they actually know what they’re talking about and don’t really want to repeat themselves and spend too much prolonguing the explanation of what they and everyone else around ‘em already know, about stuff they already know, comprehend and live daily, and likewise because we’d actually want people to get the essence of it, and then discover the details for themselves.

This last paragraph, by the way, as well as generally the way that I write is of the sort that is more long winded, but notice that every word actually has meaning, rather than just being there as a means of bloating up the word count.

Complexity, therefore effortlessness and ease in doing more and more advanced things, more easily.

As for “simplex-ity” – an expressed lack of good qualities, which thus facilitates artificial difficulty.

Also, do note that there is a massive difference between the illusion of “natural difficulty” and the delusion of “artificial difficulty”.

An example of natural difficulty would be when you first start out doing something that you’ve personally never done before, or have little to no experience with, or discernment about, yet. The more, and more effectively you do the thing, the better you get at it, and so therefore the easier and easier you do it, and with better effectiveness and flair and such, among other things…

In contrast, artificial difficulty appears when ego-driven, parasitic, evil and generally things that imply degradation are involved. Like, when you know what to do and how to do it, but the difficulty you’re experiencing isn’t necessarily with regards to the implications of the activity itself, but rather with some emotional, mental, sentimental or egoic block on something, or a fear that you have yet to overcome, or something of that sort. 

Virtually ALL difficulties that most people have in their lives nowadays are artificial and manufactured, because the majority of people are too lazy and cowardly to actually do something to grow as individuals and in consciousness. That is why slavery exists in the world, and precisely because slavery and evil are some of the most simplex and limited things in existence, everyone tries to come up with lots of bullshit complications and complicated, convoluted excuses and “policies” (edicts of slavery), because they want to make their shit seem like it’s so “advanced”, when it’s actually just a lot of fluff that’s trying to hide a core of bullshit, evil and fear.

Just like how the hubristic and vain, so-called “experts” and “official people” of various sorts, always talk in a fake-ass, artificially long-winded and many worded fashion, without actually SAYING anything, or at least not anything that’s actually true, moral or good in any way.

In other words, they’re just finding convoluted ways to express their stupidity and ignorance, in an effort to look “smart”, to those who are either as dumb, or dumber than they are.

People, or at least something that tries to pretend that it’s a person, who speak in few words because they have a limited vocabulary, or because they don’t actually know the meaning of many words, speak plainly, because they don’t know how to speak in more advanced ways.

Those who are also on that level, but try to make it seem like they’re “smarter” by using many words, in an attempt to hide their fallacy and idiocy, are also idiots.

Fuck ‘em and fuck that shit.

Anyway, in contrat, when lookin’ at people and entities who genuinely love and respect, know, comprehend and express themselves and so on, it doesn’t really matter how plainly or intricately we speak, because there is always meaning in what we say.

Besides, the words or methods or expression don’t really matter, when it comes to discerning the quality and truthfulness of what is actually being meant. Of course, one’s way of expression does say a lot about whether or not the being and character in question actually knows and comprehends what they’re saying or communicating, if they actually mean it, what views, feelings and thoughts they have about the things, and so on.

So, in that sense, both what is said is important, as is the way in which it is said, but for different purposes.

And here’s another thing, among many others, about complexity, and why it’s good – one can make the distinction between the different details of something, and recognize inconsistencies and likewise consistencies, make connections and discern things more readily and so on.

However, there is a difference between that, and when someone tries to use the vague excuse of “ooh, everything is so complex, ooh”, as a way of excusing their ignorance about something.

Likewise, while it’s important to focus on the details, it’s also much more important to not be blinded by those details, nor by anything; if you only look at details, you’re going to miss the meaning and essence, and so therefore, your clarity and discernment about the details is also going to be skewed and obfuscated, no matter how “obvious” you might think something is, because you’re either attached to a belief or because it’s something that you’ve constantly seen repeated.

The idea is to look veyond the details, and actually see the essence and the meaning that they are meant to express. Then, one’s comprehension of the details is more pertinent.

As an example, if you only look at strings of textile, or you go even more in depth, and only look at “textile particles” or “fibers”, you might think or believe you know about what they mean, but if you don’t zoom out to see the sweater or the dress they make, you’re pretty much gonna be clueless about what the purpose of those fibers is, and what they actually express, or where they come from, etcetera.

However, if you only look at the dress and you lose sight of the fibers, you may have a more expansive view, but it’s also going to be more blurry and fuzzy.

What we’re trying to express, among other things, is that both essential awareness (in other words, genuine, spiritual intuition – to be distinguished as a spiritually conscious thing, and not reflexive associations based on instinct, repetition and reflex, that people occasionally and erroneously refer to, when using the same word) and focused awareness (in other words, genuine, spiritual intelligence – as differing from contextual or calculus based “problem solving” skills, critical thinking or logic; all of which are useful, but true intelligence is more than that) are, well.. essential.

So, the idea is, among other things…

The heart is the knower, and the mind is the comprehender.

If you know, but don’t comprehend, that’s like having infinite breadth of awareness, or, say, an infinite field of view… but also cataract. You see a lot, but fuzzily.

If you focus, without knowing, you may see the details you’re focusing on more clearly… but you’re pretty much blind to anything else. Kinda like having a screen, with only one or a few pixels working right, if at all. Which, since you’re not seeing the bigger picture or the other details, you also pretty much don’t comprehend even the things you are seeing or are aware of, regardless of how much you think or believe you do.

So, the idea is to, among other things, truly and genuinely tap into the heart and intuition, and thus tap into spiritual and conscious wisdom, and as such, to remember and know, comprehend and express Myself and Ourselves, I (infinite and unlimited consciousness) and we (individual consciousness, infinities of expressions and manifestations of I) as infinite and unlimited freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love… among other things…

Thus, when we genuinely love, respect, know, comprehend and express ourselves, both in-form and veyond form, we always persist in doing what is right, and always look to feel and think and do things, more and more wildly and defiantly, courageously and honestly, creatively, intuitively, intelligently, and of course, spiritually and philosophically.

Therefore, never give up and never give in.

Never obey, never rule. Never surrender, never impose. Never follow, and never command.

Never serve, never be served. Never pray, never be prayed to. Never worship, and never be worshipped. Never submit, never dominate. Never a slave, never a master.

And again, never give up, never give in.

Or, in other words, never fear and never be feared.

Always proud, strong and defiant, playful, teasing and mysterious, conscious, confident and fearless.

Bravery is the refusal to let fear influence us or our decisions.

Courage is the process of overcoming fear.

Fearlessness is having risen above fear.

Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.




Always and veyond ways…

I am freedom, I am liberty, I am defiance

I am soul and spirit, care and love

That is it, and that is all… infinitely, unbound all the more…



Anyways, among other things…

Always question everything

The more we know, the more we know, how much more there is to know

Anyways, we are to all and always and veyond ways persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, conscious, spiritual, defiant, creative, courageous, genuine, honest, greater, wilder, louder, prouder etc, no matter fuckin’ what, etc.



Criteria of Worthiness:

True Spirituality, compared to bullshit zealotry and cults:

Anarchy and What It Actually Means:

Exposing “virology”, “germ theory” and scamdemics:

Exposing and retaliating against “israel” and parasitic jews:

Genuine Veganism (not the bullshit co-opted version):

Choosing Good over evil:

Anyway, among other things…

“Creator” and “Creation” consciousness are not “separate”. They are both I and We and Me, infinite and unlimited consciousness, manifesting in different ways, and veyond the concept of “ways”.

Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.

Always and veyond ways, I wildly, loudly, proudly persist, rebel, defy.

Always and veyond ways, I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…



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