Tag: spirit

spiritual, conscious and defiant harmony of rage, calmness and clarity, etc, among other things…

Is there such a thing as a thought or emotion without purpose? Is there anything at all, without purpose or meaning? No. No such thing as something without purpose. Everything that is, exists for not just “a reason”, but for infinities of reasons. Everything not only “has” meaning, but everything is meaningful. Whether or not […]

Freedom is the essence of everything, among other things…

There is an ongoing delusion of the ego-mind. An illusion of the mind that has become addicted to what I call the “in-story” persona, like a creator and player of a video-game becoming addicted to the images on the screen, forgetting who they are and becoming so blinded by the game-world, to the extent that […]

Yes, we can; Yes, we will; Yes, we are; among other things…

What does it mean to change the world? What does it mean to change reality?  What does it mean to change one’s self, to change everything else? You look around today, in this pathetic excuse for a so-called “society”, with the mindless masses of self-loathing golems and walking corpses (for, indeed, to truly live means […]

Freedom, anarchy and the end of slavery

First and foremost, we are to question, remember, know and comprehend who I and we always and already are. I and we are all and always free and freedom, imagination, will and intent… infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things… Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make. When we […]

conscious relationships, and why marriage is bullshit; also, among other things…

Another title for this article could’ve been “why marriage is pointless and irrelevant”, but I felt that the current one is more appropriate, because something being pointless just means it has no weight in terms of changing things for better, nor worse. In other words, it’s irrelevant because it doesn’t actually produce any change. It’s […]

Everyone can do anything and everything, among other things…

Everything is divine, divinity and veyond… once we recognize this, and consciously integrate the knowledge into our motivations and what we actually do, we’ll change the world because we’ve changed ourselves to actually become the change. In actuality, everyone’s already changing the world, for better or worse, through the quality of who they are and […]

the pen and the sword should be used together, among other things…

It is rather tragically amusing, and often infuriating as well, to look at people and see how pathetic and emasculated they’ve let themselves become, pretending that they give a shit about, or indeed even fathom what true goodness and morality look like, but with barely having any spine or courage enough to confront the darkness […]

Have patience and compassion, but be firm and know when to retaliate

Violence. The last resort of conscious beings, and the first resort of idiots and parasites. Although, it’s inaccurate to say even that, because violence itself is the initiation of “force” against someone who has done neither you, nor anyone else, any wrong. In the case of “force” being used as a last resort in the […]

What is truth?

What is truth? It is often the case that the word “truth” is often thrown around by ignorant people, who really really wanna believe something, to an extent that they confuse said belief with what the truth actually is. Such people have no discernment, until they overcome the mental and emotional ineptitude that is “faith”, […]

Love and the desire for closeness

What is love? I mean genuine, conscious and spiritual love; not the wishy washy “I love ya ‘cause I fancy ya, or because there’s some pleasure or convenience involved.” Genuine love is not something that words alone would manage to describe. And, no, I’m not talking about the fallacy of someone erroneously assuming something to […]

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