Tag: morality

spiritual, conscious and defiant harmony of rage, calmness and clarity, etc, among other things…

Is there such a thing as a thought or emotion without purpose? Is there anything at all, without purpose or meaning? No. No such thing as something without purpose. Everything that is, exists for not just “a reason”, but for infinities of reasons. Everything not only “has” meaning, but everything is meaningful. Whether or not […]

Freedom is the essence of everything, among other things…

There is an ongoing delusion of the ego-mind. An illusion of the mind that has become addicted to what I call the “in-story” persona, like a creator and player of a video-game becoming addicted to the images on the screen, forgetting who they are and becoming so blinded by the game-world, to the extent that […]

Yes, we can; Yes, we will; Yes, we are; among other things…

What does it mean to change the world? What does it mean to change reality?  What does it mean to change one’s self, to change everything else? You look around today, in this pathetic excuse for a so-called “society”, with the mindless masses of self-loathing golems and walking corpses (for, indeed, to truly live means […]

Freedom, anarchy and the end of slavery

First and foremost, we are to question, remember, know and comprehend who I and we always and already are. I and we are all and always free and freedom, imagination, will and intent… infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things… Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make. When we […]

Everyone can do anything and everything, among other things…

Everything is divine, divinity and veyond… once we recognize this, and consciously integrate the knowledge into our motivations and what we actually do, we’ll change the world because we’ve changed ourselves to actually become the change. In actuality, everyone’s already changing the world, for better or worse, through the quality of who they are and […]

the pen and the sword should be used together, among other things…

It is rather tragically amusing, and often infuriating as well, to look at people and see how pathetic and emasculated they’ve let themselves become, pretending that they give a shit about, or indeed even fathom what true goodness and morality look like, but with barely having any spine or courage enough to confront the darkness […]

Love makes no compromise; love does what is right, no matter what

I want to share with you what are perhaps some of the most profoundly disgusting ways that mindless and self-loathing morons use nowadays, as a means of excusing their complacency and addiction to their own enslavement. This would-be “conversation” started with a person who is (but who is gradually starting to no longer be, at […]

Facing our inner darkness, and embracing it together with the light; how to always persist, rebel, defy and strive to be better than we were the moment prior

There is only ever one limiter that keeps the mind and individual from growing: fear. That is it. Fear is the only thing through which we keep ourselves from growing in conscience and consciousness. If one is to overcome a thing, one is to first know and comprehend it; and, of course, all the more, […]

How to overcome moral inconsistencies in one’s behaviour

Boy, I find it so amusing (tragically so, though) when people claim to be interested in freedom and liberty, that “they really care” about humanity and want to build a better world and so on, yet when you see what they actually believe, as well as what they do in practice… it’s more or less […]

Live life fully, and veyond life

People throw the word “extreme” or “extremism” around these days, but do they really know what it actually meant in essence? The word itself just refers to something that is significantly enough outside someone’s expectation. In and of itself, it has no bearing on the quality of the actual thing in question. When it comes […]

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