Education vs indoctrination

(As for the picture, no, it’s not the “ultimate” cheatsheet, because there is always room for improvement, creativity and elevation, etc, but it is a good starting point and so on; anyways, moving on)

Although to anyone with genuine self-love and self-respect it was pretty much always obvious that our society is fucked up in its inception, at least in these times, even to those who have never pondered the self and consciousness, nor ventured into the realms of conspiracy research, it should be no surprise whatsoever that our society revolves around violence and deception, and is currently little more than a human farm or slavery plantation.

This is despite the generally benign or at least not-outwardly-violent behaviour of most people. Why is that? Well, first and foremost because I/we as soul and spirit have chosen to create such a reality and experience, with the intention of rising above it and writing a story of growth and evolution, as well as overcoming hardships. That’s a more spiritual and esoteric conversation that words alone wouldn’t manage to aptly describe, but in terms of the more “in-world” reasons for why our current society is a botched up sack of shit, have to do with both eugenic (or rather dys-genic) and genetic alteration agendas, along with energy and perception manipulation ones, that have gone on in this world since at least several thousand years ago.

The more “modern” and examples and ramifications of those agendas have to do with the current ways in which the dark occultists, and both human and non-human parasites behind the scenes, operate towards the goal of deceiving the general population into enslaving itself and building its own prison. Both mentally, emotionally and through using both dark sorcery and technology towards evil and restrictive purposes (as is the case with 5G, anything that has the label of “smart-technology”, chemtrails, GMO food, mainstream “medicine” being virtually the exact opposite of what the word is supposed to mean, knowledge about pretty much anything that matters being attemptively kept from the masses, etcetera).

I could go on and on about different agendas, which I have in other articles, but in this one I’m going to elaborate upon one of the most fundamental traits that “societies” of slavery always have in common. Whether we’re talking about ancient societies, current or future ones, the methodology of evil and slavery remains the same: violence, theft, coercion and deceit. All of which are not only present, but crucial in how, what people generally refer to as “the system”, operates; and indoctrination is one of the primary ways through which slavery is propagated.

For reasons both esoteric and exoteric, which have to do with us actually being infinite and unlimited consciousness creating our own realities (in that sense, when we remember ourselves veyond the illusion, or manifestational realms, we see that everything happens through choice and consent, no matter how pleasant or unpleasant any “in-world” experience might be and regardless of whether our egos remember this or not, to whatever extent) and likewise because, statistically speaking, there are far, far more people in the world than there are deceivers and parasites in the “hidden hand”, no slavery system would ever manage to exist without the target individual’s or population’s consent.

That is why the parasites obsess over trying to fabricate people’s consent through violence, coercion and deceit, all of which are traits of indoctrination.

What is indoctrination? It comes from “inductus” which etimologically means “to speak into”, which is pretty much what it is in practice as well, both esoterically because the non-human parasites literally attempt to deceive the populace into becoming automatons and robots, in other words empty shells for them to possess and influence. That is what the so-called “elite” and psychopaths of our world are – empty vessels for parasitic entities, and that is what the latter want to try and have the population turn itself into. Also, exoterically, by deceiving the population into literally becoming megaphones for the plantation’s belief system and cult of statism, religion, so-called “authority” or any other euphemism for slavery.

Compare that to education, which comes from “educus”, which etimologically means “to bring forth that which is within”. In other words, aiding the individuals to express and do what they themselves feel, think and know is their passion and purpose in life; to express their uniqueness and beauty of heart, mind and soul, and to act with wild and conscious spirituality, defiance, creativity, intuition, intelligence, morality, honesty and all these other good and conscious aspects of who and what we are as divine infinity, unlimitedness and veyond.

You look at what “schools” and “universities” do today, and you’ll see that it’s nothing more than a system whereby children are taken during their formative years, put through a grinder that grossly and disgustingly attempts to stifle their individuality and uniqueness, to get them into a compulsory and negatively competitive mindset, while trying to deceive people into confusing the always beautiful and elevating process of learning and growing in knowledge and comprehension, with the twisted, vile and blatantly retarded process of blind memorization of manipulated, half-true or entirely bullshit, distorted, trivial or just blatantly false information, then regurgitating it at an exam, before soon forgetting most of it and then rarely, if ever, using it again.

“Repeat, memorize, repeat, memorize, repeat.” If you express genuine intuition and intelligence, questioning the narrative and what you learn, along with the desire and will to actually know, comprehend and express more than the bullshit that they try to feed you, you don’t pass the tests and you don’t get your “mind-slave diploma”.

Fuck your tests! Fuck your meaningless papers! I care about unbiased, knowing, knowledge, comprehension, expression and research! Among infinities of other things that have to do with growth in consciousness, etc.

How do you quantify learning, knowing, comprehending and other aspects which are both unique and intimate to every individual? Especially while knowing that there is infinite knowledge to actually be known? How do you quantify spirituality, philosophy and consciousness, synchronicities and other such things? Oh, that’s right, you don’t!

What is quantifiable is the mechanical and technical aspects related to linear processes affiliate to the “in-world” illusion of “time-space”. Things such as skill-related performance, calculation speed, reflexes, prowess related to different technical abilities and so on. However, that is also relative, and does not account for other esoteric and non-linear aspects of reality and beyond.

Why then is “the system” so obsessed and religious about linear “grades” related to both, again, half-true, trivial or false information, along with blatantly arbitrary parameters decided by whatever agendas the parasites feel like trying to deceive people with that day? Oh, that’s right; they want a population of mindless automatons, who are easy to manipulate and deceive.

The parasites spend the bulk of their time and resources in deception and indoctrination, and maintaining the knowledge differential of whatever sliver of slightly more advanced information they have compared to the general public, because they’re scared shitless of a well-informed, moral and courageous population. They are all cowards who try to deceive the population into coming to an even worse level of retardation than they themselves are at.

What the parasites fail to realize, however, is that in-so-doing they further handicap themselves, because if the host no longer expresses the attributes that the parasites want to feed off of (the creative ability to manifest reality in more conscious ways, which parasites fundamentally lack), then the parasites and whoever falls for their bullshit “perish” (in quotes, because there is no “death”, and life is a dream, but you get the point).

I obviously don’t mean to bash on cripples, but allegorically speaking, it’s like a cripple trying to get an athlete to push their wheelchair around and deceive them into erroneously believing that they “depend” on the cripple, with their mentality bein’ like “Hm, this athlete can easily just let go of my wheelchair, the instant they realize they don’t need me. I know! I’ll fool them into cutting off their own arms and legs. Then, they won’t manage to leave me. Brilliant!”

Gee, well done, jackass. Who’s gonna push your wheelchair around now? Or, how about this? How about you realize that you were never a cripple to begin with (nor is anyone), and get off your ass and work those fuckin’ muscles and learn to be an athlete yourself?

Psychopathic, parasitic people and entities, while some may have some level of more advanced knowledge than the majority of people in our so-called “society” nowadays, do not even fathom anything beyond their frail and decrepit ego. It’s like someone has read a book about cooking, they memorized the recipes as presented, but they do not at all manage to improve upon them, nor come up with recipes of their own, while likewise being shit at even the recipes that they do know about. Then, they desperately try to keep the “cook book secret” from the rest, because they know that the other non-parasitic people and entities would be far better cooks than the parasites currently are.

And ya know what? The parasites are still failing. Both because of the nature of what parasites are, both esoterically and exoterically, and likewise because genuinely conscious and good, greater beings and so on, tend towards the more infinite and unlimited aspects of ourselves as consciousness, and thus always grow and evolve.

Of course, you won’t hear stories about how the dark occultists and “the system” are falling apart in the news and in mainstream outlets, and if you look around the world today (at the time of writing this) and see all the morons wearing face diapers and erroneously believing they’re “heroes” that are “saving people”, or who still pathetically claim to “support israel” without realizing how fucked up that is… it can be pretty easy to get both angry and sad, infuriated and disappointed at how many people are still mindless idiots that build their own prison while deluding themselves into believing they’re doing good, when they’re just further enslaving themselves. And holy shit, do I get angry about that…

It’s good to have that righteous rage and express it, but without being blinded by it. Besides, why are the parasites so desperate? Because they realize they’re losing. Nobody ever gets desperate if they think they’re winning. The thing is, because of their calcified egos, the parasites won’t acknowledge that they’re losing, and they’re even more reluctant to admit that the reason they are losing is because of their limited and retarded mindset.

The biggest “achievement” that parasites ever manage to muster is that they occasionally manage to delude their “host” into destroying itself, in which case they fail to realize that they destroy themselves, as well. Which is not really their own “accomplishment” or “merit”, but rather the host having fallen for their bullshit and thus wittingly or (more often) unwittingly mutilating themselves into self-destruction. If your very existence relies on the weakness of another, then you are not yet a self-sufficient being ,and definitely not a self-improving one.

Genuine self-sufficient, self-improving and self-elevating beings grow and evolve regardless of abundance or adversity, and also seek to help others grow as well, facing all challenges and overcoming all obstacles. Since we love and respect, know and comprehend ourselves, and as such, wildly and consciously choose to express ourselves, we thus tend to exhibit similar behaviours towards others as well. How you treat others is a reflection of how you feel and think about yourself, “internally”; because the so-called “inner world” creates the so-called “outer world”.

That is also why the solution to practically all problems and issues ever, is to consciously assume responsibility and change ourselves within, and therefore the “world” and “reality” will (sooner or later within the illusion of “time-space”) naturally reflect that inner change, through both synchronicities and other things.

You want a world of kindness? Be kind.

You want a world of love? Be loving.

You want a world of honesty? Be honest, then.

You want a world of genuine and unbiased knowledge and comprehension? Be genuine in your endeavor to know and comprehend, without being blinded by bias.

Not for the sake of the “world”, but for the sake of one’s own growth and evolution, for the sake of doing so. When the energy and growth comes from within, then the “outer world” will naturally reflect that. However, here’s a catch and funny kink to it all: if your reason for wanting to “evolve from within” is to eventually see a change in the world, then you are still attached to the “outer world” and you still cling to it; thus, your “inner growth” will be stunted because of that attachment.

It’s good to want to create a better world than what we found when we got here, and that’s obviously one of the reasons why I’m writing this blog and doing whatever I’m doing, but the main reasons are related to my own growth in conscience, consciousness, knowing and comprehending, expression, elevation and so on. Not in an egotistical “it’s all about me, fuck everyone else” way, and definitely not in an “altruistic” sort of way either (both of which are just oppo-similar expressions of self-degradation and self-forgetfulness), but rather in a spiritual, elevating, self-aware and conscious approach of “I love and respect myself, as both infinite beingness and individual being. Therefore, everything I do is because I choose to, and thus I grow and evolve for the sake of doing so. As a natural result of that, I am both apt and willing to help remind others of who they are and how they can grow and evolve, as well.”

 Huh… this article was initially about “traits of psychopathic, violent and deceitful societies”, where I was going to talk in relative detail about… well, what that title says and also showing how our current society embodies all of those traits that I was going to list, but looking at the word count, it seems I got more into explaining the difference between education versus “indoctrination”, and how to overcome the latter. As you’ll have already read, that’s the new title of this article. I’ll write the other one at some other point, or who knows, I might’ve already done that by the point I publish this. I don’t publish my articles in the sequence I write them, by the way. I publish whichever, whenever I feel like it. This one, for example, was initially written in July 2020, and I’ve now edited some of it before actually publishing the thing.

Anyway, one of the natural expressions of genuine curiosity and a thirst for knowledge and comprehension is to always question everything! The more we know, the more we know how much more there is to know. The more we question, the more we know… and the more we know, the more we question. Thus, through spirit, intuition, intelligence and so on, we know and comprehend… among other things…

Nobody and nothing has a higher claim to our lives than we do.

There can be no “chosen” ones. Only we can save ourselves and only we are responsible for doing so.

Freedom is never given. Freedom is never taken.

I/we are all and always free and freedom, imagination, will and intent… infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…

What we choose to manifest is always a choice; and the choice is always ours to genuinely make.

Anyways, among other things…

always question everything

the more we know, the more we know, how much more there is to know

Anyways, we are to all and always and veyond ways persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, conscious, spiritual, defiant, creative, courageous, genuine, honest, greater, wilder, louder, prouder etc, no matter fuckin’ what, etc.



Anyway, among other things… 

“Creator” and “Creation” consciousness are not “separate”. They are both I and We and Me, infinite and unlimited consciousness, manifesting in different ways, and veyond the concept of “ways”.

Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.

Always and veyond ways, I wildly, loudly, proudly persist, rebel, defy.

Always and veyond ways, I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…



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