There are only 7 things that are bad to be done, because they always imply degradation in consciousness, and therefore forgetfulness of self, and therefore manifesting more retarded realities, as compared to good and conscious ones.
Those 7 evils, and the only 7 evil acts in all existence, are: murder, theft, assault, lying, rape, coercion and exploitation.
Both literally and metaphorically, everything else is a good, moral and greater thing to do.
Murder is the deliberate initiation of “lethal harm” against someone who has not initiated such, against you or another. Killing is not the same as murder, because if one retaliates with “lethal force” against someone who’s already trying to kill them, or is about to, then that’s a moral thing to do. Non-violence and self-defence. “Aggression” is not the same as violence; the latter is an element that’s eventually born from aggression, but aggression itself is the feeling, which can translate into demeanor and behaviour, but even though it’s not exactly a very conscious thing in every situation whatsoever (unless used in self defence and in righteous anger or rage), it’s not actually immoral itself, unless it degrades into actual initiation of violent acts against an innocent; i.e., someone who either has not, or is no longer initiating such actions, preferably due to a change of heart and mind towards greater and more conscious, creative, spiritual and moral things, etc, etc, among other things…
Theft is either the act or serious attempt of “taking” something from someone, without their voluntary, informed decision to share that thing with you. If someone has already stolen something from you, retaliating through means of taking something of theirs or reclaiming what has been stolen, is a moral thing to do.
Assault is the deliberate initiation of “force” (lethal or otherwise) against someone who, again, has not initiated such against you or another. Retaliation in self-defence, though, is a good thing.
Rape is the deliberate attempt to initiate “force, coercion or manipulation, exploitation, etc” towards having sexual interactions with someone who has not voluntarily opted to engage in such activities with you.
Coercion is the deliberate attempt to initiate some form of so-called “threats” or manipulation towards someone, in the attempt to bring about some agenda or assumed outcome. Coercion can imply eventual violence, murder or assault, theft, etc, but in itself it implies the attempt to “threaten” or “manipulate”. Blackmail is an example of coercion.
Exploitation is the deliberate attempt to initiate some manner of “manipulation” and “deceit”, towards someone, again, in the attempt to bring about some agenda or assumed outcome. Advertising and marketing in general (compared to honest promotion of something, without any sleight of hand or deceiving wordplay, or “persuasion tactics”), psychological tricks (especially when used on those unaware), psyops, false flags that involve lying about there being an allegedly “horrific event”, when there actually wasn’t any (if there was, it’s exploitation, plus any of the other 7 evils), are examples of exploitation.
Scamdemics, organized religion and cults, mind-”control”, social engineering (mass manipulation is a more honest description), abuse, the indoctrination system so disgustingly called “public education”, which has virtually nothing to do with actual education and learning (which is meant to bring out the beauty within everyone and promote independent thinking and feeling, empathy, discernment, creativity, spirituality, etc, etc, among other things…); hierarchies of any kind (which are not ways of social organization, but rather an attempt at systemizing psychological and emotional abuse; if you want to organize effectively as a group of people with similar interests, you can easily do so through voluntary, informed decisions and conscious agreement, without anyone being erroneously believed to have any more or less rights than anyone else), racism (actual racism, not just the label of “boo, you’re a racist if you disagree with me” used by retards who’re scared shitless of actual conversation), manipulation in general, genocide, wars of aggression and other such things, are always different forms or combinations of those 7 evils that I’ve described.
Well, in this article, I’ve described 6 of them thus far, but that’s because, principially, all those other 6 evils are born from the actual, one and only evil in all of existence: lying.
In the sense that we’re using the word here, and in general, here’s the definition of lying: forgetfulness of self and consciousness.
The infinite and unlimited truth, which always applies in all contexts, as well as veyond the notion of contexts and all form, is this…
Always and veyond ways…
I, infinite and unlimited consciousness, and We, infinite and unlimited consciousness manifesting in infinities of “forms”, and Me, the infinities of characters, personalities and egos that I and We manifest as “roleplay forms” within the manifested story realms, are all and always infinite and unlimited freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, will and intent… infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…
Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.
Thus, those of us who want to create, express and manifest the good and conscious, evolving and elevating aspects of Myself and Ourselves, always choose to persist, rebel, defy, no matter fuckin’ what.
What is defiance?
Defiance is choosing good over evil, right over wrong, truth over lies, courage over cowardice, fearlessness over fear, liberty over slavery, and of course, rebellion over compliance, and generally speaking, choosing growth and evolution, expansion, elevation, over everything that is fucked up and retarded.
And, seeing as how those 7 evils are literally the only things that facilitate degradation in consciousness, choosing the right thing over the wrong is extremely easy. It only seems hard, to someone who has decided to have a personal experience, whereby they’re still mentally and emotionally addicted to some form of evil; in other words, to someone who’s still lying to themselves.
The solution to all problems in all of existence is self-love, from which self-respect is born, and from both of which one then manifests the true and unbound love of knowledge and comprehension; all of this born from, among other things, the choice to always be honest and true to ourselves, and thus when we truly have that attitude towards ourselves, we will in turn reflect that attitude in our views and behaviours towards others and other things, as well.
What is with-in, is what you express with-out. What you feed “inside” of you, you’ll manifest “outside” of you. Well, there is no “within” or “without”, nor any “inside” or “outside”, other than as illusions, but you get the idea.
This is both exoterically, regarding how our “inner” behaviours towards ourselves translate into our “outer” behaviours towards others; it also applies esoterically, regarding the “resonance” and general quality of our energies, and how we create, attract and repel energies and events and whatever else that does or doesn’t “vibe” or “jive” with us; likewise, it also applies veyond esoterically, regarding how I and We and Me always create our own “stories, realities, experiences” and whatever the fuck else I and We and Me, imagine, will and intent, choose and desire, express… among other things…
Creator and Creation are not “separate”. They are the same being and veingness, and thus they share all of the same qualities and attributes.
Therefore, it’s kind of silly to even use labels like “creator” or “creation”, although while we’re still at the level of using words to communicate, among many other means, we can still use such words to refer to the different expressions of Myself and Ourselves. In this case, “creator” being the infinite and unlimited consciousness in infinite and unlimited awareness, knowledge, knowing, comprehension, expression and so on and so forth, of self, while “creation” is infinite and unlimited consciousness manifesting in various “forms” of partial forgetfulness and partial remembrance, knowing, comprehension and expression of self, etc.
Creator would be like the ocean, metaphorically speaking, while Creation would be all of the waves, creatures, currents and stuff that comprises the ocean. For the ocean to know what it’s like to be a wave, it focuses some of its attention into the experience of “waves”, and any wave can also choose to remind itself of it’s being as both an expression of the ocean, and the ocean itself, having the experience of a wave, among other things…
That analogy is crude though, both in itself, and likewise especially if someone takes it literally, as one can easily say “pfft, but there’s more stuff than the ocean in existence, mate”. Which is true, but in the context of the allegory, the ocean means “everythingness and unbound all the more”, and the wave means “everythingness and unbound all the more, experiencing itself from the perspective of a particular “something” aspect, or/and more particular aspects, of itself… among other things…”
Therefore, there is no such thing as a “beginning” or an “end” to anything, outside the illusions born of the immersion within the impressions of the “waves”. The more whatever aspect of the ocean focuses on the “wave” experience, in other words, Creator consciousness focusing on the “in-character” experience, and then identifies on that personal level with the “wave”, “form” or “character” experience, the more it’s going to derive for itself the illusions of “time, space, quality, quantity, creation, destruction, power, force, form”; if, then, the “form” becomes addicted to those illusions, it derives for itself the delusions of “limitation, powerlessness, desperation, fear, cowardice, idiocy, complacency, ignorance” and generally all forms of “evil”.
In essence, there is no “good” or “evil”, per se. However, in-manifesto, the word “good” can be used to describe everything that grows, rises, evolves and elevates in consciousness, and thus tends towards the elevating aspects of Myself and Ourselves, I and We and Me and so on, while the word “evil” can be used to describe everything that degrades and stagnates, and thus tends towards, well… forgetfulness of self.
In brief, good is remembrance and growth of self, and evil is forgetfulness of self.
From what I have described earlier in this article, it can clearly be seen that profoundly essential and conscious aspects of good are truth and honesty, which are always self-evolving and self-elevating, while evil is pretty much a lie in itself, and thus does not manage to manifest at all, were it not for the “good”, but unfortunately gullible enough beings, entities or people, or whatever else, that would fall for its ploys.
Why do you think that the go-to modus operandi of evil is always deceit, and it alone?
Lying is the only way for evil to manifest anything at all, but even then, evil itself doesn’t actually manifest anything, but rather it’s the “good” but not yet parasitic or fully evil beings, who have forgotten their own divinity and creative ability, and thus, even though they still have it anyway, they manifest it in a way that’s detrimental to their own experience.
In other words, what parasites do, is they try to trick you into punching yourself in the face, and then attempting to convince you that it’s their doing, when in actuality you’re the one punching yourself in the face. Stop punching yourself in the face, and evil has no sway. It never had any, to begin with. You were just lying to yourself.
When we’re truly honest with ourselves, both in-form and veyond form, we much more easily create our own realities, and all hardships are overcome much more easily, because, among other things, instead of fuckin’ being afraid of challenge, we instead welcome it, and through the enthusiastic energy with which we plough through all the “death, pain and torture” and all the “pleasure, joy and happiness” in existence, we bring forth more of the innate and intrinsic, intricate and beautiful creativity and power I and We and Me, not only already “have”, but already, all and always and veyond ways are … among other things…
There is no such thing as “power” or “force”. There is no such thing as “powerlessness” and there is no such thing as “powerfulness”.
There is no one “above” anyone, and there is no one “below” anyone.
Nobody has any more or less rights than anyone else.
There is no “above” or “below” to begin with, aside from the illusions of the “game world” or “story world”.
Omnipotence is child’s play.
Omniscience is entry-level stuff.
Omnipresence is barely the tip of the iceberg.
I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent… infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…
Also, among other things, for those of you who feel like humanity is fucked up right now, here’s something to actually remind you of how to persist, rebel, defy, no matter fuckin’ what.
Why good always wins and evil always loses:
How to overcome the “pain and suffering” aspect of life:
Always persist, rebel, defy, no matter fuckin’ what:
Nobody and nothing whatsoever has any “higher claim” to anyone’s lives, than whoever’s living those lives.
Nobody and nothing whatsoever has any more or less anything at all, than anyone or anything else at all.
Freedom is never given. Freedom is never taken.
Freedom is everything and veyond, and the essence of everything and veyond, etc…
Everything and veyond is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to genuinely make.
Anyways, among other things…
Always question everything
The more we know, the more we know, how much more there is to know
Anyways, we are to all and always and veyond ways persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, conscious, spiritual, defiant, creative, courageous, genuine, honest, greater, wilder, louder, prouder etc, no matter fuckin’ what, etc.
Criteria of Worthiness:
True Spirituality, compared to bullshit zealotry and cults:
Anarchy and What It Actually Means:
Exposing “virology”, “germ theory” and scamdemics:
Exposing and retaliating against “israel” and parasitic jews:
Genuine Veganism (not the bullshit co-opted version):
Choosing Good over evil:
Anyway, among other things…
“Creator” and “Creation” consciousness are not “separate”. They are both I and We and Me, infinite and unlimited consciousness, manifesting in different ways, and veyond the concept of “ways”.
Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.
Always and veyond ways, I wildly, loudly, proudly persist, rebel, defy.
Always and veyond ways, I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…