the pen and the sword should be used together, among other things…
It is rather tragically amusing, and often infuriating as well, to look at people and see how pathetic and emasculated they’ve let themselves become, pretending that they give a shit about, or indeed even fathom what true goodness and morality look like, but with barely having any spine or courage enough to confront the darkness […]
What is truth?
What is truth? It is often the case that the word “truth” is often thrown around by ignorant people, who really really wanna believe something, to an extent that they confuse said belief with what the truth actually is. Such people have no discernment, until they overcome the mental and emotional ineptitude that is “faith”, […]
Love and the desire for closeness
What is love? I mean genuine, conscious and spiritual love; not the wishy washy “I love ya ‘cause I fancy ya, or because there’s some pleasure or convenience involved.” Genuine love is not something that words alone would manage to describe. And, no, I’m not talking about the fallacy of someone erroneously assuming something to […]
Love makes no compromise; love does what is right, no matter what
I want to share with you what are perhaps some of the most profoundly disgusting ways that mindless and self-loathing morons use nowadays, as a means of excusing their complacency and addiction to their own enslavement. This would-be “conversation” started with a person who is (but who is gradually starting to no longer be, at […]
How to overcome moral inconsistencies in one’s behaviour
Live life fully, and veyond life
People throw the word “extreme” or “extremism” around these days, but do they really know what it actually meant in essence? The word itself just refers to something that is significantly enough outside someone’s expectation. In and of itself, it has no bearing on the quality of the actual thing in question. When it comes […]
Imagination, will, knowing and comprehension vs. belief and bias
Well, I would say that it’s the other way around, with intuition and intelligence being signs of more consciously expressed imagination, if we’re using the word imagination to refer to the breath and breadth of ourselves as infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… Also to note, is that there is a massive difference between knowing and knowledge. […]
The anatomy of fear, and how to overcome it
To start off, I want to remind myself and everyone that I and we are all and always free and freedom, imagination, will and intent… infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things… Everything is always a choice and the choice is always ours to make. Everything within the realms of “form”, or in other words, […]
How to always express the good and elevating aspects within ourselves
I and we are infinite and unlimited consciousness and potential. That means, among other things, that everything that is good and fucked up is within us, and what we choose to create, how we do it and why, as with anything and everything, is always our choice and responsibility. Freedom is never given. Freedom is […]