Inner harmony, plus how to easily be attractive.
What does a man need to do in order to attract the women? Make them wonder and think about them, anywhere from “a lot” to being obsessed with them? Have them oozing at the thought of even just hearing his voice, whispering in her ear? Nothing. Literally nothing. I could end the article right there, […]
How to create positive change, and likewise help others wake up
We are all and always infinite and unlimited consciousness, so everything is always a choice. Nothing ever “happens”. Everything is created through imagination, will and intent, as well as the choice to manifest it. What we choose to create in the so-called “outer world” is always a reflection of our so-called “inner world”. When we […]
Genuineness and traits of genuine people (and entities)
The trait of being genuine is, among other things, a culmination and harmony between being honest with ourselves and with each other. It comes from a profound sense of self love and self respect. Therefore, since the so-called “inner world” creates the so-called “outer world”, what we feel towards ourselves we naturally tend to exhibit […]
Vaccines are bullshit. Big Pharma is a cartel that profits off trying to keep people in a state of constant sickness.
First and foremost, I want to ask you a moral question: do you think it is ever moral or right, for someone to try and force you – or anyone, for that matter – to do something against your expressed consent? No? Good. Let’s continue. I recently came across this article ( that basically attempts […]
Raising kids to be spiritual and creative, intuitive and intelligent, responsible and strong people.
We don’t stand for this! This is child exploitation and manipulation! Stop sexualizing kids, motherfuckers!
I mean, holy fucking shit! I occasionally read and watch stuff about how “pedophiles should also adopt children”, or things about how “pole dancing isn’t sexualizing kids”… while the little girls wear skin tight, revealing clothing and spread their legs before an audience. “Oh, we’re not sexualizing kids. We’re just, um… teaching them about their […]
How to overcome “competition”
“Overcoming competition”. At first glance, the title may give off the impression that this article’s gonna be about one-upping your “competitors”, or getting a leg up on that project and how to “git gud-er” than whoever it is that might be tryin’ to steal the spotlight from you, this very moment! Fuck that. This article […]