Abilities are *not* handicaps. That’s why they’re *abilities*! Because they imply growth and evolution.

Oh, boy… holy shit. Imagine you have a skill or any other aptitude. Let’s say, you know how to create art; or, you’re a very good problem solver. You like playing music and you do it well. Maybe you’re good at being very perceptive and attentive to stuff. Maybe you have more knowledge, experience or/and […]

If you want to consciously express freedom, stop believing in so-called “authority” (also, why “government/slavery” is never a solution to anything).

“Government” is slavery. It’s all it is. Strip away all the fancy, ego-pandering bullshit and propaganda, and you’ll see that – in and of itself, in both concept and practice – that’s the only thing that it’s ever been, is and is ever going to be. Even the term itself spells it out for you, […]

Inner harmony, plus how to easily be attractive.

What does a man need to do in order to attract the women? Make them wonder and think about them, anywhere from “a lot” to being obsessed with them? Have them oozing at the thought of even just hearing his voice, whispering in her ear? Nothing. Literally nothing. I could end the article right there, […]

How to create positive change, and likewise help others wake up

We are all and always infinite and unlimited consciousness, so everything is always a choice. Nothing ever “happens”. Everything is created through imagination, will and intent, as well as the choice to manifest it. What we choose to create in the so-called “outer world” is always a reflection of our so-called “inner world”. When we […]

Being consciously active, as well as a few critiques about some forms or flavours of activism

Before I get to the philosophical stuff and the writing of some of my ponderings on the matter, I want to both give props to, as well as criticise, Derrick the victimless crimelord (his self appointed title, which I find quite funny), as well as his friends and “affiliates” that appeared in the video. As […]

There is always more to know and comprehend, about everything.

The belief in “authority” is nothing more than the belief in the “legitimacy” of slavery. It is probably one of, if not the most retarded beliefs in existence, and it’s one of the main reasons (and likely the biggest) why humanity is, aggregately speaking, in a condition of slavery. An order-follower attempts to forget and […]

Genuineness and traits of genuine people (and entities)

The trait of being genuine is, among other things, a culmination and harmony between being honest with ourselves and with each other. It comes from a profound sense of self love and self respect. Therefore, since the so-called “inner world” creates the so-called “outer world”, what we feel towards ourselves we naturally tend to exhibit […]

Genuine courage, fearlessness and the meaning of everything

(Here is a link to the picture, in case it doesn’t appear in full or clearly enough – https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/654238007502569472/659507783112327168/Courage_.jpg?width=1226&height=690 ) Fear is a sentiment, derived from having a mental blockation on the emotion of anxiety, to the extent that it overrides (partially or in full) the cognitive processes that surround that particular thing that one […]

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