Oh, boy… holy shit. Imagine you have a skill or any other aptitude. Let’s say, you know how to create art; or, you’re a very good problem solver. You like playing music and you do it well. Maybe you’re good at being very perceptive and attentive to stuff. Maybe you have more knowledge, experience or/and comprehension about something, compared to someone who doesn’t; at the time of the comparison. (That alone doesn’t make one a better person in the spiritual sense – the infinite aspects of ourselves, beyond the illusion of “form” – nor in the moral sense, but it is fair to acknowledge that, yes, it does make one a more skilled and knowledgeable individual.)
Imagine someone coming to you, utterly refusing to acknowledge your skill (or even that such a skill would actually be a good thing to have), which… I mean, nobody should be put on a pedestal for any reason, but acknowledgement in themselves that “hey, this guy is skilled in these areas of expertise”. For purposes of assessment and discernment, not vanity and other bullshit like that. Of course, there is always room for improvement, but that’s another topic.
What I find grotesquely inept and perhaps borderline retarded (re-tard, which means to hold back or someone who is holding themselves back), and then claiming that you are the one with a handicap… for having a skill they they don’t, at that time. Then, they say that people who don’t express those skills or abilities are more apt to “get things done” in that regard, than people with those skills and abilities.
“Well, we don’t express the ability to sing, so that’s why we’re best fit to do the singing. We don’t know more about this topic than you do, nor are we interested in debating, having a conversation or studying the thing on our own and coming to our own discernments… so we’re perfect for talking about that same stuff and claim that we know our shit.”
That is literally the “logic” of those who claim that things like spirit, will, imagination, intuition, intelligence are a hindrance to getting things done in the “real world”. If you’re reading this article or visit this site, I doubt you need me to elaborate upon why that is fallacious “thinking”.
I was watching a debate between an anarchist and a statist a while ago, and aside from the usual circus that these turn into because the statist basically uses fear mongering to portray the idea that slavery is somehow “gud”, while the anarchist basically says “Live and let live. Do no harm and take no shit.”
Of course, the typical statist response is “oh, a peaceful society is never gonna be created”, “oh, peace is impossible without a slavery system”, “it’s us vs them” and all that kind of stuff… but all those excuses (by the way, if you keep coming up with excuses, that’s when you actually don’t get things done – stop making excuses and you’ll get the thing done) came after one of her initial statements, which was something along the lines of: “Intelligent people tend to think and theorize about fantasy-land, so intelligence prevents achievement. Come on, people! Less thinking, more practical solutions.”
My passionate response to that was: “ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?!? YOU DUMBER THAN A SACK OF SHIT CUNT, BITCH, ASHF!(@*HE(*&HA…!!!”
Now, I watched the whole thing (it lasted about over an hour, which isn’t long, but watching that much hyppochrisy and cognitive dissonance is… urgh). Was I misinterpreting what she said? I asked myself. Maybe she meant something different by it. Maybe her statement was poorly worded and she meant something else than what I initially assumed. Nope. She meant what I initially interpreted. I watched the whole thing and it became evident in everything she was saying and proposing.
That’s beside the point, though. The message of this particular article is that there is no such thing as a disadvantage in the expressing a genuine ability or aptitude, in and of itself. Specifically, spirit, intuition, intelligence are never a handicap. They are always positives. Same goes for every other ability, skill and everything else of that sort.
Even though it’s blatantly obvious how and why that is so, I still want to address the common so-called “criticisms” that people who don’t express particularly high intelligence (i.e. morons), tend to project their own ignorance and stupidity on their egotistical image of someone who is smarter or more skilled than they are, at the time of the comparison.
First off, what is intelligence? In simple terms, intelligence is the manifested ability of living beings to comprehend things without being blinded by bias, belief or opinion (regardless of where that belief stems from). That does not mean intelligent people don’t have any of those things. It means they are able to discern and question whether or not their beliefs or/and opinions are actually accurate or pertinent.
In terms of the topic at hand, stupidity implies having a belief or opinion, and then judging everything in accordance with that bias. Judgement, knowing, comprehension? Thefuckizat? In other words, the person lets the belief mold their personality and judgement. Awareness stagnates or degrades.
Intelligence means, among other things, that we question our opinions and beliefs, and change them in relationship to our judgements, morality, reasoning, knowing, comprehension, etcetera. In other words, the person and their own expressed volition forms the opinions, which are always changing through making new discernments. Awareness expands and evolves.
Now, as for addressing particular lines I’ve seen propagated about intelligence, by those who say it “may be a handicap, in some cases”. In bold will be my own statement, and then the inaccurate ones that I take issue with, in quotes.
- Thinking and theorizing increases the quality of the practice and methodology
“If you think too much, you’re not gonna take any action.” Is what some might say.
Completely false statement. People often make the erroneous assumption that thinking is the same as “worrying” or the constant “mind-chatter” of the ego; i.e. the part of the ego that’s constantly fawning over the potential negatives that might be manifested “if this, if that or if that other thing” and so on. Specifically, the part of the ego that attempts to come up with excuses or is susceptible to cowardice.
Taking things apart, to see all the aspects of it, both in essence and in detail. That’s always good. Focusing your attention on a tiny few of them, then becoming blinded by worries? That’s the negative part of the ego that I’m talking about. If anything, worrying is the result of not thinking enough.
Proper thinking, both creatively and critically, includes acknowledging both the potential negatives and the positives of something. However, thinking does not guarantee taking action; nor does it impede action. However, as per its function, it always implies greater comprehension of the things that one is pondering about. Action takes courage, will and drive, which thinking – in and of itself – does not provide. It does, however, help increase and refine your comprehension about the details.
“Oh, but we need practical applications, not theorizing and fantasizing. We need to be “real” and “realistic”.”
Look, practicality is a thing. However… *takes a deep breath*… what the fuck do you THINK ***RAISES*** the quality and effectiveness of any practical application or methodology?!
It’s thinking about alternatives! About ways in which something may or may not go right or wrong, and coming up with contingencies, plans or/and approaches for both successes and mistakes! About creating and inventing new ways to go about doing things in better and better ways.
Do you think any significant evolution in the world, or anywhere, was done by people who bound themselves to their limited impression of what their belief said was “real” or “realistic”?
“Oh, but let’s stop thinking about the impossible and concern ourselves with the possible.”
Fuck you! In the supposed stone age, the unthinking cavemen might’ve believed “oh, well, we’ll never cross thar river. It’s too deep and we’ll be swallowed whole. It’s impossible.”
Someone more intuitive and intelligent came along and said: “Ya know what? I’m gonna try and cross it. And I’m gonna either do it or/and leave something behind so others might have a headstart in getting it done.” Regardless of the ridicule and the opposition, they ploughed through and invented swimming. Later on came a boat, in some cases some form of magick, etcetera, etcetera.
At some point, people thought it “impossible” for humans to fly the skies like birds. Then, someone said “No it’s not. We can do that shit!” Poof! The airplane was invented.
Same thing with television (not that it’s being used for that many good things nowadays, but as an invention, it’s still a technological advancement), same thing with the internet, same thing with everything else. It’s the same now with free energy technology, magick and its usage, beyond five-sense reality, alternate realms, different realities and beyond realities, etcetera.
Likewise with anarchy and building an actually freedom oriented society, you have people who still zealously, religiously and cowardly believe in so-called “authority” and “government”, who say that a freedom-oriented society is quote-on-quote “impossible”. Those who, in practice and when you stip away all the euphemisms and cognitive dissonance, claim that they want a gang of violent thugs and slavers to oppress them, so that… they can be protected from, uh… other gangs who might try and… oppress them? Some of them even admit to that, yet they fail to see that it’s slavery. Or, they do, but they’re too chicken shit to be honest with themselves.
“Boy, I sure like gulping down on this cyanide, Bob.”
“Dee-licious. This is the best cyanide ever. But our neighbours’? Pfft, their cyanide’s fucked up.”
“Yeah, they have way less attractive a label on their can than we do.”
“Uh, guys?” Someone with an actual mind and heart of their own comes into the scene. “You’re still poisoning yourselves, either way.”
“But, our poison isn’t as poisonous as our neighbours’ is!”
“Yeah, our poison is the least toxic!”
The third guy shakes his head, while the other two bump their cans together. “Here’s an idea. How about… not poisoning yourselves? Better yet, how about actually giving a shit about your own health and improving it?”
“You’re mad. That’s impossible. Stop fantasizing and join the “real” world!”
Here’s a thing. If someone believes something is “impossible”, they’ll never do it, nor shall they contribute to bringing it about. Not because they “can’t”, but because they “won’t”. Because they won’t even think or fathom that it can be done.
On the other hand, those of us who know that we’re gonna do it, we will always do it and contribute to manifesting it.Why? Because we not only think, but feel, know and comprehend that we can do it.
“All acts of greatness are made with the same general consideration: never be constrained by your present reality.”
“Those who believe something to be impossible, should never interrupt those of us who are doing it.”
- Higher intelligence does not cause “depression”
“Oh, but people with higher intelligence are often more depressed.”
Sometimes; not often. In-so-far that I’ve seen online at this time on the matter, I have yet to come across a single person to ask themselves why someone who expresses higher intelligence may be more angry, sad, depressed or unhappy than others.
“Oh, because thinking stresses the brain…” and a bunch of other neural stuff and biologically related answers might be given, but I personally find that they are false. Again, the stress is primarily caused by worrying, which more intelligent people sometimes tend to do, if they don’t acknowledge the positives as much as they do the negatives. Remove the worry, thinking becomes much less stressful, if at all.
But on more philosophical and psychological notes, part of the reason why those of us who are “genius” or express any higher intelligence (which anyone can tap into, because we’re all and always infinite and unlimited consciousness) sometimes might tend to express more intense negative emotions than other people, is with the perceived disparity between our interests and preferred levels of conversation and complexity, and the ones of those with whom we interact in the world.
Or, in some cases, we talk to people about things that are going on that actually affect them negatively (if they let it, through their silent consent of ignorance), such as the human race currently letting itself be, in the aggregate, in a state of slavery, plus all the stuff that goes on in that area of knowledge and occultism, etcetera; and that we can overcome it both individually and as a species, if we so choose; and we are, albeit in the realm of time-space it may seem like a gradual process at times.
Anyway, in other words, we’re passionate about art, genuine science, magick, philosophy, knowledge and comprehension about different realities, lives, lifetimes, and so on and so forth. Yet, most of the people with whom we interact are likely going to be interested in mundane stuff of little substance, and probably won’t be interested in pondering existential stuff, the causal and beyond causal factors of what we manifest; how and why we create our own reality. Who are we? What do we genuinely want? What did we come here to do? That sort of stuff. Then, when we enthusiastically express new ideas, a majority of our “brethren” in this world attempt to put us down, in order to distract themselves from their own mediocrity.
Doesn’t matter though. We’re always ourselves, and we do things of our own volition and judgement, doing what is good and conscious no matter what.
On an egotistical level, the anger, rage and sadness can come from our acknowledgement of the premise that “fuck…we’re sharing a world with those shitheads.” Or, maybe just from perceiving that we don’t have someone within the realms of humanity with whom to talk to, at levels of conversation that we want.
On more empathic levels, it may come from recognizing how people mentally and emotionally mutilate themselves and how they let themselves enslaved, and we’re like “Why the fuck are yo – stop mutilating yourselves, motherfuckers!”
There are, of course, many other reasons, but the point is that regardless of what those might be, the idea itself that one wallows in the depression is something that results not from expressing more intelligence, but rather from not expressing enough intelligence to overcome that mental block.
We choose to express more intelligence and more intuition, will, imagination, courage and whatever else that is good? Guess what? We’re not depressed any more. Because we harmonize the joy with the pain, the happiness with the sadness, the calm and playfulness with the anger and fury, and channel all those energies towards creative and conscious endeavors. Thus, naturally also doing things much more consciously, independently, synchronistically and lucidly, etcetera. With or without anyone around us “getting it”.
Oh, and by the way, if someone is more spiritual, intuitive, intelligent or in any way generally expresses more of an aptitude or ability in whatever regard, compared to those around them, and the others ostracize them for it… I think that says more about the ineptitude of the people doing the shunning, rather than the other way around.
Anyway, we don’t care about whether or not people do. We do what we choose to do, and we respect others’ freedom to live their own lives as well. Live and let live. Do no harm but take no shit.
- We know that everything is as it is, no matter how it’s believed to be
“Oh, but people who are highly intelligent aren’t the most social or popular.”
Gee, I wonder why (rhetorical remark); anyway…
First off, popularity doesn’t matter. Because it’s irrelevant how few or how many, who does or who doesn’t, who says or who saysn’t whatever, when it comes to discerning the actual quality, accuracy, pertinence or any other attribute of the information or the person we’re talking about.
What I am, how I am and why I am, as well as how I choose to change myself, doesn’t change with what anyone believes of me. Likewise with you. Likewise with everyone else. Besides, especially in a society such as ours, where most things are manipulated and a (declining) majority of people are still operating like brainwashed cattle, do you really think that being “popular” has even the tiniest semblance of any actual relevance?
I’ll leave it at that for now. In the next article (I’ll update this one with a link to it, after I’ll have posted it) I’ll talk about some traits of people and entities who express intuition and intelligence more abundantly.
We are all and always free and freedom, imagination, will and intent… infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…
What we choose to manifest is always a choice; and the choice is always ours to make.

59 thoughts on “Abilities are *not* handicaps. That’s why they’re *abilities*! Because they imply growth and evolution.”
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