Always being genuine and truthful; also, why “society” is a lie
Well, seeing how it’s always true that I and We always are, create and manifest everything and everythingness, and much, much, much more than that, we never “give our brush” to anyone anyway; the worst that happens is that we use it ineptly and unconsciously. However, when we choose to do it aptly and consciously, […]
Spirituality, discernment and recognizing congruence and incongruence Another video, with these being some of the links that I find pertinent, regarding exposing the scamdemic for what it is. Also, of course congruence and coherence are much more intricate things than what the picture itself implies, but that’s another conversation; see the video and some of my other articles, for more on […]
Discerning truth from lies; plus, some stuff about the scamdemic
So, in the aftermath of another attempt at conversing with another (partial) covid cultist, who still seem to have utter belief in the false “ooh, but viruses cause disease” narrative, I feel like writing an article to discuss, not particularly the scamdemic stuff (which I’ve written about in some of the articles on this site), […]
Freedom and principles come first
As for a comment in relation to the picture I used for this article, before I get to the article itself, there is no “time-space”, other than as an illusion, so the idea of “proportion” is also an illusion; besides that, love is one of the essences of the infinite and unlimited being and veingness […]
Genuine, true spirituality vs. fake-ass “new age” and religious bullshit
Another appropriate title, albeit a longer one, for this article would be “spirituality is not about feeling good or feeling at peace”. That’s a confusion that I see many people doing when they start going on the path of what they call “spirituality”. People say that “oh, it’s all about feeling good, having inner peace, […]
One of the characters that I and we roleplay, in these and other lives and realms, among other things… Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make. Always and veyond ways, I persist, rebel, defy. Always and veyond ways… I am freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, […]
About the notion of “property”
Well, as for commenting on the idea implied by the picture in this article, progress, growth and evolution, expansion, elevation in awareness, consciousness, freedom, liberty, defiance, creativity, intuition, intelligence, philosophy, soulfulness, spirituality and so on, is always a good thing, and therefore victorious in the journey, art and endeavor of loving and respecting, knowing and […]
Creativity and curiosity are always good; always be defiant and adventurous, no matter fuckin’ what
What does it mean to be adventurous? What is curiosity? I mean genuine and true curiosity, as well as a truly adventurous sense of being and a lust to wander, feel and ponder. Curiosity is the genuine desire to know and comprehend, for the sake of doing so. Knowledge and comprehension for their own sake. […]
Always persist, rebel, defy, no matter fuckin’ what
Another video, now that I’m looking to try out my hand at making podcasts and videos again and such, and in this one I’m talking about, among other things, the importance of persistence, rebellion, courage, honesty and defiance, as well as creativity, intuition, intelligence, philosophy, soul and spirit, care and love and so on, as […]
How to plough through, and overcome the pain aspect of life
To anyone who feels trapped, for any reason, I tell you, among other things, this: NO, you’re NOT a rat in a cage. That is the delusion of your current impression, on the level of the ego. You are, among other things, an individual soul, roleplaying the experience of having the impression that you’re a […]