Category: Spirituality and Philosophy

Face diapers are tools for mind-“control”. Don’t fall for it.

I find it particularly funny, albeit in the tragic sense of the word, how some people are still gullible and retarded enough to believe the mainstream media and what the “official experts” spew forth form their shit ridden mouths. I’ve written more in-depth about why the scamdemic is exactly that, a bullshit ploy to try […]

How to communicate effectively

How would you better get your ideas across? How does one express their thoughts and feelings in ways that have both clarity and depth? How does one communicate effectively? Well, the answer(s) to that question would vary quite significantly, relative to what species or types of entities we’re talkin’ about. With regards to current-day humans […]

About self-love, self-respect, honesty and integrity

What is honesty? What is integrity? What does it mean to always be one’s self, no matter what? Those things, among infinities of other good things, are expressions of genuine and unconditional self-love and self-respect, which naturally include a deep, profound and clear, unbound will and intent to always know, comprehend and be one’s self, […]

Remembering ourselves as infinite consciousness, while still having the in-reality experiences

I was talking with someone about metaphysical stuff, as well as some other things, and as I was talking about remembering ourselves as infinity, while still experiencing the in-game character’s perspective as well, I was asked: “That’s both a blessing and a curse, isn’t it?” I’m like: “Fuck no! It’s neither. That’s just a matter […]

We are consciousness, not “machines”

I find it particularly sad and ironic, that there are people in the world who actually have so little self-regard and believe themselves to have no will, while at the same time claiming that they are awakened or “enlightened”. There are “self-help gurus” and people who claim to “educate” people about their own “spiritual” journeys, […]

For there to be genuine peace, one single belief needs to be abolished: the belief in so-called “authority”; i.e. the belief in slavery

Do you still believe in “government”? Do you believe that such a thing as “authority” exists? Do you still believe the constant lies that the mainstream institutions spew forth from their frothing mouths? I have some questions for you. What is the biggest cause of artificial and needless death in the world? Who starts wars? […]

Personal shadow work example, and how to stop artificial in-fighting, as well as learn from it

I am a very, very volatile individual. It is part of who I am, and I love myself both for it, and in general. At the same time, it is exactly that – a part of myself. All parts need to be in harmony, to realize and become aware of the holistic or “holy” being […]

Responsibility versus moral relativism and moral absolutism

I want to clarify something, both for the sake of clarity itself and a more accurate expression of what I mean, as well as because I sometimes find that even the good and authentic people in the “freedom movement” might go ape-shit, upon misinterpreting what I’m about to say. I want to clarify that, yes, […]

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