What is true morality?

I find it utterly disgusting how, in our current and pathetic excuse for a so-called “society”, people still have no fuckin’ clue what true morality is. Most people still cling to the erroneous belief that morality is somehow “contextual”, like a set of arbitrary and cultural guidelines that suggest, or worse, “edicts” that erroneously assume […]

Message to all cultists

To all cultists, religionists and zealots of all kinds, no matter the doctrine of belief system (whether “statism, constitutionalism, minarchism, secular religions, theism or atheism, scientism, new age, or any bullshit belief system), who keep condoning, supporting, excusing or performing the evil, slavery, tyranny, violence, theft, coercion and deceit in the world, as well as […]

Self love, rebellion, defiance and spiritual, conscious arrogance, versus vanity, narcissism and self-loathing

It is a rather infuriating thing that many people in this world haven’t even the slightest hint of self-love, and some even hate themselves, as is evident in their general behaviour and demeanor. Such “people”, whom I refer to as either “the dead” or “dying”, for indeed they merely exist – and in their attachment […]

Freedom, spirit, liberty, courage, defiance, honesty and essence… also, exposing the scamdemic, the slavery system, the zionist/talmudic/parasitic jewry, holocaust lies, the most widespread cult beliefs in our “society”, as well as how to overcome them and grow and rise… among other things…

This is something that I send out in various chat channels, as well as to people in general, and I felt and thought it would be a good idea to make it into a blog post, as well… among other things… Of course, I don’t agree with some of the things linked in this article, […]

Who am I? Who are we?

And to be quite frank (which I always am, because honesty, but I mean that I actually want to put this to writing in an article, because I feel like it), in this particular life and with regards to the current iteration of humanity, I as the individual assuming the pseudonym of “Philolia Sophos”, have […]

To truly know one’s self, both in-form and veyond form, among other things…

(… before the world tried to get its hands on you. Nobody every has their “hands” on anyone. Nobody “hinders” or “helps” anyone, other than as an illusion to roleplay in the “story realms” or so-called “reality”. Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make. Also, it’s not an “unlearning” […]

Love and wisdom, knowing and comprehension, truth, awareness, among other things…

Ah, discernment. Truth. Knowledge. Comprehension. Wisdom. Such things soothe the spirit and elevate awareness, for it is through knowing the truth about one’s self and one’s existence, that that existence is then made more ample and intricate, through the growth and evolution of the one that experiences that existence. I say “one’s self”, not just […]

Everything is divine and divinity

I will start this article by saying FUCK “satan, god, allah, enki, enli, yahweh, yahusha, the devas”, and in other words, FUCK all parasitic entities who have forgotten their own essence, to such an extent, in their vanity, they’d try to belittle and goad those more conscious than them, and trick them into coming to […]

Everything is infinitely meaningful, unbound and more… among other things…

Boy, some people’s head are so far up their ass these days, ain’t they? This isn’t really a “new” issue, since there have always been both good and bad, as well as genuine and dishonest people, as well as those with a passion for knoweldge and comprehension, and… unfortunately… there have also been just plain […]

The importance of overcoming challenges

Pain and suffering can be both a hindrance and a catalyst for growth, in relation to how we view it, know why it’s there, comprehend it and then decide how we want to see and use the experience, either to our detriment or to our evolution. When faced with challenges, weak “people” shy away and […]

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