Category: Care, Cognition and Action

Genuineness and traits of genuine people (and entities)

The trait of being genuine is, among other things, a culmination and harmony between being honest with ourselves and with each other. It comes from a profound sense of self love and self respect. Therefore, since the so-called “inner world” creates the so-called “outer world”, what we feel towards ourselves we naturally tend to exhibit […]

Genuine courage, fearlessness and the meaning of everything

(Here is a link to the picture, in case it doesn’t appear in full or clearly enough – ) Fear is a sentiment, derived from having a mental blockation on the emotion of anxiety, to the extent that it overrides (partially or in full) the cognitive processes that surround that particular thing that one […]

Feeling and thinking freely is part of being genuinely alive. Those who do not, are partially dead.

Part of being a living being, not just biologically, but as a soulful entity and a conscious expression of ourselves as spirit, is to express our own conscience and discernment. In other words, to think and feel freely and independently. Therefore, any character/person/entity who does not express their own judgements, is not a fully living […]

How to overcome “competition”

“Overcoming competition”. At first glance, the title may give off the impression that this article’s gonna be about one-upping your “competitors”, or getting a leg up on that project and how to “git gud-er” than whoever it is that might be tryin’ to steal the spotlight from you, this very moment! Fuck that. This article […]

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