Category: Romance and Sex Life

The Utter Importance of Clarity and Honesty, as well as Depth and Profoundness… among other things…

It is profoundly sickening, infuriating to the so-called “high heavens” and disgusting to the “lowest of hells”, how shallow and superficial most people in this pathetic excuse for a so-called “society” are. How deeply addicted they are to their “comfort” and “convenience”, and how they shy away from anything to do with true and meaningful […]

Why politeness is bullshit; also, the utter importance of actually being honest with ourselves and each other, both in-form and veyond form, among other things…

As for a “commentary” on the featured picture of this article, what most people nowadays call “reality” is generally a “fantasy” that people often associate with, and what they call “fantasy” is often a “reality” that they don’t associate with. Either way, more apt words to use in that picture’s quote would be “sincere, honest, […]

Self love, rebellion, defiance and spiritual, conscious arrogance, versus vanity, narcissism and self-loathing

It is a rather infuriating thing that many people in this world haven’t even the slightest hint of self-love, and some even hate themselves, as is evident in their general behaviour and demeanor. Such “people”, whom I refer to as either “the dead” or “dying”, for indeed they merely exist – and in their attachment […]

Love and the desire for closeness

What is love? I mean genuine, conscious and spiritual love; not the wishy washy “I love ya ‘cause I fancy ya, or because there’s some pleasure or convenience involved.” Genuine love is not something that words alone would manage to describe. And, no, I’m not talking about the fallacy of someone erroneously assuming something to […]

Inner harmony, plus how to easily be attractive.

What does a man need to do in order to attract the women? Make them wonder and think about them, anywhere from “a lot” to being obsessed with them? Have them oozing at the thought of even just hearing his voice, whispering in her ear? Nothing. Literally nothing. I could end the article right there, […]

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