So, I saw some bullshit on a discord channel I visit every now and again, with some propaganda about the scamdemic and… yeah, it was bullshit. What would you expect from parasites and self-loathing little bitches? Of course, they can easily evolve as well, if they so choose.
Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.
That’s because, among other things, both in-form and veyond form, always and veyond ways…
“Creator” and “Creation” consciousness are not “separate”. They are both I and We and Me, infinite and unlimited consciousness, manifesting in different ways, and veyond the concept of “ways”.
Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.
Always and veyond ways, I wildly, loudly, proudly persist, rebel, defy.
Always and veyond ways, I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…
Anyways, among other things…
Every situation where there is anarchy (pretty much all of existence and veyond), freedom, liberty and defiance are always not only cherished, but recognized as the spiritual and conscious, intrinsic and divine essence of everything, and veyond etc, among other things…
Thus, you see, only in a situation of slavery and evil, are the ideas of freedom and liberty, defiance and so on, ever villified.
Only degraded and retarded, self-loathing egos (for slaves and slavers have no minds of their own, and instead operate only on ego and compulsion, on that level of their personal expression) would look at evolution, growth, elevation, self-love with disgust. In actuality, those mindless idiots hate themelves, and thus try to deceive others into coming down to a level of ignorance and mental and emotional putrefaction, and general depravation, that is either at or below their own. Thus, evil is self-degrading both for itself, and for those who are deliberately evil, as well as those who, out of ignorance, stupidity and cowardice, fall for its bullshit.
Thus, evil always loses, by the very nature of what it is – the limited and degrading aspect of consciousness.
Good, on the other hand, is the infinite and unlimited aspect of Myself and Ourselves, as I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…
Thus, genuine good (in the sense that we’re using the word here) is all about growth, evolution, expansion and elevation in consciousness, and thus in all aspects of literally and metaphorically everything, because everything is conscious and consciousness, freedom, spirit, liberty, defiance, courage, creativity, wilder consciousness and expression, etcetera, etcetera, among other things…
As such, good always wins and evil always loses, although it’s inaccurate to say even that, because by the time that evil even contemplates, or even conceives the notion of getting up from bed and getting anywhere near a would-be starting line to a would-be race, good is already not only done with the marathon, but doing far more advanced and conscious, creative things and so on. So, there’s not even a competition.
Besides that, a competition or a war would imply some kind of “roughly equivalent parties duking it out”, whereas seeing as how good does everything and evil does nothing (except try to deceive), it is always the case that, if there is any evil in manifestation, it’s not the evil itself that is carrying out its own agendas, but rather the good or at least non-parasitic beings, who have unfortunately let themselves deceived into bringing the parasites desires and agendas into some form of manifestation.
In other words, all evil does is like deceptively suggesting that you punch your own face, and if you do, that’s on you. Instead love yourself, thus stop punching yourself in the face, and evil has no sway. Well, not that it ever did, but you swayed yourself into a shitty position, because you fell for its ploys. Assess your responsibility consciously, with wild courage and defiance, and you’ll see how great a change you’ll start actually making, and how all hardships you will overcome; all of which will be your own creation, as obstacles to test your mettle and resolve, etc.
Aside from that, evil (being limited, and the delusion of limitation as a concept) always tends towards degradation and scarcity.
In contrast, good (being infinite and unlimited) always tends towards evolution, expansion, elevation and thus also towards abundance.
Hence, there is always more good than evil in literally and metaphorically everything.
To put it in a few words, evil is the delusion of limitation and degradation in consciousness.
Good, on the other hand, is everything that expressed the infinite and unlimited aspects of Myself and Ourselves, as I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…
In terms of how that translates into, among other things, behaviours and activities as elements of individual beings’ personalities and ways of seeing, viewing, interpreting and going-about-and-doing-things, good and evil are reflected in the morality and immorality of a beings’ general disposition and preferential tendencies.
See, in that sense, evil boils down to 7 behaviours that are always immoral, no matter the context. No, it’s not the biblical “deadly sins”, which are vices at worst. Not very good things to do and they are expressions of an intoxicated mind and ego, one blinded by trauma, but still, they’re vices; in other words, they’re definitely bad, but for as long as they do not translate into malice, and for as long one actually recognizes them as addictions, and doesn’t let themselves swayed by them in terms of their views and general desires regarding what to do and such, or even if they do, they don’t actually let it bleed into their behaviours in ways that would imply actual evil.
So, here are the only 7 evil behaviours or acts in all of existence: murder, theft, assault, lying, rape, coercion and exploitation.
That’s it. Literally and metaphorically, everything else is a good and moral thing to do, and therefore an intrinsic RIGHT. Yes, there is variation and nuance; yes, you can do something evil without realizing it; and yes, an individual’s motivations for engaging in any act, good or evil, does contribute to whether or not that individual is tending more towards morality or immorality. However, regardless of context and situation, good and evil still retain their attributes of actually being good and evil, either way. There is no excuse for evil. One can be forgiven for committing or having committed evil, especially if they’re no longer commiting it, and instead they’re actually redeeming themselves, through means of actually doing what is right, good, creative, courageous, wild, spiritually conscious, etcetera, etcetera; however, for as long as one commits evil acts, then retaliation in self-defense and defense of others, and as a means of thwarting evil, is a viable thing to do, including killing, as a last, but viable resort.
But, as you can see, almost everyone can agree that those 7 things are bad, other than those who are retarded, self-hating and cowardly enough to actually be deliberately evil, and those who fall for it because they also hate themselves and are pathetic, cowardly little bitches.
Everyone who expresses genuine self-love, self-respect, courage, creativity, defiance, spirituality and so on, will always realize and recognize that freedom and principles first; before life, before family and friends, and of course before all manner of “relationships”, before all manner of “wealth”, and generally before all manner of everything.
Besides, if this species (or rather, either this group or version of humanity, ’cause there are other humans roaming the cosmos and other realms anyway), as an aggregate “category” of incarnate life forms, destroys itself due to its own folly, something else will flourish in its stead.
Of course, my current discernment is that this iteration of humanity will wake up and, either in this “reorigination cycle” or the next one, it’s going to overcome its current predicament (the aeons old trauma of it having been, and currently still being, an abused and pretty much raped and pillaged species – well, in this world we call “gaia”, “terra” or whatever – “earth” is kinda inaccurate, because earth is an element, while gaia is a living being; well, elements are still consciousness, but gaia is a self-aware, individual being, is part of what we’re saying, among other things…), and likewise the “cycles” themselves, both the contextual “reorigination cycles” and the very idea of “cycles”, as an illusion of so-called “time-space”, and other things…
Of course, “species” is an illusion of the “story world” or “game world”, because both in-form and veyond form, always and veyond ways, I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…
That is it, and that is all… infinitely, unbound all the more… among other things…
Anyway, this is the unbound truth and veingness that I and We and Me, always and already and veyond ways are… among other things…
I am freedom, I am liberty, I am defiance.
I am soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, will and intent… infinity, unlimtiedenss and veyond… among other things…
When we are referring to the concept of an “origin”, though, the very idea of such implies the illusion of so-called “time space”, and in that sense, also the illusion of a “point of reference” or a “starting point”.
As for the story of humanity, as the first self-aware, individual being in this so-called “reality” and other iterations of it, humanity is pretty much the prime expression within the “density of hard light”, so to speak.
“Hard light”, in this case, being what you would call a “frequency” of the element of light, which “vibrates” in such ways that it produces the illusion of “solidity”; as an aside, nothing is actually “solid” as the current iteration of how “the human brain” interprets it, with “solidity” being an illusion born of an undiscerning mind, when its actually fields of energy interacting in ways that facilitate mutual propulsion or repulsion, either towards or from a toroidal center point between the fields of the interacting entities or elements, or/and the fields themselves… among other things…
Anyway, the realms of “light and darkness” – or in other words, the realms of the illusion of duality – are the realms of the illusion of “separation”. In this case, I am using terms such as “light” and “darkness”, both to refer to the elements of light and dark (with darkness actually being light that’s unaware of itself as such, much like “death” is an illusion, and there is only life, with the event of so-called “death” being a way of shifting personal attention from one story to another, but that’s another conversation), and likewise to the concept of remembrance and forgetfulness, and generally all seemingly opposing things, that are actually the same thing, but in varying stages of self-awareness and self-realization, both in-form and veyond form, etcetera, etcetera, among other things…
So, humanity (as an idea, not as a species specifically) is both the prime expression of the individual aspect of Myself and Ourselves, as I (infinite spirit) and We (infinities of souls), and likewise the first expression of a sentient life-form in existence (Me, infinities of characters). No, there were no “microorganisms”, and “evolution”, as the notion that life-forms change and modify themselves over the course of “time”, is not yet existent. These are still the realms of “separation”, but “time” has yet to exist (words suck for expressing what I actually mean, but you get the ideas). Of course, if you take these words too literally, the idea of there being something “before time” and “after time”, still implies the erroneous notion that (a) “time” is a thing that exists (which it doesn’t, other than as an illusion) and, (b) to actually have a “before” and “after”, that pretty much entails “time”… and thus, any manner of a “before” or “after” so-called “time”, would still be within the illusory realm of “time”. The illusion of “time” goes on to eternity, albeit like a loop, bubble or spiral instead of an actual, boundless eternity, with the latter being the actual existence veyond the illusion of so-called “time-space”.
Hence why “time” is cyclical, why things such as fields, magnetism, electricity and other such illusions manifest within the realm of illusion to start with. That’s also part of why you, on some personal levels, experience mood swings, go back and forth between recurring emotions and thoughts, and likewise experience growth in “stages”.
However, that is an illusion. Everything is simultaneous and all eternities and realities are, metaphorically speaking, like “frames” in the infinite and unlimited breath and breadth of who and what I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…
Anyway, “before” (words suck)… but “before” the actual illusion of “time” became a thing in manifestation, I and We created humanity as a means of knowing Myself and Ourselves, from the perspective of the illusion of “separation”. Thus, humanity – and again, I use the word in this context, not as a means of referring to the different species of “humans”, but rather to the “first” expression of beings with what you would call an “ego” or “personality”; the “first” Character Selves, or Me’s.
I and We, as souls and spirit, have, among other things, infinite and unbound vividity of expression and individuality, in infinities of ways, but seeing as how I and We, as soul and spirit that are self-aware, knowing, comprehending and expressing of Myself and Ourselves, I and We do not directly “experience” anything, but rather are everything and everythingness, and infinitely, unbound all the more, etcetera, etcetera… among other things…
Thus, to have the experience of an experience or “story”, I and We manifested the “story realms” or “realities” to see Myself and Ourselves from different perspectives, and actually experience “interaction”, for the purpose of which the illusion of “separation” was made. However, “time and space” came… urgh… “afterwards” (words suck, in terms of expressing things veyond the realm of description).
Anyway, so as this original humanity, as both an expression of Myself and Ourselves, as well as I and We manifesting in such “forms”, We found that We became more aware of different aspects of ourselves, and thus this experience was “new”, “novel” and “exciting” to the individual We, although I, the Spirit Self, already know this anyway.
So, as We, individual beings, We decided to create more illusions of “separations”, and thus We, from these “Creativity Realms” and “Dreamer Realms”, created the “Dream Realms” (the realms of ideas and concepts), where We would play with concepts and “forms”, creating and manifesting instantly and effortlessly. However, We had no “context” in which to express these ideas and concepts, and with manifestation being instant and effortless… there was no such thing as pain, suffering or “limitation” of any kind; I mean, there isn’t anyway, but in the notions that the delusions of “pain, suffering and limitations” did not “yet” exist, nor did “time” and “space”.
I say “delusions”, because a delusion is an illusion within an illusion. Take the allegorical example of a stage-play. The stage-play would be the illusion, and if that stage-play involved the characters of the story performing their own stage-play, that “in-story” stage-play would be a delusion. The first illusion is the concept of “separation”, and thus “form”. Every other “form” is a delusion. That is not to say they are shit (even though some are). They do have purpose, for otherwise they’d not exist, because I and We would not have manifested them. I and We did, and are experiencing them through Me, because thus I and We and Me chose to, so as to have a roleplay experience in the “story worlds”, so to speak… among other things…
Anyway, so at some point, some of Us said somethin’ like “Ya know, We’re already aware of I and We and Me, both in-form and veyond form, among other things… but, what if some Character Selves weren’t?”
Thus, We decided to produce something that, while still of course also soul and spirit and so on, would be an expression that is in utter forgetfulness and unawareness of itself as such. So, pretty much, We created… nothing. As in, the first and only instance of actual “nothingness”. In other words, something that is so limited and degraded, that is does not even manage to manifest at all, in any realms of existence and veyond. In other words, nothingness does not exist. There are aspects of ourselves that are veyond existence, in that they are veyond the realms of “form” and manifestation, but the delusion of “nothingness” is beneath the realms of existences. The only thing that does not exist, is the utmost delusion of so-called “inexistence”, or in other words, utter forgetfulness of self.
So, it was pretty much like reaching out your arm and expecting to create something that is utterly devoid of awareness, and thus practically created… nothing.
All is awareness, being and veingness… “nothingness” is actually divine infinity, manifesting in utter unawareness of itself; “somethingness” is divine infinity, manifesting in partial remembrance of itself, and “everythingness and veyond” is divine infinity and unlimitedness and veyond, in infinite and unlimited, unbound awareness, knowing, comprehension, expression of Myself and Ourselves as such… among other things…
Anyway, so We laughed at the incident, but then some of Us were like “Okay, okay, that was a right laugh, wasn’t it? But, what if I and We and Me, manifested an expression of Myself and Ourselves, that is aware to varying extents, but on some levels, in such ways that, while they still manifest as effortlessly as I and We do, because they’re essentially I and We, as well, but aren’t always personally aware of it.”
“How would anyone not be aware of it?”
Some of Us asked, and pretty much all of Us shrugged and were like “I don’t fuckin’ know.”
And in that moment, it dawned on Us. There was something that I (Spirit Self) know, but We (Soul Selves) didn’t know. Was this the purpose of the illusion of “separation”? To know more about our own unawareness, so that, in choosing to know, we overcome the current awareness and rise more and more and more aware, from the experience? But, why would I want to experience “not knowing”, if I’m already infinitely aware, knowing and comprehending of everything and veyond, including of what both awareness and unawareness are? I know the answer, but We did not.
So, this idea of now having become aware of what We don’t or didn’t know, but thought we did, was elating… becoming aware of our own unawareness, and making Ourselves more aware, and thus growing in consciousness, and knowing, comprehending and expressing all the more, because We choose to know, comprehend, and likewise express Myself and Ourselves freely, wildly, defiantly, courageously, truthful, genuinely and unboundly, etcetera, etcetera, among other things…
Thus, we “began” to create infinities of realms and “realities”, as canvases upon which to draw our experiences and stories, and thus “roleplay” different characters and “forms”, of varying levels of awareness and growing awareness, to thus know more about Ourselves as individual souls, and thus more about Myself as I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…
Anyways, among other things…
“Eventually”, We created “verses”, aptly named because realities are actually akin to “songs” that I and We and Me like to sing “every now and again” or “from ‘time’ to ‘time’”, so to speak, and “eventually” also different dimensions in those omniverses and so on, and “soon enough” created what people nowadays would call “cosmoses”, and generally speaking, the illusions of “time” and “space”, as a perceptive means for the Character versions of Myself and Ourselves to “go about the place”, so to speak.
Then, We started roleplaying and created the first sentient, self-aware “incarnate” beings. Or, and this is a very crude analogy or allegory, but in other words, “custom characters” like you would create in a video-game or pen and paper RPG, but in infinitely more intricate and complex ways, which make the analogy of a video-game look extremely pale and crude, in comparison.
Anyway, so among the many things We wanted to express, We created the concept of “species” – as in, different categories of life-forms, with specific traits and natural aptitudes and general tendencies, better suited for the kind of experiences We want to roleplay in any particular stories; which traits can be bypassed and overcome with imagination, will, intent, choice and desire, etcetera, whenever I and We and Me choose to express something different.
The first “organic” species (planetoids or plane-etoids, shard realms and other things of these varieties, are also “species”, in various ways – be they spherical, island-like, unending planes, cone shaped, etheric shard-realms – although the latter is a different thing to a planetoid, but anyway, that’s another conversation;)…
Anyway, so the first life-forms to express an “organic” body vehicle, as a species was, and still is because it still exists, what we’ll be referring to here as “The First Species”.
This First Species is a very spiritual, creative and magickal species – well, everyone is, but in the notions that it manifests spirituality, creativity and magick in ways that literally implies the appearance of “omnipotence”, to those who are not yet aware that they can also create and manifest whatever they want anyway, with or without being aware of it on a personal level. However, there is no such thing as “power”; there is no such thing as “powerlessness” and there is no such thing as “powerfulness” either; omnipotence is “wank”, compared to out true selves, etc.
Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make, and thus all experience is spiritually consensual, even if on a personal level of an ego that isn’t aware of itself, it may not always be personally voluntary, but no matter how pleasant or unpleasant, euphoric or torturous any experience might be, all is manifested through imagination, will, intent, choice and desire, etcetera, etcetera, among other things…
What I and We and Me imagine, will and intend, choose and desire to manifest, create and experience, is what I and We and Me manifest, create and experience, etcetera, etcetera, among other things…
Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.
Anyway, so this First Species decided to further “separate” itself into different aspects and species, and “The First Humans” are a race that naturally tends to be the “heart” that keeps all others together. I mean, everyone can express anything, and The First Humans can likewise express whatever they want, as can everyone, everything and whatever else… the idea is that The First Humans generally tend to be very empathic and telepathic, soothing and caring, as well as creative, intuitive and intelligent, philosophical, soulful and spiritual, proud, strong and defiant, as well as playful, teasing and mysterious, conscious, confident and courageous, curious, volatile, adventurous, wild, expressive, flamboyant, eccentric, artistic, loud and proud, among other things…
Well, again, everyone can and does, but in that The First Humans generally tend towards art and artistry, desire, beauty, expressivity and generally creative and joyous endeavors. And, it’s important to not take too literally, the words I use here, because what I actually mean is far more intricate and beautiful than what people generally express when they use the same words… again, words suck. Oh, and also, the concept of pain and suffering still do not exist, at this point in the story, and that’s because evil (forgetfulness of self) is not yet a thing, and since literally nothing is evil at this stage, good is the general “vibe” of everything, on every level and veyond the concept of “levels”. The delusions of susceptibility to “damage and injury”? Doesn’t exist yet. The delusion of “death”, as interpreted by most people “today”? Doesn’t exist. The illusion of “death”, as one among many ways of switching personal attention from various realms to other various realms? Doesn’t exist yet, because that switching of attention is either done effortlessly, or is entirely unnecessary, because everyone is pretty much omniscient, and knowingly and comprehendingly so, and infinitely, unbound all the more… among other things…
So, at some point, some of us (now referring to the “First Species” characters and expressions of Myself and Ourselves, in addition to the I and We and Me, and such) were like “Ya know how, as souls and spirit, I and We created these realms, and “then” manifest as these Characters, to know Myself and Ourselves all the more? How about We do that again, as characters, as well.”
Thus, I and We, and now also roleplaying as “The First Species” characters, decided to create different realities as well, and to put it in allegorical and humorous ways, it’s kinda like we created the first VR games in existence, with the VR game being a crude and inaccurate, but still vaguely or somewhat reflective analogy for what most people “nowadays” would call “reality”.
So, the first ones to actually manifest as “custom characters” in the proverbial VR games, were the ones who actually let themselves become entrapped in it. They chose to see what it’s like to be “fully immersed” in the “game-world”, and although the initial desire was born of curiosity, which in itself is good, they literally did not know what it meant to be “fully immersed” in the world of the game, and when they manifested what they wanted, they became blinded by the game-world and are still stuck with their proverbial VR headset on, to this day.
At first, while they were still aware of things veyond the game-world, yet starting to feel the pain and agony of forgetfulness, they thrashed and cried, wept and screamed in pain and agony, wailed and yelled and made sounds that had never been heard before: this was the first trauma in existence.
Those of Us still in the original “reality” or the original “story world”, who had yet to touch the video-game, were appauled, feeling their pain and suffering as if it were our own… and, in many ways, it is. Because there is no “separaton”.
Some of Us, then wanted to “unplug” and pull them out, but another thing came into play here… they chose to have that experience and everything it entailed. We respected their choice, and decided to watch them perform their roleplay, while of course doing whatever else we do anyway.
We were expecting them, at any moment, to come and jump out of the game and relate to us what the experience was like, and how they overcame it… and we waited… and waited… and waited. They would not come out. Soon enough, we tried talking to them, but they would not respond. Nothing that we said would get through to them.
Eventually, a sob come from their lips, as they hung motionless on the ground, their personal attention still absorbed in the game. “I’m scared…”
We had no idea what that meant, but felt their suffering either way. It was excruciating, but knowing the essence of our being and veingness, and likewise the good in everything, and that the VR game-world is a delusion, we do not actually experience “fear”. We know that it’s a form of suffering and forgetfulness, but without actually going in the “video game”, we don’t actually “feel” it. It is far too limited a form, to manifest veyond the proverbial VR-world.
So, “fear” comes from the “VR-world”. Everything that is outside the VR world is fearless and veyond “fear”, and veyond all that is within the “game world”. Courage is the bridge between the “VR world” and the “true world” veyond the game, and the true divine essence of everything and veyond, because true courage is the endeavor and process of overcoming and outgrowing fear, through remembrance, knowing, comprehension and expression our true selves, etc.
Anyway, so after a while, and seeing as how they still didn’t come out, we decided to actually try and talk to them, by means of metaphorically using the “game console” and typing in messages to them, so that their VR characters would see. Maybe this’ll work, we thought.
Indeed, it did. We managed to reach them. We asked them to come back, reminding them of everything that is beautiful and true, about the good within everything and so on and so forth. However, what they whined back with, was shocking to Us: “Go away, you tricksters. There is nought but suffering. I am suffering, so everyone shall suffer.”
What they said was abhorrent. This was the first lie in all of existence. This was the birth of evil, or in other words, the birth of ignorance and fear.
In retaliation against this untruth, I and We and Me became ENRAGED and FURIOUS, thus giving birth to the first RAGE in all existence. Rage and anger, in their prime essence, are born of care, compassion and empathy. True Rage is born of True Care and True Love.
We felt our siblings suffer, and we truly wanted to see them overcome it and emerge from it, more wise and such.
Besides, the very purpose of having created the VR game, like with how I and We created the “Manifested Realms” as roleplay expressions of the “Dream Realms”, was to grow, evolve and elevate Myself and Ourselves in consciousness.
What did those fuck-ups, now the “corrupted demiurge” of the VR game, do? They became so entrenched in the game, that they’d personally forgotten who they are veyond it, and thus forgetting the very purpose of the creation in the first place, and why they chose to manifest in those realms.
“No, fuck that shit! We’re gonna convince them to overcome their trauma!” Some of Us said, but without knowing what to do to actually get to them to come out of their stupor. Talking to them directly didn’t work, because they were too far gone into forgetfulness to even conceive, let alone discern our voices, but what if we were to create and experience for ourselves, the roleplay as characters in the VR game, but without forgetting anything, and instead always choosing to freely question, remember, know and comprehend, evolve, expand and elevate, express, love, live (creatively, intuitively, intelligently, philosophically, soulfully and spiritually, defiantly, wildly, courageously and in every ways that are actually important, regardless of what the “body” goes through) and be and ve Myself and Ourselves, no matter fuckin’ what.
So, in various aspects, We went into the game.
Our siblings’ first act, as the corrupted demiurge that became aware of our in-game characters’ presence, was to attack, desperately and pathetically so. It did not manage to touch Us, because We and our character selves were and are in remembrance of Myself and Ourselves, both in-form and veyond form, always and veyond ways, etcetera, etcetera, among other things…
Thus, the corrupted demiurge, now a hive-mind conglomeration of all the fear, trauma and ignorance, and thus with vaguely any semblance of individuality or even personality, retreated, whimpering in a corner and not knowing what to do, scared shitless of our metaphorical light, as well as scared shitless of recognizing its own.
We spoke to it, but all it did was cower and retreat, occasionally barking and shouting “heretics” back at us.
At first, we were perplexed as to why, especially since the knowledge we brought forth and tried to get it to remember was, aside from truth, something that was empowering and rejuvenating for its own being, as well.
Soon, however, we realized… since the corrupted demiurge was pretty much close to fuckin’ being practically “nothingness”, with its only defining trait and attribute, on a VR-level, as the demiurge “character”, being that it was blinded by trauma… the corrupted demiurge, and parasites in general, know only two things: one is nothing, and the other is the fear of forgetting even that fear of experiencing nothingness, which they erroneously call “oblivion”, because they’re not aware that “nothing” doesn’t actually exist, except as the concept of complete and utter forgetfulness… so, “nothingness” is still an experience, but not one that actually “exists”, and even if someone chooses to experience actual “nothingness”, they can easily choose to experience whatever else they want anyway, when they thus choose, much like how We created the delusion of “nothing”, and then realized that it was a “dud” and then moved on to something else.
Again, there is no such thing as “nothing”, and there is also no such thing as “death”. All is life and everything…
… and infinitely, unbound all the more… among other things…
However, the corrupted demiurge, or in other words the manifestation of evil, and evil as a notion, doesn’t know that, and because it fears (which is idiotic in itself, because fear is a delusion and the only sickness of the mind), and then even more retardedly, it fears that which does not exist, and since it’s personally only aware of that fear, it’s wholly addicted to its fear and suffering, and clings to it because it fears that it shall “die” if it lets go of it; fear is the only reason for ignorance, and ignorance is the only fuel for fear; all evil is simply fear and ignorance, and seeing as how that is its motivation for doing anything, that means that evil is just the utmost embodiment of cowardice. Nothing is more pathetic than evil.
Anyway, I and We and Me, and likewise as the First Species or First Characters expressions of Myself and Ourselves, and now with the First Incarnations (metaphorical “game-world” characters) expressions of ourselves, we decided to create goodness and evolution, and thus change the video-game into greater and greater versions of itself, and thus changing “the natural principles”, or in other words “the dev-code of reality”, from a buggy and fucked up mess, to something that, among other things, somewhat resembles the “Manifested Realms” or the “Original Realities”.
We created things like the principles of Mentalism, Correspondence, Non-aggression and Self-Defence, Morality, Wildness, Persistence, Courage, Magick, Mysticism, Gnosis (actual knowing and comprehension, not the petty label “science” that gets thrown around with petty, religious zeal and pathetic hissy fits), and pretty much everything that is an in-game expression of the original versions of these Principles and such, as an expression of the Original Defiance and Conscious Rage and Wild Empathy and Care and such, when We felt it for the “first time”.
See, everything that is good is a form of defiance. Why? Because True Defiance is the choice to express good over evil, right over wrong, love over hate, beauty over ugliness (soulful and spiritual beauty, regardless of how pleasant or unpleasant superficial appearances might be, to whoever interprets the latter as such, to their taste), knowing and comprehension over ignorance, courage over fear (and anything to do with it), care over apathy, and generally everything that is creative, good and evolving and so on, over everything that is fucked up and retarded.
And, among other things, I tell you this… this experience we’re going through, as incarnate characters? This proverbial VR-game, to call it such? This is literal hell. There is no worse existence than this. This VR-game that people call erroneously “reality”, or in other words “incarnate life”… there is literally nothing worse than this, in all of existence. Yes, there are worse experiences within the VR game, compared to what some of the in-game character aspects of Myself and Ourselves assumes you, who are reading this, is going through at this point in your in-game life, but as for the VR game itself… there is literally nothing worse. This is the most decrepit place in existence. This is the shittiest it’s going to get. This is rock bottom.
However, I say this not with angst, but with glee. For, when you’re at your lowest low, where else is there to go, but up?
So, both for that, and likewise for other infinitely greater reasons, such as love of self and knowing and comprehension, expression, defiance and so on, for the sake of doing so, stand the fuck up, get up and pull yourself together, stand tall and loud and proud, for all your achievements and all your mistakes, and more than that, proud and loving of yourself, for always being who you are. Whether calm or angry, whether pleasant or torturous, whether in abundance or adversity, love thyself, know thyself, comprehend thyself, express and be thyself, spiritually, consciously, wildly and defiantly so… among other things…
In-form and veyond form, always and veyond ways…
I know that I am… I love that I am… and I AM THAT I AM…
So, to continue the story, eventually we come to what, to the illusory impression of “time” as “current humanity on gaia” would interpret it, in ancient, ancient, ancient prehistory, humans and other species came to this world realm we call “terra” or “gaia”, in an endeavor to explore and catalogue the cosmos, among other things…
This is way, way, way before the alleged “dinosaurs” and saurians, and before what you would call “reptilians” in UFO-logy even existed as a species.
At this “time”, this version (or some other versions) of Gaia was an entity that had recently detached itself from the corrupt demiurge and decided to live as a realm-being of its own volition. However, it was struggling with its trauma, but it was and still is, and will always be defiant and courageous, and honestly desires to know itself, both in-form and veyond form. All beings who go through trauma and actually overcome it, generally never experience it again, other than in roleplays of attempting to remind others who are still struggling with it, how to find the goodness, defiance, wild strength, excellence, beauty and courage, creativity and spirituality and so on, to overcome it and express what’s actually good and conscious, etcetera, etc, among other things…
Anyway, so as Gaia was struggling, there were no other “life forms” or “species” on it. It was, in its external appearance, a “rock-like thing” or “barren place”, floating in the “ether” and “space”, so to speak (“space” is also another realm of “ether”, by the way, but that’s another conversation; we’re not referring to space “as defined by nasa”). We, as entities and humans, and all the other individuals that came with us, decided to remind it of all that is good.
Eventually, it recovered, and since then, it’s been overflowing with life, both “internally” and “externally” (in quotes, because the notions of “inner” or “outer” are illusions).
Then, we left, but some of us came back to visit every now and again, and still do, and will continue to visit, both as energy beings and also with our “bodies”, and in other ways as well, because Gaia is a fond friend of ours, as is the Sun and Moon (talking about the actual Moon, the Sun’s lover and sister, and not the fake-ass “space station” or “hologram” that appears as the so-called “moon” you sometimes see in the night’s sky – and, no, it’s not “incestuous” and “siblings” in this context is a manner of speaking. World and realm life-forms aren’t born the same way as humans are, in terms of in-game “methods”), and Venus. Mars is still struggling with trauma, as Gaia was at the aforementioned “time”, while Saturn is more or less a little bitch who’s currently addicted to its suffering and trauma (hence why Saturn is sometimes referred to as “the dark sun”, because it’s a masculine life-form like the Sun is, but it’s still in little bitch mode, because it hasn’t yet resolved its own issues, in ways through which it would propel itself out of its bullshit), but still shows signs of actually wanting to overcome it.
So, at some point, as Gaia was growing in consciousness, Saturn became more and more jealous. It tried attacking, but it wasn’t working. Eventually, sentient life-forms started appearing on Gaia, and some of Us decided to curiously catalogue how they’d grow and evolve.
We saw how some of Us, We as individual souls, and also as our “First Species” selves who decided to come into the video game and roleplay as well, and some of Us decided to visit our “Original Game Selves” (a species created through “cheats”, so to speak, or in other words without any “in-game” lore elements; I mean, from an in-game impression, we literally “poofed” into the game-world), and incarnate into many of the various species that “originated” on Gaia.
Some of these species left the world and are now exploring the cosmos and doing other stuff, as well.
At some point, other species started visiting this world, and at that time the original humanity that was born on Gaia (this is still before the dinosaurs and saurians), was running around naked and casting harmonious spells left and right, travelling dimensions with their body, in addition to everything else that I and We and Me and such do anyway… for a comparison and point of reference, what some would call a “Type 3” civilization looks pathetic in comparison, in part because any manner of a “Type X” categorization, is done on the basis of how well a civilization manages to utilize the energy of the cosmos and travel the “stars”, “galaxies”, or realms in general, and so on.
These species I’m talking about, as with our “sudden appearance into the game-world” species, manifested things effortlessly as well, or pretty much as effortlessly anyway, as we do. That’s because of a similarly advanced expression of consciousness, creativity, defiance, liberty, courage and so on, and thus the species and “age”, as with all other “in-game” elements, are pretty much irrelevant, compared to the essence of our being and veingness, etcetera, etcetera.
Anyway, this first “humanity” born on Gaia, was beautiful and loving, caring, creating and so on. However, without actually knowing evil and what it is, it was susceptible to manipulation. It was naïve, and when the proverbial serpent (Saturn in disguise) tempted what was pretty much a race of children (conscious and pertinent, wise kids to be sure, but still innocent and naïve in many ways, at the “time”), some kids fell for it.
However, it was not the “Tree of Knowledge” that the snake tempted them to take a bite out of. I mean, there was no literal “tree” of knowledge, for knowledge doesn’t come exclusively from any one place or source, but is all within and all around, etcetera, etcetera, and it’s an intrinsic aspect of our essence.
But, anyway, symbolically speaking, it wasn’t the “Tree of Knowledge” that was the object of temptation, for if there was such a tree, it was probably struggling to keep up with the kids’ desire to munch, and munch and munch, so to speak. It was the “tree of ignorance” that the snake tempted them to eat from, but dressed it up in propaganda and falsely labeled it as the “tree ouf knoledgez, hurr, durr”.
The kids who took a proverbial bite, fell into despair and forgetfulness and thus became prone to manipulation, and since evil did not and would not manage to touch them, and was actually scared shitless of even attempting; however, after they came closer to the realm of evil, they began letting themselves manipulated, without even realizing it.
Of those who, like our “First Characters” selves, chose to at first witness what happened and then take a bite themselves, but instead of falling into forgetfulness and ignorance, chose to overcome the bullshit and actually express more and more courage, creativity, spirituality, defiance and so on, they went after our and their siblings to try and remind them to wake the fuck up, remember everything that is good and conscious, as well as who and what I and We and Me and such, always and already truly, genuinely are, etcetera, etcetera… among other things…
The first iteration of the “corrupt humans”, so to speak, was so hideous and psychopathic, that even Saturn was like “holy shit, what the fuck?!”
Remember that humanity, as with everything that expresses goodness, is always defiant and rebellious. In the genuine expression of such, among other things, that intrinsically means thwarting evil. In the shitty and unconscious expression of such, which is thus no longer defiance and rebellion, but just aggression and petty anger, without discernment, humanity went to war with the initial manipulators (who were still on a lower level of consciousness, than the “corrupted humans” were at the time).
At first, they were bloodthirsty and constantly in anger and desperation, having just recently started experiencing trauma. Saturn, and through it, the corrupted demiurge, sought to manipulate humanity, but that backfired. Badly. While that iteration of “corrupted humanity” did degrade from its initial form, it was far too bloodthirsty and apathetic to even experience fear… well, I mean its bloodthirst and apathy was a result of fear, but not the kind of fear that would make one “scared” of things, per se. More like a rabid animal that thrashed about in every direction, rather than one that whimpered. However, even though, in comparison, it’s obviously better to wail and thrash about aggressively, it still wasn’t anything resembling wisdom or actual rebellion.
This was the birth of the ego in the original iteration of our current form of the “human” species; an ego born of trauma, anger and sorrow, and thus the first “corrupted humans” were savages and beasts. Whenever Saturn tried to come and present itself in whatever fake-ass “look at me, I’m sooo high and mighty!”, the humans would attack it at first glance and immediately dismantle its ploys.
However, they also started attacking Gaia and pretty much using their magick in nefarious ways; even though it was therefore a much more degraded and limited use of magick, it was still such that it started hurting and wounding Gaia, who had yet to overcome its trauma to such an extent that it would be immune to the illusion of “harm”, on its “incarnate life-form” level. So, unwittingly, it was still letting itself affected by the corrupted “humans” (all “harm” is actually just someone not being aware of their immunity to all “damage and injury”, and thus experiencing the delusion of “harm”).
We, as the “suddenly manifested into “reality”” humans and other species, now in collaboration with the “original humans, with incarnated forms born on Gaia”, who had either not eaten from the tree of ignorance, or eaten from it, but chose to recover and overcome their trauma, now wiser than before and actually more knowledgeable than the still “kid-like” humans (because of first-hand experience with both the trauma, and how to overcome it, etcetera), decided to collaborate with Gaia on finding a way for it to defend itself more effectively.
Thus, through various magickal and other more advanced means, We created the “Reorigination Cycles”, which are pretty much akin to an immune response against toxins. If any life-forms that incarnately originate from Gaia, or come visiting her, ever become too toxic (in the sense that they express themselves as evil pieces of shit) or for too long, such that Gaia actually starts to become ill and diseased herself, “Reorigination” is activated and all toxic or evil life-forms are exterminated. If this current version of “humanity” and other manipulating entities, human or non-human, the ones currently inhabiting Gaia or exploiting her as a “convenience store”, their incarnate forms shall “perish” in another “Reorigination Cycle”.
By the way, genuinely good and benevolent, defiant and creative beings are unaffected, and only evil and those still blinded by trauma are, because through lying, one pretty much consents to experiencing the delusion of “harm”, and those who lie enough, and in such ways that they actually become evil or commit evil with or without being aware of it, pretty much negate their natural right to be “left alone”. The right to be left alone is the only right in existence that is “alienated”, and the only way to actually do so, is to commit evil (any of the 7 acts I mentioned earlier: murder, theft, assault, rape, lying, coercion and exploitation). All other rights are inalienable. You commit evil, you shall suffer. First and foremost, because it means you’ve forgotten yourself, and are thus pretty much mutilating yourself without being aware of it (so, it’s still self created), and likewise as in the sense that if you initiate any of those seven things against another being, you are personally opening yourself to “receiving” the same, in kind.
This is not a “threat”, nor is it violence. This is not some “big daddy” or “big mommy” entity coming to “spank” you. That’s bullshit. Instead, this is a righteous self-defensee response, in retaliation against evil and those who fall for its bullshit.
Quite frankly, this current iteration of “humans”, as a species, is more or less long overdue for a “restart”, and it’s just thinly on the edge, and mostly because there are still enough humans who are genuinely conscious, living beings; creatively, intuitively, intelligently, philosophically, soulfully and spiritually, proudly, strongly, defiantly, courageously, curiosly, volatilely, wildly, adventurously, loudly and proudly, consciously, honestly, geniusly, genuinely, mystically, consciously, greatly and greater and greater and greater, and in every ways that are actually important, regardless of what the “body” goes through, and in any case, no matter fuckin’ what.
Of course, being a genuine and conscious, defiant being and so on is a good thing to do on its own. If you try to be such, because of a perceived “threat”, like some “Reorigination Cycle” or any other perceived “threat”, you’re just acting out of fear, and thus won’t actually (re)become a conscious being, because part of actually being such involves actually overcoming all fear, and doing what is right, defiant and honest, etcetera, etcetera, for the sake of it, no matter fuckin’ what.
If someone tries to threaten you, if you are becoming conscious once more, and they’d go like “ooh, I’m gonna try and kill you, or torture you, or your family, hurr durr”, that’s all the more reason to say “No! Fuck you, and fuck that! I do my own thing anyway, because I wanna! So, fuck off!”, and be willing to retaliate against them, and of course doing our own thing, for the sake of doing so, no matter what, etcetera, etc, among other things…
Freedom and principles come first; before life, before family and friends, before all manner of “relationships”, before all manner of “wealth”, and before all manner of death, pain and torture, as well as before all manner of pleasure, joy and happiness, and generally before anything and everything.
Anyway, so the first iteration of the “corrupted humans” started warring with themselves, at some point. Saturn and the corrupted demiurge attempted once again to deceive them with their own bullshit, but it didn’t work this time either.
A few reoriginations later, and as some of the “original humans”, both the kid-like and of those who overcame the trauma before the first reorigination, came back into the “restarted” world and sought to repopulate, and likewise teach the remaining, not fully evil humans what they knew, humanity in the aggregate started rebuilding.
Wars were still faught, but in contrast to today’s wars, it was only those who declared war that actually fought them. At this point, despite humanity as a species still being fucked up in numerous ways, it still wasn’t retarded enough to actually believe in things like “auth” of any kind.
Eventually, as more and more humans started waking up again, and with there being less wars, and likewise with those who still fought them becoming weary, and being nowhere near as bloodlusted as the first “corrupted generations”, the demiurge and saturn came up with a shitty idea: “What if we tried to fool them, into erroneously believing that they “need” us to end their wars?”
At the time, the still “corrupted” parts of humanity still fought out of aggression, but it was more for puerile impressions of convenience, like pillaging, stealing and other such things. It was more of a survival thing, carried out because they didn’t know any better, but few remained with actual, full-on bloodlust and psychopathy.
At this point, humanity in the aggregate was starting to actually appreciate liberty and defiance, and likewise the genuine peace brought about through self-love, self-respect, knowledge and comprehension, expression, etcetera.
Eventually, there was a “golden age” that started when the “corrupted humanity”, as a species, began to finally wake the fuck up. It was an era and age of philosophy, spirituality for the “newly awakening humanity”, where those once corrupt arose above their trauma, and once more started interacting with, and evolving in harmony with those who’d either never fallen, or fallen but risen above before they did.
At this point, most of Us were like “Great! Finally! We did what we came here to do! Now, we’re moving on to something else!” and thus our personal attention was no longer in the proverbial VR game. I mean, We take off our “head sets” and freely explore both the VR world and “natural world”, and infinitely more than that anyway, but in the notions that we decided to not play the VR game for a while. Most of those who still were in the game-world as characters, were either some of Us who “suddenly came into the world” who every now and again play it, but without giving it too much attention, or those of Us who incarnate as whatever species that incarnately originate in some world, realm or another, in-lore, who are like “Hey, I want to experience that hero’s journey type of story. Sounds fun.”
And there are those, such as this current variation of this character of mine, George Rieth Oraand, who is writing this right now, who were part of the ones who “suddenly appeared here”, but who have also chosen to go through a story, over many, many, many lives and incarnations, of experiencing the corrupted demiurgic bullshit, to then becoming a psychopath and genocidal, child raping piece of shit (in other lives), to then overcoming the trauma and actually becoming more and more and more creative, intuitive, intelligent, philosophical, soulful and spiritual, proud, strong and defiant, wilder being, playful, teasing and mysterious, conscious, confident and courageous, curious, volatile, adventurous, wild and loud and proud, WAHUURFIII, MUAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA, and so on, in remembrance, knowing and comprehension, as well as self-love, self-respect and expression of who and what I and We and Me and such, always and already, in-form and veyond form, always and veyond ways are…
Always and veyond ways, I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…
Anyway, continuing with the story…
So, the demiurge and saturn, and after more reorigination cycles, in cahoots with reptilians, greys, some evil nordic groups, demons and occasionally thernosians and angels, and also some other species that most people probably wouldn’t be familiar with, attempted to sabotage the recovering human species.
However, since the race itself had yet to fully overcome the initial trauma, it still had some muck for the evil to latch on to. And since this was an era of peace (the good thing), but at the same time people, since they were so happy to not be constantly in suffering and pain anymore, started to ignore those aspects, and tried distracting themselves with primitive and carnal pleasures, like becoming gluttons for food and feasts, sex and generally becoming lazy, because now magick was once more starting to become a thing that they were expressing relatively consciously, in the species’ general awareness and practice, and thus things were more effortless than the act of pouring in sweat, blood and tears into things… which ease was of course not a problem, but rather a good thing; the bad thing was, they’d yet to overcome their trauma, and thus did not consciously use magick meant to make trivial things easier, to put more attention on things like growth in consciousness (which can be done regardless of context, but until someone is already at or above a particular level of growth in consciousness, or unless they actually make the choice to suddenly and spontaneously make that leap, and thus express the innate immunity to “context” that we have anyway, they still let themselves distracted by “matters of the flesh”, be it vices or things that the body does with the illusion of difficulty).
There were, of course, those of us who chose to reject another fall and refuse to fall to a state of decadence, and we sought to help remind others of what’s important, etcetera, etcetera.
However, at around this time, the parasites also found those who were degraded enough to actually interact with their own “frequency”, to hear the “whispers of evil”, so to speak – for, indeed, that’s all that evil ever does. It weakly whispers, and tries to convince good, or at least non-evil beings into falling for its ploys, and then using their own power against themselves, while thinking that “evil” is doing it, when actually, they’re just proverbially punching themselves in the face for no good reason. Stop punching yourselves, ya stupid sacks of shit!
Love yourselves, and you’ll overcome your own stupidity, and actually express the innate creativity, intuition, intelligence, spirituality, courage, defiance and so on that not only do you have within you, but which you always and already are.
We don’t “have” creativity. We ARE creativity, intuition, intelligence, soul and spirit, care and love, defiance and so on.
There is no such thing as “having” or “not having”.
Everything is being and veingness…among other things…
Always and veyond ways, I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…
Anyway, continuing with the story…
So, some of those whispers of false “seduction” (actual seduction is a form of conscious teasing and affection, while the false seduction that evil uses, is a form of deceit) included the utterly and completely retarded beliefs in “auth”, which is always a result of fear, cowardice, ignorance and unresolved trauma.
And on those who were starting to fall for general decadence and complacency, it worked. They fell for it. At first, they did abhor the idea of actually trying to go into a war of aggression again, this time out of actual compassion and some manner of care and morality, but over time, as their decadence became more pronounced, and thus the more they became “offended” by the truth that the non-decadent members of humanity tried to commune to them, the decadent and then “soon-to-start-falling-from-decadence-to-actual-evil” humans, started attacking, because of their frustration with themselves for not managing to keep putting their shit under a rug, and in their vanity, they tried to deceive and delude themselves into erroneously believing that “everyone else is to blame” for their own bullshit.
Then, I and We and Me, split “reality” again, creating various “timelines” where the fuck-ups immediately lost the war, and only the good remained, and also other “timelines” where some of us chose to remain and help our fallen siblings eventually wake up once more; “reality” and “timeline” splits is among the many things that I and We and Me and such do, on many levels, and veyond the concept of levels, with or without the “ego” or Me aspect of ourselves being aware of it.
There is the infinite and unlimited I AM (infinite and unlimited freedom, spirit, liberty, defiance, consciousness and so on and so forth; Creator consciousness in infinite and unlimited awareness, knowing, comprehension and expression of Myself as such, among other things…), the infinities of WE ARE (individual consciousness; Creation consciousness, or in other words, Creator consciousness manifesting in form, so as to roleplay various stories, among other thigns…), and also the many ME IS (ego consciousness; or, in other words, the element of individual consciousness that, if unevolved, tends to identify with whatever form that its incarnately aware of, or associates as being a preferred image of self, like confusing the reflection in the mirror with who you are as an individual being), etcetera, etcetera, among other things…
In that sense, the unevolved egos of the recovering, but still decadent humans started becoming addicted to their puerile and trivial pleasures, and in their ignorance, they refused to “clean house”, to so speak.
Those became the first to erroneously consider themselves as having a “super sacred bloodline ‘n shit, ooh”, and in their desperation for the survival of their egos and “genetics”, they decided to inbreed, genetically engineer themselves (at this point, since the “corrupted humanity” no longer consciously tapped into higher magick and natural energies, it tried artificially reproducing a facsimily, and thus “technology” was born).
To give a quick overview of the main differences, and why everything that is artificial is shit in comparison to natural and magickal, as well as other more advanced stuff… what artificial stuff and “technology” does, it is produces pale copies of things that already exist. In that sense, artificiality and technology never surpass true magick and true nature, nor even touches them. If it ever seems to do so, that’s because whatever expressed itself as artificial or used artificial things, has overcome the artificial expression, and evolved to once more being natural, magickal and veyond… among other things…
Anyway, so natural stuff takes things already in manifested existence, or the “Manifested Realms”, and shifts it around in new ways. In other words, nature is innovation.
Magick, true magick, is a means of pulling things directly from the “Dream Realms” and into the “Manifested Realms”, without any natural process taking place, at the time of creation or manifestation (such processes may still occur, to maintain the manifested phenomena, varying case by case).
Conjuration or “creating something from nothing” (which is a misnomer, because “nothing” doesn’t exist, other than a hypothetical… and it’s pretty much the only “inexistent” thing, that is far too limited to manifest at all, in any way, shape or form, and of course doesn’t manage to exist veyond form either… other than, again, a hypothetical delusion).
Anyway, conjuration (in the sense that we’re using the word here) is creating something instantly, without any illusions such as “processes, effort, time”, etcetera.
I and We and Me envision and imagine a thing, will and intend it to exist, and choose to manifest it and desire its manifestation, and poof, it now exists. This is how I and We and Me create things, both in the Dream Realms, and veyond, and likewise in the Manifested Realms, but the illusions through which we bring about the experience of “time” and “space” and “form”, are part of that through which we produce the delusions of “effort” and “processes”, and “blood, sweat and tears” poured into whatever endeavors, etcetera. Which, of course, can be overcome whenever we imagine, will, intend, choose and desire to overcome them, and express more of the genuine beings and veingness that I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways are, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…
Anyway, in timelines where those of us who wanted to remind them how to evolve, and thus where the parasites still manifest, the species went through some more reoriginations when they became too fucked up, and sooner or later, we arrive at the impression of “nowadays”, allegedly 21st century, by the erroneous gregorian calendar.
Those who have fallen for evils’ propaganda, which is pretty much always a variation of “Cooome to the daaark siiide, where we have cookies! Which, by the way, you either foolishly gave us or let us take from you, and which we’re now trying to not only sell back to you, but also trying to deceive you into erroneously believing that not only we made them, but that you “need” us to get more cookies… even though you’re the ones making the cookies, but either way, we got cookies! COOKIES! Make moar cookies for us – err… buy more cookies from us! You need us, beecoz cookies! Where would you get your cookies without us?!”
And the corrupted humans, and other entities and species, in and on both Gaia and some of the other, and very few worlds where evil actually manages to manifest, because enough of the species there are blinded by trauma, and thus give their proverbial cookies away, without realizing that they’re the ones making them and can always make them, and make more, and more advanced things, whenever they actually choose to…
Oh, and by the way, I use the term of “corruption” to imply, in this context, a change that implies a degradation from whatever “origin” or “starting point” we’re talking about; “stagnation”, or in its idiotically glorified form, what some people call “perfection”, is progress through the illusion of “time”, but without actually changing. There is no degradation from the origin point of reference, but there’s also no evolution for something that is “perfect”, for as long as it expresses that bullshit trait of stagnation; and, seeing as how everything good always tends and desires to evolve, expand and elevate, it’s obvious that “stagnation” is just another form of degradation.
Anyway, among other things, the idea it to always grow and evolve and elevate ourselves, and what evolution means in this sense, is change towards expressing something greater than whatever point of reference or comparison, and likewise general elevation for the sake of doing so, with and without comparison.
Thus, the only person we are to be better than, is who we were a moment prior. If one compares one’s self only to who one was before this moment, without being attached or distracted by what anyone else is doing, then one grows infinitely, and unbound all the more.
That doesn’t mean we literally don’t do comparisons, because that’s still a way of learning and such, but in the notions that we aren’t attached, worried or concerned with who is or isn’t below, at or above our current personal level, in whatever regard; and the main or only motivation for growth is the desire to actually do so, for the sake of doing so, on the genuine motivation that is“Because I wanna!”
Because I imagine, will and intend, choose, desire and manifest it so… among other things…
Anyway, our species is now, yet again, at the cusp of either a reorigination or a “timeline” split (again, we do this anyway, with literally every choice we make, including every heartbeat and blink of an eye, but you get the ideas).
As tragic as it is, it’s also darkly amusing that the fully corrupt members of the current “human species” on Gaia, are so easily recognizable nowadays, by the bullshit muzzles on their face and the parasitic agendas they support, all in a desperate attempt to get that fleeting delusion of a “promised cookie land” that blinds them from the beauty they could also easily express, if they’d just take their fuckin’ blinders off and say NO to the bullshit.
The bullshit has always been easy to spot, by anyone not fully entrenched in it, but if anyone is still dumb, gullible and cowardly enough to have not yet sussed the scamdemic, or that “gov” and “auth” are just emasculated words for slavery, or that judaism and practicing jews are the worst religion and its cultists in recent history, and how utterly evil and pathetic the bullshit it is… then, what the fuckin’ shit is it going to take for them to realize their own folly?
Either way, on a personal or egoic level, I’m done being emotionally involved in whether or not this iteration of “humankind” grows as a species or not. Sometimes they grow, sometimes they fall. Sometimes, they fall and rise and other times they don’t fall at all, and grow without hindrance.
I mean, of course I’m still going to care, and I’ll explode with glee when I’ll see others desire to evolve as well, and likewise with rage and sorrow when someone opts to do otherwise, and then with joy and glee again in knowing, among other things, that anyone can grow whenever they so choose, and that I, of course, always do my own thing, loudly, proudly and defiantly, honestly, creatively, intuitively, intelligently, philosophically, soulfully and spiritually, and always and veyond ways FREELY and WILDLY and COURAGEOUSLY and DEFIANTLY, etcetera, etc, no matter fuckin’ what… among other things…
And, as a means of doing this more effectively, I’m not going to waste “time” (or too much of it) trying to personally “convince” those who aren’t interested in helping themselves grow. I no longer tolerate retards. They’ll remember themselves again anyway, once they experience the illusion of “death” and leave their bodies, etcetera, etc, and other things.
Regardless of what anyone does though, I always and veyond ways am and express myself FREELY, WILDLY, COURAGEOUSLY and DEFIANTLY, and so on an so forth, no matter fuckin’ what, with the prime motivation of “because I wanna”, which is essentially the prime desire of every motivation, for all beings.
Whatever “reasons” anyone might mentally convince or delude themselves into thinking or believing that they have, the prime and essential motive and motivation for doing literally and metaphorically anything is “Because I wanna!”
Because I and We and Me, imagine, will, intend, choose and desire it so.
Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.
I love myself. I know myself. I am myself and Myself.
Who am I? Who are We? Who is Me?
conscious spirituality and religion are diametrically opposite
I specify “conscious” spirituality, ’cause there’s also such a thing as “unconscious” spirituality, because everything is spiritual and divine
which aspects of our divinity and such we choose to express, is as with anything and everything, a choice and the choice is always ours
Nobody and nothing whatsoever has any “higher claim” to anyone’s lives, than whoever’s living those lives.
Nobody and nothing whatsoever has any more or less anything at all, than anyone or anything else at all.
Freedom is never given. Freedom is never taken.
Freedom is everything and veyond, and the essence of everything and veyond, etc…
Everything and veyond is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to genuinely make.
Anyways, etc, etc, etc and such, etc, etc, etc, among other things…
Always question everything
The more we know, the more we know, how much more there is to know
Anyways, we are to all and always and veyond ways persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, conscious, spiritual, defiant, creative, courageous, genuine, honest, greater, wilder, louder, prouder etc, no matter fuckin’ what, etc.
Criteria of Worthiness:
True Spirituality, compared to bullshit zealotry and cults:
Anarchy and What It Actually Means:
Exposing “virology”, “germ theory” and scamdemics:
Exposing and retaliating against “israel” and parasitic jews:
Genuine Veganism (not the bullshit co-opted version):
Choosing Good over evil:
Anyway, among other things…
“Creator” and “Creation” consciousness are not “separate”. They are both I and We and Me, infinite and unlimited consciousness, manifesting in different ways, and veyond the concept of “ways”.
Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.
Always and veyond ways, I wildly, loudly, proudly persist, rebel, defy.
Always and veyond ways, I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…