the pen and the sword should be used together, among other things…

It is rather tragically amusing, and often infuriating as well, to look at people and see how pathetic and emasculated they’ve let themselves become, pretending that they give a shit about, or indeed even fathom what true goodness and morality look like, but with barely having any spine or courage enough to confront the darkness […]

infantile “adulthood” versus genuine maturity, etc, among other things…

For the sake of clarity and such, among other things, I’ll mention that there is nothing wrong with working to achieve something, nor is it wrong to voluntarily organize with other people with shared interests, towards whatever goal or purpose. Quite on the contrary. However, how often have you heard from people the phrase “you […]

The Parable of Two Travelers, among other things…

There was once an old and wise adventurer, who gazed into the realms veyond, wondering and pondering infinities of things. “I feel as though I’ve done everything I wanted to do, in this world. Yet, how am I still here, if that is so?” “I dunno. How about we find out?” The voice of a […]

“What the fuck” versus “what the hell”; and the honesty of expression, among other things…

Intelligence has nothing to do with the words you use. It has to do with comprehending things veyond the lens of things like bias, opinion, belief, etc. Intelligence also has to do with, among other things, how well one discerns things about themselves, both in-form and veyond form, what they do and why they’re doing […]

Genuine Spirituality, compared to bullshit zealotry and cults; also, how to overcome all hardship and see the true meaning of things, among other things…

It is profoundly pathetic to constantly come across such pathetic excuses for “people”, that hate themselves to such an extent that they would literally view themselves as “insignificant specks” or “instruments” of what they erroneously call “divine will”. Creatures who are so engulfed and immersed in their self-hatred, that they literally attempt to abdicate any […]

The Utter Importance of Clarity and Honesty, as well as Depth and Profoundness… among other things…

It is profoundly sickening, infuriating to the so-called “high heavens” and disgusting to the “lowest of hells”, how shallow and superficial most people in this pathetic excuse for a so-called “society” are. How deeply addicted they are to their “comfort” and “convenience”, and how they shy away from anything to do with true and meaningful […]

To grow up and become your true self, be a child again… among other things…

Long have the miserable wretches of this world shackled themselves to the wall of their own prison, having forgotten who they are as they ineptly seek to “identify” and “associate” with things bereft of life and profound meaning; and in their amnesia and self-loathing, they look upon those of us whose legs and wrists are […]

Our lives are our own, and we are responsible for ourselves; also, among other things…

In this article, I’m going to address one of the most profoundly cowardly and idiotic mentalities in existence, which is the “saviour” mentality, and I’ll also remind people that we are infinite and unlimited consciousness. In other words, nobody and nothing has a higher claim to our lives than we do. No “god”, no “jesus”, […]

Morality and nutrition, among other things…

Although it obviously may not be the same level of outright evil as industrial factory farming, local farming is still an expression of evil intent (although the farmers may not actually be evil, but are exhibiting psychopathic behaviour towards other species), because it still treats animals like “commodities”, rather than actual living beings. Unless they […]

Be aware of everything, but focus on the good things

Most people nowadays have the unfortunate habit, or worse, compulsion to either blindly “focus” on the things that they perceive as either “good” or “bad”, mostly in relationship to whether or not their ego likes or dislikes the implications of the things or knowledge in question. However, judging the quality or truthfulness of whatever aspect […]

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