Did your friends and family take the jab? Well, fuck ’em, then.

While the affirmation in this article’s picture is not wrong (although “necessity” doesn’t exist, aside from as an illusion, but that’s another conversation), it is also worth mentioning that loving someone doesn’t mean putting up with their bullshit. It means, among other things, both appreciating and berating them when they deserve it. Aside from that, […]

Do your kids have “ADHD”? NO, they don’t! They are brimming with creativity, joy and excitement.

So, you think your kids have that “drastic” and “ooh, much bad, such nasty”, deceptively labeled as “disease” thing called “ADHD”? Guess what? NO, THEY DON’T HAVE AN “ILLNESS”!!! No such thing as “ADHD”. That’s just another bullshit excuse to poison kids and pump them full of addictive, synthetic and pretty much heroin based drugs, […]

Why good always wins, and evil always loses

In this world, where machinations and malicious plots are being carried out throughout the year, day in – day out, where schemes and ploys have been brewing about for many millennia, in the endeavor to deceive humanity towards forgetting itself and its divine nature (as is the nature of everything)… most people might erroneously assume […]

Free will, divine will and chaos will are one and the same

The illusion of experiences where there seems to be no conscious input from the “in-world” character-form (you, as an incarnate individual or living being), comes from the persona or ego (an expression of the soul and spirit) not being aware of what it does, as the self that’s “roleplaying” as the character or person in […]

You still believe in pharma? Well, I got a bridge to sell you. Here are the keys.

Three people walk into a bar. One of them grabs a bunch of beers and chugs them up. Another gets several glasses of whiskey and liquor, while the other one gets himself some absinthe. They all get drunk, have a hangover and occasionally get sick from all the alcohol poisoning, if they get drunk frequently […]

Have patience and compassion, but be firm and know when to retaliate

Violence. The last resort of conscious beings, and the first resort of idiots and parasites. Although, it’s inaccurate to say even that, because violence itself is the initiation of “force” against someone who has done neither you, nor anyone else, any wrong. In the case of “force” being used as a last resort in the […]

What is truth?

What is truth? It is often the case that the word “truth” is often thrown around by ignorant people, who really really wanna believe something, to an extent that they confuse said belief with what the truth actually is. Such people have no discernment, until they overcome the mental and emotional ineptitude that is “faith”, […]

Always be original, honest and genuine

What does being creative and imaginative mean? What are creativity, imagination and will? What are freedom, liberty and defiance? In senses veyond senses, in infinities of ways and veyond the very notion and concept of “ways”, I and we are infinite and unlimited freedom, spirit, consciousness and potential… no beginning and no end of any […]

Love and the desire for closeness

What is love? I mean genuine, conscious and spiritual love; not the wishy washy “I love ya ‘cause I fancy ya, or because there’s some pleasure or convenience involved.” Genuine love is not something that words alone would manage to describe. And, no, I’m not talking about the fallacy of someone erroneously assuming something to […]

Love makes no compromise; love does what is right, no matter what

I want to share with you what are perhaps some of the most profoundly disgusting ways that mindless and self-loathing morons use nowadays, as a means of excusing their complacency and addiction to their own enslavement. This would-be “conversation” started with a person who is (but who is gradually starting to no longer be, at […]

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