Category: Articles

spiritual and philosophical arguments for morally driven nutrition (therefore, rejection of carnism and eventually even veganism), among other things…

The problem with “veganists” who are unhealthy, is that they don’t know what to eat and they fall for bullshit “diets” and other such “programs”, that are designed to actually get your body in a deficient, unhealthy state, so that you’d then either die on that “diet” or move back to the immoral and retarded […]

courage, love and spirituality are prime sources for morality, etc, among other things…

It is rather profoundly disgusting to look around in our current and pathetic, so-called “society” and witness how, for all their talk and boasting that they are “good people”, most of “humanity” nowadays has barely any smidget of a semblance of an idea what true morality actually is. Some would suggest, of course erroneously, that […]

why ‘straight’ is the greater sexuality, etc, among other things…

Well, well, what an “interesting” era we live in nowadays; one in which, apparently, articles such as this even “require” being put to paper in the first place, for it seems that a particular section of the population, as much buzz that they erroneously make around their beliefs, still fail to recognize that opinions, whims […]

the clear and profound beauty of complexity and intricacy, among other things…

As one grows to express greater complexity and intricacy, so too does one’s intrinsic greatness come forth into the realms of manifestation, and as one probes deeper into the divine insight of the true and genuine, unbound self, thus adding to the layers of one’s expressed depth and clarity of wisdom, the more profound and […]

Yes, we can; Yes, we will; Yes, we are; among other things…

What does it mean to change the world? What does it mean to change reality?  What does it mean to change one’s self, to change everything else? You look around today, in this pathetic excuse for a so-called “society”, with the mindless masses of self-loathing golems and walking corpses (for, indeed, to truly live means […]

expressing empathy and righteousness for everyone, including other species, among other things…

People have both good and evil within them, and the difference between how much good and bad stuff people do in the world, is a choice between which aspects of themselves they decide to actually manifest and express. In that sense, if someone it unprincipled, they may very well express moral and upright attitudes towards […]

Freedom, anarchy and the end of slavery

First and foremost, we are to question, remember, know and comprehend who I and we always and already are. I and we are all and always free and freedom, imagination, will and intent… infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things… Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make. When we […]

conscious relationships, and why marriage is bullshit; also, among other things…

Another title for this article could’ve been “why marriage is pointless and irrelevant”, but I felt that the current one is more appropriate, because something being pointless just means it has no weight in terms of changing things for better, nor worse. In other words, it’s irrelevant because it doesn’t actually produce any change. It’s […]

Everyone can do anything and everything, among other things…

Everything is divine, divinity and veyond… once we recognize this, and consciously integrate the knowledge into our motivations and what we actually do, we’ll change the world because we’ve changed ourselves to actually become the change. In actuality, everyone’s already changing the world, for better or worse, through the quality of who they are and […]

the pen and the sword should be used together, among other things…

It is rather tragically amusing, and often infuriating as well, to look at people and see how pathetic and emasculated they’ve let themselves become, pretending that they give a shit about, or indeed even fathom what true goodness and morality look like, but with barely having any spine or courage enough to confront the darkness […]

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