Category: Parenting

“What the fuck” versus “what the hell”; and the honesty of expression, among other things…

Intelligence has nothing to do with the words you use. It has to do with comprehending things veyond the lens of things like bias, opinion, belief, etc. Intelligence also has to do with, among other things, how well one discerns things about themselves, both in-form and veyond form, what they do and why they’re doing […]

The Utter Importance of Clarity and Honesty, as well as Depth and Profoundness… among other things…

It is profoundly sickening, infuriating to the so-called “high heavens” and disgusting to the “lowest of hells”, how shallow and superficial most people in this pathetic excuse for a so-called “society” are. How deeply addicted they are to their “comfort” and “convenience”, and how they shy away from anything to do with true and meaningful […]

Why politeness is bullshit; also, the utter importance of actually being honest with ourselves and each other, both in-form and veyond form, among other things…

As for a “commentary” on the featured picture of this article, what most people nowadays call “reality” is generally a “fantasy” that people often associate with, and what they call “fantasy” is often a “reality” that they don’t associate with. Either way, more apt words to use in that picture’s quote would be “sincere, honest, […]

Self love, rebellion, defiance and spiritual, conscious arrogance, versus vanity, narcissism and self-loathing

It is a rather infuriating thing that many people in this world haven’t even the slightest hint of self-love, and some even hate themselves, as is evident in their general behaviour and demeanor. Such “people”, whom I refer to as either “the dead” or “dying”, for indeed they merely exist – and in their attachment […]

Always being genuine and truthful; also, why “society” is a lie

Well, seeing how it’s always true that I and We always are, create and manifest everything and everythingness, and much, much, much more than that, we never “give our brush” to anyone anyway; the worst that happens is that we use it ineptly and unconsciously. However, when we choose to do it aptly and consciously, […]

Love and the desire for closeness

What is love? I mean genuine, conscious and spiritual love; not the wishy washy “I love ya ‘cause I fancy ya, or because there’s some pleasure or convenience involved.” Genuine love is not something that words alone would manage to describe. And, no, I’m not talking about the fallacy of someone erroneously assuming something to […]

Love makes no compromise; love does what is right, no matter what

I want to share with you what are perhaps some of the most profoundly disgusting ways that mindless and self-loathing morons use nowadays, as a means of excusing their complacency and addiction to their own enslavement. This would-be “conversation” started with a person who is (but who is gradually starting to no longer be, at […]

Vaccines are bullshit. Big Pharma is a cartel that profits off trying to keep people in a state of constant sickness.

First and foremost, I want to ask you a moral question: do you think it is ever moral or right, for someone to try and force you – or anyone, for that matter – to do something against your expressed consent? No? Good. Let’s continue. I recently came across this article ( that basically attempts […]

Raising kids to be spiritual and creative, intuitive and intelligent, responsible and strong people.

First off, I want to mention that if we, as soul and spirit, choose to experience something in life – whatever that may be – we’ll manifest it, no matter what in-reality circumstances we might come across. All of which are actually there as means for us to do what we came here to do. […]

We don’t stand for this! This is child exploitation and manipulation! Stop sexualizing kids, motherfuckers!

I mean, holy fucking shit! I occasionally read and watch stuff about how “pedophiles should also adopt children”, or things about how “pole dancing isn’t sexualizing kids”… while the little girls wear skin tight, revealing clothing and spread their legs before an audience. “Oh, we’re not sexualizing kids. We’re just, um… teaching them about their […]

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