Category: Spirituality and Philosophy

Genuine knowing, comprehension and research vs. confirmation bias

I’d say “change your lifestyle” instead of “vote with your lifestyle”, since “voting” is just a bullshit political scheme to give people the impression that they’re changing things for the better, when in actuality they’re helping maintain a slavery system by “opting” for a different puppet to whip them across the back slightly differently than […]

Misconceptions about anarchy; and why “government” and “authority” are just euphemisms for slavery.

Except I wouldn’t use the term “please”; neither in general, nor in the context at hand. I would tell them flat out, to their face, that they’re immoral sacks of shit for supporting slavery (at least, in that aspect of their persona; they may very well be at least decent people in other aspects, just […]

Be a child. Be “unreasonable”. Be yourself…

You look around nowadays, and pretty much a majority of people (albeit in declining numbers) are still wallowing in despair and misery, so entrenched in their programmed “rat-race” mentality and so addicted to their routine of mediocrity and stagnation, that for as long as they have that limiting view of themselves and of life, they […]

Seeing through the bullshit of those with cognitive dissonance – including those who still excuse the tyrannical bullshit

Although it’s pretty much expected of the general masses, especially in such situations where people let themselves blinded by fear and propaganda, I still shake my head and find it particularly impressive (in a negative sense) how people who are indoctrinated still maintain their cognitive dissonance and do or/and condone something that is completely against […]

Forgive, but never forget. Keep the sword in one hand, and the paint brush in the other.

This is the first “astral-travel”, “alternate reality memory”, “past-present-future life recall” and so on that I’ll share on the internet, in a written form. For a few years, I’ve been logging some of my travels and memories from other lives, lifetimes, realms and whatever rlse, and this particular one that I want to talk about […]

Message to anyone who supports the draconian bullshit

This article is directly aimed at the people who support the blatantly tyrannical impositions that most countries are attempting to impose during this overhyped coronavirus scam-demic, as well as a means of trying to help people who are aware of what’s going on and standing up against it, in their attempt to try and explain […]

Some of my current discernments about the scam-demic

So, it’s been a rather fucked up time for humanity, and it’ll probably continue for a while longer, with the changes for the better or worse for our world and society hinging on what we all do, both in these times, as well as in general. Both spiritually, non-physically and physically, as well as in […]

Stand up in freedom, and never accept any form of slavery

So, I wrote a few other articles on this whole plannedemic or fakedemic (in addition to the first one), exposing part of what I’ve come to discern are some of the implications and manipulations behind the whole thing. However, in this particular one, I want to recount an encounter I had with a bunch of […]

Let’s talk coronavirus panic and long-term agenda, reported numbers and other statistics

Okay, I didn’t initially want to cover stuff about this story, because I generally want to write about spiritual, philosophical, psychological and other more esoteric things on this site, instead of going with “trendy shit” or “riding the news wave”. However, seeing as how the parasites are attempting to distribute what’s basically become “fear porn” […]

Freedom is the answer, and why slavery is never a “solution” to anything

I recently spent some time spreading the messages about freedom and anarchy, as well as stuff exposing the slavery system of our current society, to an “audience” that was not aware of such things, and most of whom were devout zealots of the plantation (a.k.a. the cult of “government” and so-called “authority”). I wanted to […]

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