The Great Importance of Self Elevation and Improvement, among other things… also, why chatgpt and artificial things are bullshit

You may have heard or read, in recent months, about this thing called chatGPT, that gullible people seem to faun over like a fat dog who’s just discovered a remote that brings it food whenever it desires, but is too addicted to the convenience, to realize that the ingredients are artificially altered to poison and […]

True Defiance and Rebellion, versus hissy fits

It is always infuriating for me, whenever I see someone erroneously associating the righteous principles of defiance and rebellion, with a “teenage phase” that “eventually passes, man”. To all of you who have that retarded belief, and you think you’ve already had your “rebellious phase”, then you were a better man or woman in your […]

The greater the ambitions, the greater the achievements… among other things…

It is always true that the greater one’s dreams are, the greater things they manifest, both in-life and veyond life. One’s achievements are directly proportional to one’s ambitions, and likewise to how consciously they bring them about. The more we seek to do, the more we actually do. The problem that most people have in […]

The True Meaning of Defiance and Rebellion, among other things…

It is painful and infuriating to watch how the world burns, and at the same time witness those same people who claim that they are “good” and “want to make the world a better place”, conducting and adopting behaviours that help produce the exact opposite of what they claim. I’m not talking about only the […]

Genuine diversity versus the illusion of “diversitaaah”

Seriously, what’s the big fuckin’ debate about? Rather than go on about different bullshit excuses like “oh, we’re preserving our self-interest”, or whatever else, how about we strip away the facade and ask the actually relevant, essential questions. Does a particular notion, idea, concept or whatever, imply the initiation of murder, theft, assault, rape, lying, […]

Rebellion and the realms of consciousness… among other things..

It is utterly deplorable and disgusting, to see how many “people” today are still acting like golems and mindless automatons, portraying themselves as “individuals”, but who are practically walking corpses that pretend to be alive, or indeed even “human”. Of course, the minority of the corpses that I’m talking about are the parasites, the dark […]

Why politeness is bullshit; also, the utter importance of actually being honest with ourselves and each other, both in-form and veyond form, among other things…

As for a “commentary” on the featured picture of this article, what most people nowadays call “reality” is generally a “fantasy” that people often associate with, and what they call “fantasy” is often a “reality” that they don’t associate with. Either way, more apt words to use in that picture’s quote would be “sincere, honest, […]

Make progress, not excuses

Although there are many kinds of people, and the intricacy of every individual is unique to one’s own, this particular quote or saying appears to aptly illustrate part of my personal disdain towards most people: “There are (with regards to this particular expression of behaviour, etc) two kinds of people: those who make excuses, and […]

The true meaning of forgiveness

I will start this article with a story, revealing an experience through which I integrated more of the knowing and comprehension that I was already, well… knowing and comprehending; in this case to do with what it truly means to express forgiveness; towards one’s self, as well as another, and everyone and everything. … among […]

The true meaning of courage

There is only one thing through which consciousness experiences limitation: lying. To lie means to forget one’s self, and opt to don a shallow, feeble, vain façade, through which to deceive one’s personal self, into experiencing the utter delusions that the notions of “struggle” and, worse, evil. There is a purpose to the experience of […]

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